1. On the radio yesterday, I had a number of Zimbabwean men and even a couple of women express their extreme skepticism that self defence could ever work in Zimbabwe. Their hostility, disguised as skepticism, was based entirely on cliches linked to identity politics.

    The fact is that I went to Zimbabwe, taught self defence to all sorts of sub sectors of the population there, and everybody -- men and women -- welcomed it. I see identity politics as an instrument of the extreme right wing, for it provides a false view of reality, whilst preserving the status quo by making an enemy out of anyone who tries to do anything novel or progressive.

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  3. I have gone incredibly easy on the patriarchy in my memoir. This is because most people — men and women — are patriarchal. It is not a good idea to suddenly shock them with too much of the truth. Rather, they have to be brought to examine their condition slowly — very gradually — or they could fall back into false optimism as a result of cognitive dissonance, or die of shock.

    So, I have deliberately withheld much of the truth from them — truth which must some time see the light of day.

    Here is a more straight-forward and less edited version of reality:

    It has to do with my father’s sexism. I believe that when he first noticed my body start to develop into a more womanly look (actually whilst I was cantering on horse back), he lost his emotional equilibrium. It must have been difficult for someone as repressed as he is. Anyway, from that point on, he began to treat me as if I were emotional slosh, as if I had nothing to say, or nothing worth hearing. So, I learned to repeat myself a lot, judging that if I kept saying the same thing, it would eventually sink in somehow.

    My father’s attitude towards life, to this day, seems to be that men cannot have emotions, only women can have them. At the same time he believes that women can have no intellect, only emotions. This seems to me to be a very strange way of thinking he has invented in order to get rid of his uncomfortable emotions.

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  4. I am in every way opposed to the idea that the purpose of one’s life should be solely to seek equilibrium, and that a life that does not reach such equilibrium is a failure. (One must seek a certain degree of it, of course, but that does not mean that obtaining such a thing ought to become one’s goal.)

    What makes this conspiracy of conservative belief even harder to oppose is the almost universal insistence that one should speak from a point of view that is already defined by social (and hence, psychological) stability. Otherwise one is seen to be saying exactly nothing.

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  5. There are others whom I can understand intellectually, but no matter how hard I try I fail to be able to glimpse an overall logic in their systems of thought. Freud, for instance, only makes sense to me when I attempt to further complete the formulations I have obtained thus far from his oeuvre. I add that perhaps the obsession with the "Oedipus complex" and how pivotal that is supposed to be to family life has to do with a concern about "original sin". For, it is that which is forbidden, it seems to me, that really causes most obsessions of the mind, and so long as sexuality is not forbidden (nor made scarce by arbitrary bourgeois mores) there are surely more appealing objects of desire than one's parents.

    Whilst on the topic of sexuality and how that resonates within the psyche, I admit to have only recently cracked another riddle that had perplexed me in the writing of another author whose work in general makes better sense. I refer to Georges Bataille and his concept of sexuality as "excretion". "But surely it is not excretion, but consumption?" I have said. The mystery is solved in the realisation that this concerns differences between the male and female sexual functions.

    Finally, I turn to the issue of psychological projection which involves projecting parts of one's disposition into the natures and beings of others. Male psychologists tend to become particularly scolding whenever they suspect that psychological projection might be gallivanting on its hind legs. Only sleuthwork can make sense as to why this is.   Patriarchal reasoning would have it that projection is only possible when a weaker person seeks to project their negative characteristics onto a more powerful person in order to undermine them.   Priestly reasoning has a bad conscience about projection, since patriarchal structures cannot do without it for their maintenance.   Thus it becomes apparent that an almost universal way of becoming masculine in the eyes of others (and perhaps oneself) is to project characteristics deemed to be "feminine" away from himself and into women as such.

    In essence, then, the male projects his negative characteristics into others -- and so he takes on his cultural attributes of masculinity as a result of expelling that which is culturally deemed "feminine" away from him. By contrast, women are taught that their real value is not to be found in themselves, but in the man with whom they fall in love. By virtue of such cultural training, women are more inclined to project their positive characteristics out of themselves and into male others, just as men are more inclined to project their negative characteristics out of themselves and into women.

