1. Let me summarize what we have discovered about ideology in general.

    The duplicate mirror-structure of ideology ensures simultaneously:

    1. The interpellation of 'individuals' as subjects;

    2. their subjection to the Subject [the specular image of 'God'];

    3. The mutual recognition of subjects and Subject, the subjects' recognition of each other, and finally the subject's recognition of himself;

    4. the absolute guarantee that everything really is so, and that on condition that the subjects recognize what they are and behave accordingly, everything will be all right: Amen -- ' So be it '.

    Result: caught in this quadruple system of interpellation as subjects, of subjection to the Subject, of universal recognition and of absolute guarantee, the subjects 'work', they 'work by themselves' in the majority of cases, with the exception of the 'bad subjects' who on occasion provoke the intervention of one of the detachments of the (repressive) State apparatus. But the vast majority of (good) subjects work all right 'all by themselves', i.e. by ideology (whose concrete forms are realized in the Ideological State Apparatuses. They are inserted into the practices governed by the rituals of the ISAs. They 'recognize' the existing state of affairs (das Bestehende), that 'it really is true that it is so and not otherwise', and that they must be obedient to God, to their conscience, to the priest, to de Gaulle, to the boss, to the engineer, that thou shalt 'love they neighbour as thyself', etc. Their concrete, material behaviour is simply the inscription in life of the admirable words of the prayer: ' Amen -- So be it '. (p 168-169).

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  2. One of the strangest things a human being -- which is to say, a person -- can experience is in simply trying to tell about her experiences honesty and forthrightly, and getting the response, "Well why don't you just conform more and be quiet?"

    It's a completely shocking answer because what goes through your head is "Well wouldn't a normal human being --anybody at all -- be completely outraged if this had happened to them? And wouldn't it be logical that they should be able to tell their story and have injustices redressed?" So then you are thinking about what a normal person would react like, an everyday joe bloe --when suddenly it dawns on you that you are not joe bloe. You have been relegated to play the role of NON-PERSON!!! It is shocking. And then, you finally work out that it is because of your gender.

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  3. A pre-sleep reflection; an unwinding one.......

    I reflect on what is a natural situation to me, a healthy one, a reviving one -- a situation comes to mind wherein I don't need to observe social niceties, where talking tough is a code for transcending collective anxieties (rather than what it tends to be within the suburbs: a means to dominate and/or infict brutalities). I'm thinking of the kind of shared understanding whereby everything is understood in relation to survival, even the smallest aspect of experience that produces mirth because of its absurdly tiny nature. I'm thinking of the kind of situation where multiple, contending values are reduced to one simplicity -- where this simplicity, this interest in survival, is broad enough to encompass all other values: a rough exterior but with the softness at the core. I'm in harmony with those who have a rural upbringing as instinctively they sense how to find calm in the middle of the storm.

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  4. No! I do not consider sado-masochism, in any of its conventional social forms, to be a turn-on. I know that sets me apart -- indeed sets me aside for the kind of reeducation that would bring me in line with the category of contemporary femininity. Forgive me, Westerners, for I have sinned as I do not see any benefit in worshiping at your holy temple!

    Westerners -- they can't get enough of sado-masochism! And yet, to look at it for what it is, it is nothing, just the emptiness of soul, and a fruitless attempt to make something -- anything -- out of this emptiness of soul. No, Westerners, I shall not be worshiping at your temple!

    When the capacity to live as if reality were real disappears, when all that remains of life is its shadow, the generation of distorted images, that is when the quintessentially Western religion of sado-masochism comes into its own. The call to worship at this temple comes with an addendum: "If you don't join in at once, you will be left out of the principle that governs everything that's real."

    Good. Leave me apart from your clammy hands that only telegraph the empty nature of your soul.

    Enjoy your religion.

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  5. Westerners have a strange relationship to knowledge. The best I can say about it is that it is by no means natural or organic.

    Knowledge, for the typical Westerner, has a moral meaning above and beyond any other value. Its importance is not related to the realm of practicalities, to the ability to learn and/or perform new actions with greater capability.

    It is very important to realise, that a typical Westerner will become very confused (ultimately leading to punitive behaviour) if he catches wind that gaining knowledge has changed you in any way. Instead of understanding that you have just confessed to intellectual growth, the computer of his mind will spew forth the data: "Either she lacked moral character before, or else she lacks it now." It's at this point that he will start his punitive behaviour, which he thinks you well deserve, due to what he considers to be your moral inconsistency of character.

    He has merely misunderstood you -- but he is not in any position to know that. He is just trying to rectify your character, to make up for the fact that you have changed. Although he isn't sure if the change he hears about is good or bad, he thinks a certain amount of punishment is always good for restoring moral order. (And he is not to know any differently about that, since he has been taught that knowledge has a moral character primarily.)

    It is extremely likely, too that such a person feels threatened by your additional knowledge. He feels that by claiming to have gained more knowledge in your travels you are casting subtle moral aspersions at him, to make him feel more badly about himself in comparison to you. He can't get to the bottom of these aspersions and what they might mean because, actually, they don't exist. Nevertheless, he feels them to be present. That is another reason why the typical Westerner, feeling you have a different basis for knowledge than he does, typically attacks. He becomes very aggressive and even vengeful -- but his feelings of inferiority are all in his head.

