1. Western philosophical theory does not leave a space for women to speak up for themselves. This is its singularity.

    If women are conceptualised at all, the implicit idea of what (rather than "who") they are is the goo that fills in the cracks. Consider men as rigid material of some sort (since rigidity is misconstrued as "strength" in Western metaphysics). This rigid material as such makes up "society". Rigidity is the ideal -- however it is found not to be "enough". The material that is purely rigid has no give in it, so that a mild earthquake or a strong wind can knock it down. Hence the need for "goo". Women are needed as the emotional goo that holds society together when it is under stress. Their putative yieldingness and their putative non-definitional natures, which enable them to take any role or fill any shape in society on an ad hoc basis, have a conservative effective upon society. The role of women in Western society is quite simply that of shock absorbers. Their role is definitively relational, but they are viewed as insubstantial in and of themselves. By contrast, the role of males is to be unyielding, inflexible, stiff.

    Thus Western metaphysics itself, to the degree that we have all internalised it, makes it impossible to talk about women in their own rights (or indeed, which was my original point, for women to talk about themselves as separately existing entities).

    The logic of Western metaphysics would have it that women are either "goo" or can stand in as men. There is no identity in-between these two.

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  2. The shamanistic tradition involves losing everything in order to go beyond the self. Whereas males have traditionally claimed this right, there is nothing to stop women from partaking in it. Note, however, that one does not go beyond oneself by inflating one's ego.

    That is a recipe for stultification -- or going backwards.

    That is why both Nietzsche and Bataille expressed a certain pleasure -- almost masochistic -- in injuries, as these enabled them to move beyond what is, into a more powerful position, having advanced in understanding and experience.

    This pattern of self-transformation is elucidated in the passage from BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL.

    295. The genius of the heart, as that great mysterious one possesses it, the tempter-god and born rat-catcher of consciences, whose voice can descend into the nether-world of every soul, who neither speaks a word nor casts a glance in which there may not be some motive or touch of allurement, to whose perfection it pertains that he knows how to appear,—not as he is, but in a guise which acts as an ADDITIONAL constraint on his followers to press ever closer to him, to follow him more cordially and thoroughly;—the genius of the heart, which imposes silence and attention on everything loud and self-conceited, which smoothes rough souls and makes them taste a new longing—to lie placid as a mirror, that the deep heavens may be reflected in them;—the genius of the heart, which teaches the clumsy and too hasty hand to hesitate, and to grasp more delicately; which scents the hidden and forgotten treasure, the drop of goodness and sweet spirituality under thick dark ice, and is a divining-rod for every grain of gold, long buried and imprisoned in mud and sand; the genius of the heart, from contact with which every one goes away richer; not favoured or surprised, not as though gratified and oppressed by the good things of others; but richer in himself, newer than before, broken up, blown upon, and sounded by a thawing wind; more uncertain, perhaps, more delicate, more fragile, more bruised, but full of hopes which as yet lack names, full of a new will and current, full of a new ill-will and counter-current... but what am I doing, my friends? Of whom am I talking to you? Have I forgotten myself so far that I have not even told you his name? Unless it be that you have already divined of your own accord who this questionable God and spirit is, that wishes to be PRAISED in such a manner? For, as it happens to every one who from childhood onward has always been on his legs, and in foreign lands, I have also encountered on my path many strange and dangerous spirits; above all, however, and again and again, the one of whom I have just spoken: in fact, no less a personage than the God DIONYSUS, the great equivocator and tempter, to whom, as you know, I once offered in all secrecy and reverence my first-fruits—the last, as it seems to me, who has offered a SACRIFICE to him, for I have found no one who could understand what I was then doing. In the meantime, however, I have learned much, far too much, about the philosophy of this God, and, as I said, from mouth to mouth—I, the last disciple and initiate of the God Dionysus: and perhaps I might at last begin to give you, my friends, as far as I am allowed, a little taste of this philosophy? In a hushed voice, as is but seemly: for it has to do with much that is secret, new, strange, wonderful, and uncanny. The very fact that Dionysus is a philosopher, and that therefore Gods also philosophize, seems to me a novelty which is not unensnaring, and might perhaps arouse suspicion precisely among philosophers;—among you, my friends, there is less to be said against it, except that it comes too late and not at the right time; for, as it has been disclosed to me, you are loth nowadays to believe in God and gods. It may happen, too, that in the frankness of my story I must go further than is agreeable to the strict usages of your ears? Certainly the God in question went further, very much further, in such dialogues, and was always many paces ahead of me... Indeed, if it were allowed, I should have to give him, according to human usage, fine ceremonious tides of lustre and merit, I should have to extol his courage as investigator and discoverer, his fearless honesty, truthfulness, and love of wisdom. But such a God does not know what to do with all that respectable trumpery and pomp. "Keep that," he would say, "for thyself and those like thee, and whoever else require it! I—have no reason to cover my nakedness!" One suspects that this kind of divinity and philosopher perhaps lacks shame?—He once said: "Under certain circumstances I love mankind"—and referred thereby to Ariadne, who was present; "in my opinion man is an agreeable, brave, inventive animal, that has not his equal upon earth, he makes his way even through all labyrinths. I like man, and often think how I can still further advance him, and make him stronger, more evil, and more profound."—"Stronger, more evil, and more profound?" I asked in horror. "Yes," he said again, "stronger, more evil, and more profound; also more beautiful"—and thereby the tempter-god smiled with his halcyon smile, as though he had just paid some charming compliment. One here sees at once that it is not only shame that this divinity lacks;—and in general there are good grounds for supposing that in some things the Gods could all of them come to us men for instruction. We men are—more human.—