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  6. If one delves deeply into patriarchal psychology -- a dangerous, and thankless task in all -- one finds that it is the role of patriarchy, and of patriarchal types, wherever they can be found, to teach women and Negroes how to speak properly.

    A woman, as we ought to know, is unspeakable. As Eve led Adam to conclude, her very body parts will lead to the downfall of Man. This sense of things is the psychological factor that leads right wingers to always attack the way she is speaking. The point is to reduce her to shame, to let her to reflect upon the unspeakability of her body parts -- and to reflect (above all) on how these led to the downfall of Adam.

    Blacks, as we also know (via Ian Smith and the Colonial Experience) fail to speak properly. Whether it is the devil in them, or just the lack of English in their original culture, the failure is palpable in the eyes of those whose English makes them rational enough to govern others.

    Nowadays Negroes see themselves as better than women -- those whose unruly body parts appear to make them impossible to govern. Yet both Negroes and women remain unable to speak. That is because they still need to learn all the techniques that are entirely necessary for them to speak properly.

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  7. If one delves deeply into patriarchal psychology -- a dangerous, and thankless task in all -- one finds that it is the role of patriarchy, and of patriarchal types, wherever they can be found, to teach women and Negroes how to speak properly.

    A woman, as we ought to know, is unspeakable. As Eve led Adam to conclude, her very body parts will lead to the downfall of Man. This sense of things is the psychological factor that leads right wingers to always attack the way she is speaking. The point is to reduce her to shame, to let her to reflect upon the unspeakability of her body parts -- and to reflect (above all) on how these led to the downfall of Adam.

    Blacks, as we also know (via Ian Smith and the Colonial Experience) fail to speak properly. Whether it is the devil in them, or just the lack of English in their original culture, the failure is palpable in the eyes of those whose English makes them rational enough to govern others.

    Nowadays Negroes see themselves as better than women -- those whose unruly body parts appear to make them impossible to govern.  White feminists are ordered to keep out of black, Zimbabwean culture as "it is our right to rape our women if we want to!"

    Yet both Negroes and women will at times still lapse into a mode where they are unable to speak. This is because they still need to learn all the techniques that are entirely necessary for them to speak properly.

    These are: submissiveness, a deferential attitude and the ability to express extreme self doubt in the company of one's superiors (whether male or white).

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  8. I went back to Zimbabwe recently, where a small group of people still living the colonial lifestyle still prevail. In Zimbabwe's black and white cultures, women are still referred to as "ladies", for the most part, and are expected to have concomitant characteristics, such as being too delicate to do a number of things and needing male protection. This system of gender does not work against individual women, although it generally works to keep them as a group in their place. For instance taxi drivers will often pick up women first, rather than a male client, especially if she is calling at night, because they believe that women need to be protected more than men do. On the other hand, "ladies" are supposed to do their part by dressing real, real nice, especially on Sundays, or for a trip to the shopping centre. They are also supposed to uphold the belief that women and men are essentially different kinds of beings.

    Another thing is that Zimbabwean men generally have no idea about female biology -- and neither do many Zimbabwean women. I'm suspecting that the pill is now widely prescribed there, so many of the women deal with fairly bad menstrual cramping. This is explained, in polite company, as "having a headache". Men believe that women suddenly become shy, are unable to eat their food with much gusto, and so on, because that is part of women's psychological nature. They do not make a link to the actual biological cause of this behaviour. Furthermore, a lot of women also seem to be confused about this matter, believing that prolonged bleeding (for a month or more) can be caused by "witches" (those who are jealous of you and wish you harm) or by the womb becoming tipped over so that it can "no longer hold any blood."

    I was teaching women's self defence there, at a rural primary school, and was asked also to address the issue of female hygiene -- although this certainly was not my area. The Shona man I was with said he didn't know anything about that topic, and he seemed, from what I could see, to be speaking quite literally.