    Westerners, most typically, view the possession of knowledge as something that assures the moral superiority of the one who has it. They are at one with Plato, in fact, equating knowledge with morality, with power. (This is typically why they make another error -- they assume that if you claim to have knowledge but do not also have power then your claim to knowledge much be spurious, morally reprehensible. Little do they know!)

    Knowledge, however, is a practical affair. To claim I do not have knowledge in some areas does not signify me as morally weak. It signifies, more likely, a lack of education in a particular area.

    Nobody should be made ashamed for admitting that they do not know something. A lack of knowledge has no direct relation to the integrity of one's character.

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  6. Consider Derrida's notion that language always needs supplementation to give it its metaphysical "presence". Otherwise, it tends to remain slippery, unstable -- which is effectively to say "without authority". I think about how much of patriarchal thinking is designed to make language seem to be stable -- indeed to stabilise it so that certain words can have only one meaning, or at best a few of them, that are considered to be authentic currency.

    And yet, despite all this effort to stabilise reality through language -- to, in effect, hypostatise language into ideology -- the patriarch remains victim to slippages, to the assaults of contingency against the absolutism of the ideological system he wishes to set up. That is why he tries to bring women into play, to BE that supplementation of language, that emotional presence, that gives language its ideological quotient -- its stability.

    But this means that women cannot be their own meaning; cannot position themselves at their own centre (not even for a moment). Rather, they are made to be decentered from themselves -- so that patriarchal meaning can be furnished by women's emotional quotient.

    This is why men are typically inclined to preach at women: "What you say isn't what you mean, it's just emotionalism. In fact, what I am saying, as a male, in re-inscribing the overarching ideology (the hegemony) is what is really meaningful."

    At the same time as he says this, however, the patriarch must surely also sense that his words are just words -- basically inclined to slip away from the emotional quotient of his intended meaning. He implicitly understands then that it is not the words themselves, that have meaning, but rather his capacity to decenter women with them that makes them seem so meaningful. For it is by this practical (and not at all merely intellectual or symbolic means) that he seeks to give his words a more stable and thus "objective" meaning.

    It is only by destabilising women's meanings that he seeks and obtains his psychological supplement -- giving to his words an emotional presence. "These words," he says to himself "are Spirit. For see how they are can actually create  reality."


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  7. http://home.iprimus.com.au/scratchy888/3blacksunlight.htm

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  8. The dirt from Dirt: The Future of Butch Genocide

    Here is a cause we need to oppose -- the attempt by the psychiatric establishment, representing patriarchy, to label those who do not fit neat gender stereotypes as "mentally ill".

    Speaking for myself, and as a heterosexual, I see that the attempt to revive an antiquated attitude towards gender is extremely perverted and pathological from the point of view of humanity.

    Consider the normal, heterosexual sex-drive for instance. If a large part of me does not actually "identify" as male, then I am unable to empathise with a male on a sexual level. The lack of empathy means the lack of intersubjective connection, which means in turn, the lack of eroticism during a sexual encounter.

    The inherent bisexuality of human beings (which was even recognised and acknowledged as such by such patriarchal perverts as Freud and Jung)ought to be brought more to the fore of our consciousness, not pushed aside by threatening and stigmatising practices of labelling and "fixing".

    The castration of human sexuality by trying to push people into too narrow categories ought to be outlawed.

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  9. Last night, I was in a hotel, where I had been for two days. I hadn't checked in yet, because I had become distracted by all the gizmos, and the food. Eventually I realised that I should check in, and I got a room, but the room led to the outside of the building. A prostitute had climbed up the stairs into my room, and was helping herself to any of my clothes she fancied. I caught her red-handed, and she argued that it was only necessary for her to take the items of clothes that I hadn't really wanted anyway -- like a bikini. (I know exactly what this dream is about -- my resentment about continuing to give any money to the Third World when my own resources are limited. The dream also recognises that any luxury I have is in the shape of clothing.)

    I walked her back down the steps and out of my apartment. As she left, she said (in an American accent) that she must try really hard to remember the details about me and what I had said.)

    Another part of the dream was that I was walking on water -- literally on a very stormy ocean, at night time. As I approached the shore, I hoped that the final wave would not be a tidal wave, which would dump me, as if from a cliff face, onto hard gravel.

    But meanwhile, I am back at the hotel...

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  10. Let me give you a more succinct definition of a patriarch. A patriarch is somebody who presumes to read minds, most especially and predominantly the minds of women.

    A patriarch doesn't need to read a book, because he already knows what is in it -- that is, if said book has been written by a woman.

    You can talk to a patriarch about all sorts of things, but at the end of it, he will only register about 5 per cent, if that, of what you had to say. He will mingle that in with his vague ideas about "what all women really are like," and will draw his conclusions about you on that basis. This is the precise manner by which a patriarch does his mind reading: He will allow his lack of attention and vain imaginings to run away with him. Finally he will pronounce his views -- and nothing about them will be right.

    A patriarch is nothing if he is not a mind reader. He will second guess any woman -- even about the details of her own life's experiences. He will come up with some generalisation that somehow just seems more apt to him than any explanation she has given.

    "I get a sense that this is how it REALLY was," he will say. "A lot of what you are saying does not correlate with my own experiences and therefore doesn't make any sense at all."

    "Let me tell you the real truth about your experiences from my perspective," he will drone on.

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