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  2. Re:  The Seduction of Unreason The Intellectual Romance With Fascism from Nietzsche to Postmodernism by Richard Wolin

    Jennifer Armstrong:
    It's really not an "intellectual romance with fascism" that either Nietzsche or Bataille had. There are fundamental aspects to both of their philosophical approaches that are in profound opposition to the ideology and practice of fascism. Most significantly, Nietzsche and Bataille are anti-authoritarian. They are trying to develop the individual, through encouraging exploration, self-invention and confrontation with challenges. This aspect of their philosophical approaches is about as anti-fascist as you can get. After all, a fascist is someone who has a fundamental desire for authority and want to find his or her particular place within a hierarchy of power.


    "One of the crucial elements underlying this problematic rightleft synthesis is a strange chapter in the history of ideas whereby latter-day anti-philosophes such as Nietzsche and Heidegger became the intellectual idols of post–World War II France—above all, for poststructuralists like Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, and Gilles
    Deleuze. Paradoxically, a thoroughgoing cynicism about reason and democracy, once the hallmark of reactionary thought, became the stock-in-trade of the postmodern left.7 As observers of the French intellectual scene have frequently noted, although Germany lost on the battlefield, it triumphed in the seminar rooms, bookstores, and
    cafés of the Latin Quarter. During the 1960s Spenglerian indictments of “Western civilization,” once cultivated by leading representatives of the German intellectual right, migrated across the Rhine where they gained a new currency. Ironically, Counter-Enlightenment doctrines that had been taboo in Germany because of their unambiguous association with fascism—after all, Nietzsche had been canonized as the Nazi regime’s official philosopher, and for
    a time Heidegger was its most outspoken philosophical advocate— seemed to best capture the mood of Kulturpessimismus that predominated among French intellectuals during the postwar period. Adding insult to injury, the new assault against philosophie came from the homeland of the Enlightenment itself.

    One of the linchpins of the Counter-Enlightenment program
    was an attack against the presuppositions of humanism. By challenging the divine basis of absolute monarchy, the unbelieving philosophes had tampered with the Great Chain of Being, thereby undermining morality and inviting social chaos. For the anti-philosophes, there existed a line of continuity between Renaissancehumanism, Protestant heresy, and Enlightenment atheism. In Considerations
    on France (1797) Maistre sought to defend the particularity
    of historical traditions against the universalizing claims of
    Enlightenment humanism, which had culminated in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen of August 20, 1789. In a spirit of radical nominalism, the French royalist observed that he had encountered Frenchmen, Italians, Russians, and even Persians (if only in the writings of Montesquieu). But “humanity” or “man in general,” he claimed, was a figment of a feverish and overheated
    philosophe imagination. “Man” as such did not exist.8

    An assault on humanism was also one of French structuralism’s hallmarks, an orientation that in many respects set the tone for the more radical, poststructuralist doctrines that followed. As one critic
    has aptly remarked, “Structuralism was . . . a movement that in large measure reversed the eighteenth-century celebration of Reason, the credo of the Lumières.”9 In this spirit, one of the movement’s founders, Claude Lévi-Strauss, sought to make anthropology useful for the ends of cultural criticism. Lévi-Strauss famously laid responsibility for the twentieth century’s horrors—total war, genocide, colonialism, threat of nuclear annihilation—at the doorstep of Western humanism. As he remarked in a 1979 interview, “All the tragedies we have lived through, first with colonialism, then with fascism, finally the concentration camps, all this has taken shape not in opposition to or in contradiction with so-called humanism . . .but I would say almost as its natural continuation.”10 Anticipating the poststructuralist credo, Lévi-Strauss went on to proclaim that the goal of the human sciences “was not to constitute, but to dissolve
    man.”11 From here it is but a short step to Foucault’s celebrated, neo-Nietzschean adage concerning the “death of man” in The Order of Things.12"

    The supposed opposition between "humanism" and Bataille/Nietzsche/Foucault/Deleuze type "irrationalism" is conceptually mistaken. Of course, this is how it has played out in history -- as two distinct streams of thought, whereby one has effectively cannibalized the other, or at least it seems that way. (As an aside, I went back to Zimbabwe recently and revelled in the humanistic mindset of most people there. Post-modernist post-humanism has not caught up with them, although they are very much enmired in Christianity, also. In general, it is a situational time warp that reminds one of the value of one's fellow human being. One can love humans, again, within that context, where humanism largely prevails.)