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  9. Ideological fiction has always enabled various groups of people throughout history to consolidate their positions of power. Perhaps the oldest of these, (and one which remains a contemporary fiction), is the notion that winners are born, not made. This belief that "I am a winner and deserve to be successful at all times," leads directly to scapegoating, for fate is impersonal, and nobody is a winner all the time. Yet such is the need to be seen as a born winner, that many will alight upon boat people -- desperate refugees from other countries -- to feed their frenzy for success; or upon women (i.e. in terms of right-wing ideology, those whose "natures" are already weak). The long recognisable catch-cry of the right is that it is always the most vulnerable who are to blame whenever either fate deals them a bad hand, or they happen to make fatal errors of judgment.

    So it is with extreme right-wingers, who are the majority in our midst:

    Flowing down, from the powerful to the least powerful, goes the blame for any project undertaken by management that does not fully succeed.

    Left-liberals, by contrast, tend not to see the world as being permanently divided between born "winnas" and born "losas". This political camp tends to modify this notion (above) by introducing the sense of a permeable membrane between two states of being, such that "losas" may become "winnas" if only they try hard enough. Each institution of society is encouraged to treat those who pass through it on the basis of this useful fiction -- namely the idea that each and every one of us is already equal.

    Notably it also introduces a false epistemology (although no more false than that extreme right wingers) when it presumed that every individual enters each new field of contest as if it is a level playing field. Left-liberal goals (to achieve equality within the system) are then confused with what already exists -- that is, they obviate the fact that deeply entrenched, systematic inequalities continue to exist, and make it seem as if any individual who has passed through a liberal institution has already been treated with fairness and justness.

    In the final analysis, there is only one point of view that does not completely fictionalise the individual, and that is materialism. To view the individual as a material being allows that she or he is subject to various social, psychological and historical forces, which, in turn, produce his or her very being. Despite what propagandists for the other side have claimed, this perspective does not take away free will from the individual, but rather puts him or her into a context that is true to each person's experience, validating what has happened to them.

    A materialist perspective is the only one that enables the individual to proclaim, "my misadventures are my own loss although I didn't necessarily have everything to do with it," whilst avoiding accepting blame from those who have power -- those who want to "win" at any cost to others.


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  10. Karen: I don't like the socially acceptable fiction that its permissible for women to be so "into their feelings " that they can be fickle and neurotic, and that's ok cos its "just women". I have always had good solid long term female friendships because I ignore the fact that most of the time they're going to have a snit on, and go into some sort of :"very hurt" repertoire.A man would normally be told by his mates to "get over it"...as he should.Once its established that there is mutual affection and concern, then its important not to be too prickly, or to expect too much.And because I accept most women are going to be really silly a lot, then I keep the friendships.

    Where they fail is almost inevitably over men.That women feel the need to bitch about their males, and try inexpertly to dissect their relationship, but when I give them some psychological perspective, they immediately go into super protective mode towards their relationship.I have given up trying to help.they only want to bitch, not to change, and not to improve the relationship with any form of self actualisation.They are unhappy in their miserable little dynamic, but they can't face the world outside of it: at least not until they find the next guy same as the old guy to move onto.

    And sometimes very "Assertive" women can be just as annoying as the relationship victims.(particularly to work with)using assertive as an incorrect adjective to mean everything from Premenstrual, mindlessly and male-like aggressive,plain old bitchy, nasty and mean, picky and rude..usually just plain rude.

    Jennifer Armstrong

    Karen, when you talk about women in that way, it is as if you are speaking about aliens, from my perspective. You are revealing, in detail, certain types of behavior of which I have no knowledge. The closest I have been to these kind of women you describe is watching Neighbours TV soap. I sometimes wonder why this makes me feel inwardly sick. That feeling is linked to the fact that the women in particular (but men as well) seem to handle their affairs with so little genuine wit.

    Really, I don't know anything about the "very hurt" repertoire. I think that my lack of knowledge here is cultural. When I went back to Zimbabwe recently, I met a lot of Zimbabwean women whom I really came to admire. It doesn't seem to be part of Shona culture, nor is it part of the white colonial culture -- which is still there -- for women to go into this "very hurt" mode. Both of these cultures reflect a much greater stoicism than this. (I was very relieved to find that I was just the same as these women -- although compared to Australian women, I could not be more different.)

    Also the trope of "assertiveness" for the sake of it is out of place in both Zimbabwean cultures. Really, you can't have wit if you are to have this kind of assertiveness.

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