    (My italics.)

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  3. Jennifer

    I've always longed for a rite of passage, ever since my late teens/early twenties, when I felt like I really needed some kind of initiation into something. I eventually got that by writing my PhD, which was in a final, satisfying sense (because of the approach I chose and the way I chose to understand the theory, experimentally) a shamanistic initiation. I did, almost, go mad writing it.

    (Off topic) Is it bad that that sounds really cool to me? I feel the same way about rites of passage, and am hoping to do a PhD, tho I hadn't really connected the two.

    It's very much not conventional to connect the two and you could run into all sorts of problems with being misunderstood and at times harshly criticised. Since I was using as my theoretical platform Nietzsche and Bataille, who both sought out difficulties and were energised by being criticised, I found that following the approach I did took me on a very interesting journey indeed. I did end up in a place where nobody understood my project but me, and I wondered if even I understood it.
    I finally worked out that I did understand the project -- even better than I'd thought.

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  4. Regarding this article: http://blogs.plos.org/blog/2011/02/11/let%E2%80%99s-say-good-bye-to-the-straw-feminist/

    The right wing rhetoric about gender relies upon the ideology of Christianity, to the degree that it has become mainstream. The implication it rests upon is that if some statement is painful, it must be painful because it is true. So, the statement, "women are biologically inferior to males" is going to be painful for women to hear, but this pain is itself evidence of the truth of the statement.

    One wonders why sado-masochism like that, above, is deemed necessary for us all to get along. This method of appealing to sado-masochistic processes seems to be an attempt, from what Echidne has written here, to give men "back" their self esteem. It's as if the worse women feel about themselves, the more men can congratulate themselves that they are good at gadgetry.

    Logically, though, somebody accepting that they are bad at something does not improve another person's ability to do something well, at least not if we consider measurements to be absolute and final. So it must be a comparative superiority that is being sought after, by theoreticians who want women to accept their inferiority.

    So, what we must then ask is what is the use of men having the confidence to proclaim a comparative superiority to women?

    Well, it has an emotional and confidence-boosting use, of course.

    Hence, we come full circle. Men have a hugely invested interest in emotionality. That is why they want women to accept an inferior status as fundamentally 'emotional' creatures.

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  5. Shamanistic literature is open to the accusation, "there is nothing there" (so far as content goes), or else the writing "is all about the author" (that is to say -- nothing more).  This misunderstanding is the result of the influence of ideologies throughout the ages, which makes dichotomies out of experiences, so that it seems as if something that is "about me" can never be of any service to others.

    Nietzsche's shamanistic methodology does away with this epistemological dichotomy by using material that would otherwise be "just about me" as a means to understand cultural wholes. Even the imagery he uses -- namely, the "ladder of experience" - is shamanistic.

    He describes the process of self-understanding as follows:

    Whatever state you are in, serve yourself as a source of experience! ... You have inside you a ladder with a hundred rungs which you can scale towards knowledge. Do not undervalue the fact of having been religious; appreciate how you have been given real access to art ... It is within your power to ensure that all your experiences -- trials, false starts, mistakes, deception, suffering, passion, loving, hoping -- can be subsumed totally in your objective. This objective is to make yourself into a necessary chain of culture links, and from this necessity to draw general conclusions about current cultural needs.*

    This method is to create a link between one's own evolving state of mind and the broader cultural needs of the community.