    In the deeper sense of Bataille, Nietzsche and Deleuze, they are interested in undergoing a stage of madness, in order to come out the other end in a better and stronger condition. Their implicit goal is to get rid of blind authoritarianism (although not necessarily recognition of authority), especially that which is linked to an idea of a god above, which maintains order. In terms of this, the means to the end is "madness", but the goal is a superior kind of sanity to what we experience as normal and necessary, today. The whole emphasis of all three of these writers is a circular movement from everyday normality (a form of insanity in many respects), into true insanity, into a state of superior sanity. It's a large scale historical programme which is supposed to bring "the individual" into being in a true sense, for the first time in history. The "irrationality" that these writers seek to work with is not the end goal for humanity but a stage in the process of humanity's self-transformation.  And they are working with the irrationality that already exists, trying to get it to be more self-reflective and self-transformative.

    In my view, what we already have today, under the rule of class dynamics and bureaucratic pressure, is quite substantially the "death of man". The individual doesn't matter. What she produces and the length of time in which she produces it (and then, ultimately, its value on the market), is mostly what retains meaning in this day and age.

    Bataille, Nietzsche and Deleuze ought to be viewed as messengers foretelling this 'death of man' and warning against the error of losing reverence for ourselves in a post-Christian era, rather than those who brought this situation into existence. They attempt to bring us back to our senses, via a circuitous route, passing through the madness we have already embraced.

    But Wolin is keen to shoot the messenger.

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  3. Males in Western culture tend to project their emotions outside of themselves. They don't integrate them as part of their personalities. This approach to life actually tends to make them feel more vulnerable, less whole, than if they were actually to become more emotional beings. They often do not know what their reactions to something are. Can you imagine how alienating this must be, to feel this way? Japanese men, by contrast, are generally quite aware of what their reactions are, to any particular circumstance. They often find something mirthful or ironic about various situations. They are quite aware that they are required to do things that they don't especially want to do. They are quite natural in the ways that they acknowledge this.

    What I have concluded is that the problem of a false or contrived detachment is not one that relates to males as such, but to the peculiar cultural disposition of Western males.

    The not listening mode, the not paying attention, if taken too far, can put these men into real danger as they become further and further alienated (not just from others, but) from themselves. I really learned a lot from Ashis Nandy's work:


    Although it is about the relationship between the colonised and the colonisers, the psychological dynamics of this relationship can be applied to gender.

    What Nandy says is that those who refuse to affirm the dignity of the gentler, childlike aspects in others (the colonised are viewed as inferior and in some ways as children) also cannot affirm it within themselves. 

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  4. 1. Heraclitus is actually the early modern prototype for intellectual shamanism.

    2. Intellectual shamanism considers that social stability and indeed power relationships themselves are maintained by means of psychological projection. This is in direct opposition to the ideology of meritocracy, which holds that those who are in power are there because they deserve to be there. Rather, intellectual shamanism suggests that those who are in power remain there because they are the most capable people in terms of projecting their worst qualities onto anybody who is not in power. Thus do they get rid of their worst qualities and appear to be morally pure without effort, whereas those in the lower echelons of society appear to need to purify themselves again and again.

    3. Intellectual shamanism maintains that social reality -- although not material reality, which functions differently -- is a product of both negative and positive psychological projections. Thus, women will generally project their positive qualities out of themselves and into the world, whereas men will project their negative or frivolous emotional qualities in a way that they perceive to be "downwards". At any rate, they will project them into women.

    4. Initiates of intellectual shamanism do not need to bother to analyse every individual action of the ruling powers in order to understand their meanings in their generality. Individuals or actions that threaten the stability of the social order will be targeted with mind-bending projections. Thus, those who threaten the system as it is will be destroyed by means of invisible attacks which cause their peers to look upon them negatively.

    5. Intellectual shamanists believe in the law of reciprocity and test the authenticity of their relationships this way. The difference between an innocent action and a power hungry (projective) action is established on the basis of this law of reciprocity. If a woman is referred to using the diminutive version of her name, she can easily test the character of the one who does this by referring to him, publicly,in the same way. If he recoils from this, he was obviously engaged in a power play of projection. If he does not mind the reciprocation, she can assume that the way of speaking was naive and was not intended offensively.

