1. Whilst in kindergarten some bulldozers arrived and started to flatten a hill on the other side of the playing fields.  We were told this was for a new hostel.  One day, my mother said to me would you like to go to boarding school.  My dad thought it would be very good for me.  I had now reached a stage in life where didn't want to avoid challenges.   If everyone was saying to me this is good for you, I realised they wanted me to do it.  I was six at the time.  In due course, the bulldozers left and this square block of building started to rise. In due course,  mother took me to the shops to get kitted out with a uniform, which was khaki shirt and shorts, grey socks with a red strip, red belt, grey tie, with diagonal red stripe, grey felt hat.  
    Everything was put into a metal trunk with my name on the outside and I was bundled off to boarding school.  I'd never been to boarding school, had no idea what to expect.  I found myself in a long dormitory with eighteen or twenty beds, covered in yellow quilts with lockers next to each bed.  A mosquito net hung over each bed.  They were white.   Matron came in and allocated each of us a bed.  She did her job and that was it.   So then, matron came and collected any tuck we had, such as biscuits, sweet bars.   Every mother, knowing their kids were going to be away for some weeks would give them enough sweeties to last three months.   Medications were collected at the same time.  We all got into pyjamas and into bed.  We had earlier been taken into the shower room, a longish room with twelve shower heads. 
    We were told to take our clothes off, whereupon some of the boys started to twist their towels up and flick each other with the towel.  Matron would stroll along and check we were all using soap.  Then we'd all brush out teeth.  I remember the ablution block for the smell of toothpaste.  So then, we all went downstairs to the dining room and we were allocated a table.  Ten boys to a table, five down each of the sides, sitting on benches.   Then somebody at the head of the table would start to serve up food on each of the plates and you were told to eat it.  Then suddenly everyone stood up and a teacher said, for what we are about to receive, may the lord make us truly grateful. 
    Everyone then sat down with a big clatter of plates and started to eat.   Then the person invested with the authority to serve, either a teacher or a prefect, served up the dessert.  Eventually I began to vomit a lot and decided I would have to take steps to do something about this, so I stopped eating.  One day I went into lunch and the sweets was as an orange fruit salad.  I might have guessed it wrong as I was only six, but I think I worked out I didn't eat for six weeks.  At the end of the meal, we all stood up and the teacher said, for what we have just received, may the lord make us truly grateful. 


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    1.You have secret sin – Lam 3:44; Psalm 66:18, 90:8; 1Peter 3:12
    2.You are not tithing – Malachi 3:10
    3.You are not fasting – Mark 9:29
    4.You are not asking in faith, believing – James 1:6; Mark 11:24
    5.You are not reading the Bible regularly – Romans 10:17
    6.You are not in fellowship with God – John 15:7
    7.You pray after your own lust – James 4:3
    8.You do not pray with spiritual authority in Jesus’ name – John 14:13-14
    9.You are not praying loud enough: don’t whisper, speak audibly – Matthew 16:19
    10.You are too greedy: be more thankful – Philippians 4:6
    11.You don’t ask – James 4:2
    12.Your prayers are not big enough, don’t be petty – Mark 11:23
    13.Your prayers are too vague, be specific – Matthew 7:9-10, 21:22
    14.You presume God will answer your prayer your way – Isaiah 55:8
    15.You are not praying in accordance with God’s will – 1John 5:14
    16.You are impatient: it will be answered in God’s time – Matthew 6:7-8
    17.You are not persistent, pray until it is answered – 1Thessalonians 5:17
    18.Your prayer is already answered, you just don’t know it yet – Daniel 10:12-13
    19.Your prayers are too long – Matthew 23:14
    20.You don’t spend enough time in prayer – Luke 6:12
    21.You doubt and harbor unbelief – Mark 9:23; 1 Timothy 2:8
    22.You are not helping God answer the prayer – 2Thessalonians 3:10
    23.You are not praying the right way (prayer formula) – Luke 11:1
    24.You are holding a grudge with someone else: forgive – Matthew 5:23-24
    25.You do not have the proper environment to focus – Matthew 14:23; Mark 1:35
    26.You’ve rejected God’s counsel -1John 3:22
    27.You are not praying in the Spirit – 1Corinthians 14:15; Jude 1:20
    28.You need to pray in agreement with another – Matthew 18:19-20
    29.Your prayers are too public; pray in secret – Matthew 6:6
    30.God did answer; his answer was ‘No’. – 2Corinthians 12:9

    Now replace "prayer" for "petition" and "God" for "Boss".


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  3. STAY SANE AND SAVAGE Gender activism, intellectual shamanism

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  4. Once upon a time, there was a madman. This was no ordinary guy, however, but one who heard messages from on high.   The messages pained him and brought him shivers of ecstatic pleasure.

    There was a voice carried in the midst of a storm to elevate his heart.  It came as if from behind a rainbow -- a stream of fractured white light.  The sound of his deity carried all away along the rainbow until it reached him.   In dulcet tones, it made itself known: "See those colors, red and blue?  How free and separate they are!  Their bondage chains are broken and now radiate they most vividly into thine eye!  Behold the separate colors 'blue' and 'red'!"

    The deeper-than-usual-man went apart from his fellow male to meditate awhile.  He has discovered 'red' and 'blue' as separate identities.