    Thus, for the shaman, so called "self-involvement" is absolutely essential as the means by which the community is served. There is no moral dichotomy here: no moral schism that definitively separates the self from others.

    *  The ladder, by means of which one ascends the heavens, is part of ancient shamanic tradition.

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  6. What did you do to replicate a shamanic experience?

    It's hard to describe it exactly, but it was through the process of writing my PhD. It's very difficult to describe, because I'd have to go into a lot of detail and the subject of my thesis and so on. Basically he was a Zimbabwean (black) writer, born into a civil war situation. Anyway, I argue that he was in the archetype of a shaman. But this is background for you -- and it will not suffice to explain fully, or even partially what I mean by 'shamanistic experience'.

    The reason I say I had one is partly that my mind is totally different now, as compared to when I began the PhD. I actually have tried to get into my former mindset and seem unable to do so, apart from catching occasional glimpses of how I used to think. I think my whole psyche was dominated by an epistemological hunger that has since been assuaged -- and so much so that what seemed to me to be towering questions, rising above my head, now seem small and insignificant. It's like all the blanks have been filled in and I no longer need to take metaphysical stabs at anything (eg. through the systematising approach of formal logic or 'philosophy') because I already know how things stand.

    I replicated the experience through immersing myself in a book called BLACK SUNLIGHT, which was about a number of things. It's very dense and allusive and its very difficult to say what it is about. Among other things is is about civil war and violent anarchism and political upheaval and psychological self destruction.

    Ah, a comedy!

    Hahaha. No. But with some very dark humour. Very. Actually I think shamanism lends itself to dark humour because it puts no faith in morality.

    So, kind of a comedy, but definitely not.

    I'd like to see a shaman do a standup comedy routine. Probably not the sort of thing they'd aim for, though.

    BLACK SUNLIGHT is actually very metaphysically funny. Nietzsche, another shaman, can also be very funny -- especially about men and their putative "hardness". Shamanism is actually intrinsically funny -- but very unfunny if it is not taken in the spirit of shamanistic insight, which is a kind of nihilism.

    Non-nihilists never laugh at shamanistic jokes.

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  7. When one looks at the underlying principle that guides the writing of Nietzsche, very often his concern is precisely that of Carlos Castaneda's shaman-master, don Juan, in that he is keen to set up proper methods to recover an authentic subjectivity. In this sense of turning away from forms, and turning inwards and in the sense of making his ethics dependent upon a reckoning with one's inner life, Nietzsche's writing is extremely shamanistic.  This attitude pertains to the "free spirit" aspect of his work, whose counterpart is tradition and conformity.

    It is advisable and useful to separate this basic principle of shamanism itself from the psychological principles and secondary discoveries of Nietzsche, the shaman.

    The discovery and enhancement of subjectivity is shamanistic -- however, the actual contents of subjectivity and the means for enhancing subjectivity belong to the particular shaman-master. Not all shaman-masters are the same. Rather, each have different priorities, different sets of values and different insights.

    The reason why it is necessary to separate the act of being a shaman from the teaching of any particular shaman-master is that failing to do so means that one does not fully integrate the lessons of subjectivity -- that is, one remains reliant on the master and does not fully develop a subjectivity of one's own. Nietzsche himself, though his character Zarathustra, warns against this common psychological trap:
    Verily, I advise you: depart from me, and guard yourselves against Zarathustra! And better still: be ashamed of him! Perhaps he hath deceived you. The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies, but also to hate his friends. One requiteth a teacher badly if one remain merely a student. And why will ye not pluck at my wreath? Ye venerate me; but what if your veneration should some day collapse? Take heed lest a statue crush you! Ye say, ye believe in Zarathustra? But of what account is Zarathustra! Ye are my believers: but of what account are all believers! Ye had not yet sought yourselves: then did ye find me. So do all believers; therefore all belief is of so little account. Now do I bid you lose me and find yourselves; and only when ye have all denied me, will I return unto you.
    It's the principle of putting  subjective knowledge ahead of almost everything else that defines shamanistic experience as compared to other forms of religious experience.

    Whereas Christianity holds that one must keep up a consistent attitude of reverence to its holy book, the Bible, shamans would consider such a position to be in opposition to its primary goals and purposes,  to find one's own way through life by developing subjective self-knowledge.
    For the purpose of experimentation with the world, Zarathustra advises us to leave him.


