1. They are in danger of revealing all the strings and mechanisms that cause the patriarchal system to function.

    Ideally partriarchy wants to keep you on tenterhooks: "If only I just yield a little more of my values and interests, perhaps it will give me security and prosperity."

    Patriarchy needs to maintain a level of uncertainty about whether something that appears to be meanspirited actually has a benevolent side.

    Then along comes a troll and spoils the subtle effect that patriarchy has been for so long creating.

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  2. Of course it works on the basis of divide and rule. There will always be people weaker than thou to look down upon -- or, alternatively, people who just look weak because that is the way they are portrayed.

    But, let me tell you one thing: So long as you are not one hundred percent obedient to the status quo, you, too, can become the victim of a right wing propaganda offensive.

    If you have ever had even a minor disagreement with your boss, you have already overwhelmingly demonstrated your irrationality. For, who is the more powerful -- them or you? Since they are the more powerful out of the two of you, your position in disagreeing with them, even in a civil way, is merely emotional. As for them, the superiority of their rationality is demonstrated by the amount of power they have over you. If they were not rational by that measure, they would not have the power to tell you what to do.

    Another factor: The degree of distress that you exhibit in your disagreement with the authorities just goes to show how emotional you are! (Yeees it dus, yes it dus, coochi koo!)

    If you were truly rational at all, you would be walking in lockstep with your superiors, who have already demonstrated that they know better.

    Divide and rule.

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  3. There is a part of my chronological continuous self that is missing. It has various reference points in memory, but none in feeling. I am unable to access the feelings and capacities of that self. It is the self that spans from about 12-16. During this time, I had more or less conformed to a fairly passive identity, since I had no idea how to make it in the world on my own.. I was wild at heart, but also desired -- perhaps unsuccessfully in terms of my results -- to be a peacemaker. I sought ways to engage others with my humor through creativity, but I also had a cultural notion that relationships should be harmonious.

    When I tried to teach middle-school, I needed to access my self from this period of time, in order to teach people, I was unable to do so. My mirror cells respond to adult childishness and adult seriousness, but cannot react to this condition of being 'in-between' in people. In all, I cannot rediscover this condition of the in between inside myself. Instead, when I try, I feel numbness, and my throat begins to tighten. I also can't relate to babies or small children.

    I was, as has been said before, the victim of some extreme identity politics, which did not allow me to speak and express my mind, because my way of thinking (either obviously or just in the imagination of others) identified me as 'white african' -- a quintessential social and political taboo on the automatic naturalness of simply being.


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  4. http://home.iprimus.com.au/scratchy888/INTRODUCTION.htm

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  5. Well you didn't expect the patriarchal system to reason rationally about it, didja?

    Watch out for always its slight of hand techniques. Someone said that domestic violence had to do with gender, which she said is something that patriachal valuations ignore. However, this is not precisely true. Rather, patriarchy appropriates gender distinctions on the basis of whether one is victimised or not. (It, in effect, reasons backwardly about gender as being denoted by violence, rather than as being already denoted prior to the violence.) So, anyone -- male or female -- who experiences victimisation is classified thereby as "female", whereas anyone who victimises is taking on the role of male. Well, that gets us so far, with regards to policing gender roles, but obviously for the patriarchy it does not suffice to leave it there, or you would have people of the wrong gender 'crossing lines' and messing everything up. So, now a new level of policing has to be added, whereby a woman who crosses these symbolic genderlines (by taking on the male role of being violent) is considered to be profoundly pathological in going against the grain of her 'nature' (which, doncha know, is to be the victim), whereas for a man to be victimised also means that something apocalyptic has gone wrong with society and its 'natural order'.

    So this is how patriarchy reasons about gender.

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  6. 0

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  7. In Reeducation, the correct response to it all would have been to ask myself what I had done to deserve these people's meanness

    This is a big one — because it plays upon the naive idea that most people have (including intellectuals when they forget who and what they are, and so revert to ‘common sensical’ thinking) that the universe is inherently just. Oh! This is such a big one! It is such a big source of error (and of course this inherently “just universe” concept is linked to the idea of democracy as it conforms to ideas about social darwinism, that the best results for humanity are achieved by forgetting your ethics and behaving randomly according to “instinct”). This is supposed to induce justice to appear automatically out of the chaos of everyday life, in order to give you your verdict of whether you are a worthy humanbeing or not. And, if you are not a worthy humanbeing according to these pronouncements from out of the belly of chaos, then you had better darn well do some soul-searching, to find out why the justice that was percolated in the belly of the laissez-faire de-ethicisation of human relations happened to disapprove of you so.

    “Why, why, oh Lord, does chaos reject me in this way? I always submitted myself absolutely to his commands. I tried to embrace chaos in every possible way, in order to reveal to all in a definitive modality that I was not uppity or arrogant, but somehow my need for depth of soul got the better of me! No wonder chaos cast the final judgment against me that it did!”

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  8. A certain amount of psychological and conceptual difficulty is linked to understanding the psychological underpinnings of shamanism, especially in distinguishing these from everyday pathology. Anton Ehrenzweig shines the way forward when he states that creativity and pathology are two sides of the same coin.

    He presents an example of how they differ, however, when he contends that a schizophrenic cannot effectively create art, simply because he cannot dissolve his fears and anxieties in the depths of the psyche to remold them.  His traumas are unable to be transmuted via a dialectical relationship with the deeper or inner parts of his psyche.) Ehrenzweig also holds that creativity and pathology have superficial resemblance as both creators and mad people have a relationship with the depths of the psyche.  But only the artist integrates the elements of the unconscious with the elements of the more rational mind.

     The creator delves deeply into the constructs of his own psyche and uses the material there to reconstruct a world that is different from how it actually appears.In Nietzschean terms, the character structure of the one whose mind generates pathology has at its core a sense of decrepitude or lack, where the one who operates creativity does so from a feeling of excess or plenitude.  Thus a creator and a merely sick man, acting from very different senses of the world, must logically not be the same.  Nietzsche's view about their necessary separation seems to have changed, at least with regard to himself, later in his life, for in his memoirs he acknowledges that he was simultaneously "a decadent" and at the same time somebody who had healthy enough instincts to know how to cure himself.

    This insight into himself, which was stated two years before his death, also accurately encapsulates the age-old idea of a shamanic persona, being one who has gained insights into himself through his wounding and has thus gained the power to become a healer of himself and others.

    The parallel between art and shamanism is already obvious:  both artist and shaman descend into a realm of uncertainty (where all that's solid seems to melt) and this extreme level of uncertainty is experienced as a state of ecstasy within discomfort.   Object relations psychoanalysis gives a name to this uncertainty -- the paranoid-schizoid position -said to relate to an early stage of childhood development.

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  9. http://home.iprimus.com.au/scratchy888/newoxfordpaper.htm

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  10. The techniques that the shaman uses -- magical thinking, splitting, dissociation, projective identification -- are all related to self-hypnotism. In effect they utilise different aspects of the psyche and cause them to come to bare upon each another.

    These techniques are not used DIRECTLY on others, nor are they used for personal gain.

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