    6. Intellectual shamanists "journey" by using abstract ideas as containers for new experiences. They don't believe in fixed states of being, but rather that they can metamorphise from one state of being into another whilst exploring the interior meanings of complex abstract ideas.

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  5. There is a tendency in Western culture (and it seems to be no different within "scientific" circles) to bring to bear implicit metaphysical principles. This is particularly the case with regard to gender. I had a discussion with someone recently, who stated that if we got the average man to compete against the average women in sports, we would be able to determine, from the outcome of their competition, something about their intrinsic natures. This is the kind of thinking that reaches for a metaphysical interpretation of gender, whilst to some degree already having assumed one.

    What is it about "averageness" that somehow denotes truth to us? The average (median? or mean? or modal?) woman may not necessarily contain any more of a specific "feminine" essence than the women at the more extreme ends of the scale. At the same time, since "essence" is a social construct and therefore illusionary, extremes may only yield us empirical data about extremes. They do not necessarily furnish us with instrinsic meaning about the fundamental characteristics of identity.

    In any case, what generally happens is that "essences" are postulated on the basis of some anticipatory projection. Next, they are looked for in the concrete realm of things and somehow the lens that focuses on "essences" is sharpened by each and every "new" empirical discovery of what had already been assumed. Notions of fundamentally different male and female essences thus become more and more fixed. Identity itself becomes a product of reified ideas, as we modify our own behaviour in order to fit more perfectly in line with our attributed "essence". Thus, essentialised thinking and behaviour are both socially constructed with a putatively empirical pretext.

    It would seem that metaphysics is responsible, since it invades our thoughts even when we try to be objective. Indeed, if we were to be truly objective, we would see the world as being hard to compute and in a state of flux. So, we are inclined to use metaphysics as a way to stabilise our perceptions and to develop a comforting sense of order even in the face of its absence. At the same time, our desire to see order and our anticipating of it ultimately creates different kinds of concrete order where none had previously existed.

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  6. My views are simply dialectical. I don't think that having a category of identity gives anybody a particular moral status or supplies a justifying cover for their actions. I don't know what it means for someone to "understand" Australian culture in the sense of acqueiscing to it or paying it lip service. One can understand something and still be opposed to it. Perhaps developing understanding is a necessary element for becoming opposed. Somebody can be innocent, for all sorts of reasons, cultural background included. I imagine that MRAs are extremely innocent in terms of understanding the harm they do to women.

    My point about understanding the psychology of innocence is that it is helpful to factor it in as something the escalates the psychological violence that those who remain "innocent" do to each other. I wasn't suggesting, for a moment, that those who proclaim their innocence should be let off any hook.

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  7. I do think Assange is expressing a legitimate grievance about feeling "trapped",as it were, by his rape charges. He feels caught out by a situation that he had not anticipated. His own culture and the rules prevailing in Australian society are rather different from Sweden. My feeling about this is "them's the breaks". Women express legitimate grievances all the time and they are generally based on much more extreme devaluations of their beings and ideals than Julian has experienced. We women are also very often taken by suprise when our ordinary assertiveness and hopefulness that we can get along in the world are treated with crude contempt and labeled as something else. I think that treating innocence as if it must be the mask for something inherently malicious is one of the worst violations of human integrity possible. If I were to put it into religious terms, it is the one "sin" against the human spirit that cannot be forgiven.

    Because I consider Assange to have been basically innocent in his intent,(although no doubt presumptuous in relation to women and to some degree chauvinistic), I am not inclined to condemn him overly. I don't want to treat his innocence of how to behave properly in the company of women as if it were a crime. I think he needs to be educated.

    Men's Rights Advocates' style of rhetoric against "feminism" is the product of men making a mistake with regard to individual women -- and then, instead of learning from their mistake, compounding it in every way possible due to their sense of hurt. The men who do this are very immature and they end up kicking and fighting against the opportunities life gives them to become more mature. They become extremely dangerous, especially to women.

    When women try to highlight the fact of female oppression, they are treated, conventionally, as if they were merely engaged in some emotional blathering. It is the failure to observe this red light that causes many men to end up in some kind of "accident", like that Assange has ended up in.