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  8. Women need, first, to understand that patriarchal moral constructs have nothing to do with the real world, even though the effects of patriarchal accusations are quintessentially real and concrete. I know that this is intuitively very hard to grasp because as humans the real world ought to be our main reference point and most intelligent people understand that there are real consequences for real actions. But, according to patriarchy, women occupy the realm of the petty, therefore to do harm to women is not considered significant -- it is also called "petty".

     Patriarchal men will apply this term to any situation that involves women, not because what happens in the domestic abuse situation is actually petty, but because women themselves are considered irrelevant under patriarchy.

    Women often have a very hard time understanding this. They take the criticisms that they are being "petty" as having practical or concrete meaning. Many of them try to rise above their own putative "pettiness" by conforming more to what males expect. But, they misunderstand the criticisms that are leveled against them: "petty" doesn't have anything to do with any woman's actions, whether right or wrong. The ideology of patriarchy doesn't work this way. "Petty" is a metaphysical (meaning, unchanging) judgment about women in general, unrelated to your actions. You can't rise above this criticism of "pettiness", because so far as patriarchy is concerned "pettiness" is what defines your female nature -- it's what patriarchy thinks "you are".

    How we can get out of these traps that patriarchy sets for us it to realise that there is nothing we can do to improve our "natures". If we fall into the trap, we will try to keep improving and improving, believing that one day we will be deemed to be less than petty. But, that isn't how patriarchy works. You can't escape this criticism, ever, because of your gender. So what are you going to do about it?

    There are many things you can do. You can educate yourself about patriarchy. You can take up self-defence. You can stop tolerating men's emotional blackmail. They say: "If you take offence at my abuse, you're being petty!" You need to remind yourself that you have nothing to lose by taking offence, since you WILL be considered petty anyway, no matter what you do.

    But the situation is far from hopeless. Feminism had already made some inroads into many societies and even those countries which are considered to be further behind the most advanced countries, in terms of the industrial revolution, have some feminist stalwarts.

    Actually, women who have insight into the metaphysical constructs of patriarchy can make themselves very, very free indeed. They no longer buy into the emotional blackmail that is used to control other women through generating in them a sense of guilt and inadequacy. Such women can look at the games that these patriarchs play, which broadcast their inadequacies and fears.

    "Why not face the world as a real human being, rather than try to manipulate others to do your will?" we should ask, when people try to bring us down with forms of emotional blackmail that slight our characters.

    We can now actually see behind that manly mask and notice the crumbling and weak person there, who just wants to use patriarchal ideology to help him get his own way.


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  9. Regrettably, a typical contemporary person's shamanistic "search" is often pointless due to a lack of stoicism. This lack is conditioned by consumerism, which has entirely destroyed the character. To really learn from anything in a shamanic way, one has to have the strength of character to persist and persist, even when no solutions or anything beneficial are forthcoming. One has to look inward and draw strength from even negative meanings or from no meaning. The modern individual (and most anyone today who is conditioned by consumerist expectations) cannot do this. 

    Pain, to him, signifies that something is wrong, quite straightforwardly. It does not raise an ambiguous question at all, but has an absolute meaning, signifying negativity and failure. The contemporary person is not free to subsist with this state of being, understand it and be at one with it. This type of person rather has to get some socially sanctioned "therapy" -- at which point the shamanistic journey comes to an end, as he or she hands their subjectivity over to another to be mastered and governed.

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  10. When I reflect upon my experiences with the human race, particularly certain cultural sectors of it, I realise that I have often, if not generally, tended to be in error whenever I have taken people at their word. I take things in the wrong direction -- but partly because I'm the kind of person who takes up a challenge and is always trying to improve.

    So, for a long time, I thought I had to raise my tone and level of intellect to "compete" with everyone around me, because they were implying that I was stupid. What I didn't understand is that they were implying that I was not intelligent, because they felt threatened by my way of speaking (I have quite a British tone and was brought up in a rather mannered and repressive culture). So, what they were saying was, "You're not better than us. Stop trying to act as if you are." Whereas, what I heard was, "You are not better than us. Try to develop your intellect more, so that we can accept you."

    Similarly with the gender based put downs. They are supposed to make me MORE emotional -- hence more vulnerable to manipulation. Actually, they have the opposite effect.

    I think many people are, however, brow beaten by systematic put downs. That is how it often works with gender. Many women come to believe that they have inferior qualities to the men around them because the social system doesn't allow them to thrive so well and they are systematically put down. It becomes essentialised "nature" to express self doubt.

    In my case, I just saw the put downs as an intellectual puzzle. I was affected by them, too, but primarily they were a mystery, to some degree removed from me by certain cultural shields.

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