1. What were scientists and educators thinking when they allowed the teachings of evolution (not so much a theory anymore) to be reduced to the idea that man evolved from apes?
    I don't know -- but it has produced a society of apes. Seriously, I am unimpressed with much of western society and what it has degenerated into. Whenever I have cause to speak with someone bored and bred in the west, I generally draw a great intake of breath, quite prepared for some casual dominance and submission idiocy.

    You know what though? I'm not an ape. And I'm also way too clever for your operant conditioning techniques, which are supposed to turn me into a busy and productive little worker.

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  2. I always enjoyed the impunity of the right wing refrain, “If you don’t like it here, go back to where you came from.” So resolute, so transcendent of any and all material realities it appeared.

    And yet, and yet, it still (apparently) needs translation. “If you don’t like it here…… go back where? live where?….” not all parts of the earth are fit for decent human habitation — and that is partly because the world is a GLOBAL community, where what happens politically in Australia can affect events as far away as …I dunno… Africa?

    So, in effect, the glorious right wing refrain echos the views entailed in Howard’s Pacific Solution. Namely, “If you don’t like it here, go and live AT THE BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN WITH NEPTUNE.”

    I’m facetious of course — But ask yourself, why was “children overboard” such a credible scenario?

    It echoed the right wing refrain that there are two choices, to live here or at the bottom the ocean -- like this was a god's honest truth about our options!

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