    His "innocence" is not entirely excusable, then. However, it is very hard for many men to see what they have been trained from an early age to avoid seeing, namely that women are more oppressed, simply as "women", than men can ever dream of. It's like a kitten that is not exposed to verticle lines at an early age cannot see them for the duration of its lifetime. Likewise, many males cannot "see" female oppression,no matter how much it is pointed out to them. This is why Assange can make the crude and unrealistic assessment that Sweden is the Saudia Arabia of feminism.

    There is a kind of denseness there, a quality of being mentally challenged. It's difficult to know what to do about it.

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  8. In all fields of human activity, we fall victim to a historically imposed mode of reasoning -- the 'logic' of priests. This ideological core is very hard to resist because of the way it is structured. It has an inconsistent logic that is nonetheless very consistent to the ideology of patriarchy. For males to be harsh and dominant is seen to be 'good' because this represents (according to the priests) the necessity for 'civilisation' to thrive. For women to question patriarchal ideology is seen to be inherently malicious and destructive because (according to the priests) women = anti-civilisation.

    It's the same patriarchal 'logic' that allows pompous men to feel very self-assured and morally righteous even (and especially) in the act of being very grandiose and socially offensive. They have been encouraged to believe they are actively holding together the "fabric of society" with their vain posturing.

    By contrast, women who are assertive are seen to be behaving as the patriarchal men in fact are (that is, they carry the sins of the pompous and arrogant male, who does not carry them himself). Their sin of assertiveness is punished because their female essence, unless repressed, is deemed to have the inherent action of tearing apart society's fabric.

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  9. Tobias asks:

    Here's the scenario: last week, another FB friend posted up about the salary disparity between men and women here in the US and in canada.. being a job search coach, and recruiter, I typed out some salary negotiation tips that women could use so they wouldn't be taken advantage of when it was job offer time.. now, I agree that wage disparity is real, and it's a bad thing, and I also understand that not everyone can negotiate a salary..sometimes an hourly wage is all you get and it's a take it or leave it proposition.. anyway, I got yelled at for being an individualist..that being an individualist didn't help the class of lesser paid women as an aggregate.. my view was that if one has the means to not be a victim they should take it, and not wait for an outside entity to change things, but this was what I wanted to ask you: is it better to teach individuals to not be victims one at a time, or is it better to advocate for a wholesale change to a fairer system for all, even if done by force or if the aftermath results in the hampering of someone elses ability to get ahead? In trying to break people out of a box, aren't we then creating boxes for others, and do we have that right?

    I'm really interested in your view because the FB friend who yelled at me is a personal fitness trainer...I thought it odd that someone who teaches empowerment to women who need a problem solved would yell at someone ( me) who spends a lot of time teaching women how to be empowered in terms of their career. I figured that since you teach womens sellf defense, AND you speak in terms of class and systems, you would be the person to ask.

    The thing is, Tobias, that what can look like an extremely easy problem to "fix" from the outside is often fraught with a lot of complications. The complications I am talking about are not the result of any particular individual's actions or willingness to accept a "victim" status. Rather, they are due to broad-based dispositions to treat men and women differently, within the system. This brings me to my next point: the solutions that work for you, or indeed, for men generally, within the system, will not necessarily 'work' for women.

    Look at it this way: If a woman behaves as if her gender didn't matter, she is viewed as stepping out of line, exhibiting signs of poor socialisation and (to the degree that she does not defer to the males as men), her behaviour can often be written off as "pathological".

    A man who behaves assertively in order to get a raise can be considered to be behaving appropriately and according to the implicit social rules governing "masculine" behaviour. A woman who behaves in exactly the same assertive way may be considered to have stuck her neck out so far that she may actually risk losing her job.

    If you are going to set out to educate women about how to claim their rights, you need to be aware that women's experiences and yours are not going to be of the same order.

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  10. It seems to me that if one represses one's emotions -- that is, one represses one's natural and immediate reactions to one's set of circumstances -- one also ends up closing one's mind to other realms of possibility. One thereby becomes more stupid.

    Despite this, the patriarchal agenda for men is to shut off their emotions and the patriarchal agenda for women is to try to appear more stupid than men.

    There are a lot of emotional blackmail mechanisms and other forms of coercion in place to discourage women from showing their intelligence. Generally, if you question patriarchal mores, you will find a lot of people ready to jump on the bandwagon to pathologise you. They feel threatened by your questioning of the status quo. They fall back upon ancient patriarchal texts in order to vindicate themselves. They insulate themselves from feeling any discomfort.

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