    This holiest-of-men drew himself even further apart from his fellow man.  He began to write the tablet of the law that only vain and foolish idol worshipers would ever question:

    -1. Blue and red are fundamentally separate colors, a fact uncontested by all pious men .

    -2  Blue must be made to stay on its side of the spectrum and red must be made to stay on its opposite side.  For them ever to shift or merge is both malicious and impious and those who perform this technique of mixing will be punished .

    -3. The nature of blue shall be to depict coolness and tranquility.  The nature of red shall be to depict urgency and enthusiasm.  Blue is not permitted under any circumstances to depict enthusiasm:  It is 'blue'.

    -4. The two colors ought to radiate and shine in splendor for the glory of the universe.

    -5.  These laws inscribed above depict the status of all things in the realm of nature itself. It is evil and sinister to go against fundamental laws of nature.



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  6. In the Preface of Human All Too Human, Nietzsche outlines the project that was also to be mapped out and re-formulated in more detail by Bataille. In more well-known Freudian terms, to get control over one's Superego and to master it, rather than to have it controlling one from above.

    More to come later, but the three stages of becoming healthier he describes are:

    1. One starts off life as the unquestioning servant of one's Superego.
    2. One moves to losing a sense of ego, in the sense of no longer taking anything personally, but transcending "for and against" (thinking about right and wrong in a self-serving manner).
    3. Adopting a perspective based on these earlier stages of experience, whereby one understands that what one sees as "injustice" is written into the framework of all things.  This insight accompanies a state of being whereby one comes to master Superego and thereby to gain mastery of one's "for and against".  One might put this in a different way, by saying one's "for and against" become relativised on the basis of having seen oneself transcendentally -- from a distance.  These are then now no longer absolute and rigid, and one is no longer unquestioningly subservient to them. (One is healthier than previously.

    Most people have a desperate desire to be one that IS the consumer unit because Superego (the device that makes us conform from within) is going to make us conform to the prevailing paradigm/s. This is why intellectual shamanism counsels that one should depart from everything one thinks one "knows" or feels to be true about oneself and one's world.
    By sacrificing one's "self" -- as, in the first instance one mistakenly understands it to be -- one has a much greater chance of finding one's true nature.  (This principle is in some ways more Bataille's than it is Nietzsche's.)

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  7. My feelings, my emotions, like sheep, had gone astray and I had no idea where they were or what they were up to.  I was in my late twenties at this time and I knew something was wrong.   My life was dominated by attitudes of duty and hope for a better life if I pleased the correct authorities.   And I had every intention of pleasing them with all my might - so much so, I was coming apart at the seams.  I had no concept of pleasing myself.

    I realize that many people would consider the attitudes I describe above to be ideal ones for a young female.  This was far from true.  My health was suffering and I would catch viruses much of the time -- signs indicating that I'd become a spiritual anorexic.

    So, I began writing to feast on my own lamb stew or in Jung's less malicious prose, "to water one's own garden".

    All of my writing has been an attempt to track down and reintegrate my emotions.

    This is why there are certain modes of critiquing any of my work that are wholly wrong.  My writing is not, for instance, inherently emotional.  I worked hard to get this feeling effect.  Also, I don't need to be told to take a good, hard look at myself to figure out what, from a right-wing perspective, I need to change.  It should already be obvious, not least on the basis of good manners -- I really don't need to be told to go ahead and do what I've already been doing over all these years, to find out what needs to change.    I'm also not a female stereotype, pent-up with emotions that just want to come pouring out at the slightest touch. If that had been so, I would never have chosen the self-discipline of learning to write.

    A friend from a similarly repressed culture recently told my of her disappointment in viewing a movie, Diary of a Geisha. She observed that the book had been very poorly rendered into film because the character seemed like a "Western girl", very emotional.

    "At that age, she would not have known what she was feeling."


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  8. From Nietzsche:

    But someday, in a stronger age than this decaying, self-doubting present, He must yet come to us, the redeeming man, of great love and contempt, the creative spirit whose compelling strength will not let him rest in any aloofness or any beyond, whose isolation is misunderstood by the people as if it were flight from reality-while it is only his absorption, immersion, penetration into reality, so that, when he one day emerges again into the light, He may bring home the redemption of this reality; it's redemption from the curse that the hitherto reigning ideal has laid upon it. The man of the future, who will redeem us not only from the hitherto reigning ideal but also from that which was bound to grow out of it, the great nausea, the will to nothingness, nihilism; This this bell-stroke of noon and of the great decision that liberates the will again and restores its goal to the Earth and his hope to Man; this Antichrist and Antinihilist this victor over God and nothingness-He must come one day.

    Power itself is the medium we all move in. We can't renounce relating to others in terms of power even if we want to, but we can observe how power functions and step back from that.  That is like stepping out of time and out of reality temporarily.  One observes reality better from this position of detachment and it buys one time to think before acting.

    Shamanism is not asceticism in any way. It renounces nothing. In this it differs very much from Christianity, which would posture as if to forsake an interest in power in order to appear more "spiritual".

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  9. Leans too much towards right wing conspiracy ideas, but hey, what's not to like?

    I agree with the guy who says, "psychiatry IS politics". The tone is a bit alarmist, though.

    Try shamanism. Aim for a baseline experience of nature, not moderated by social notions or ideas.  You will find out what is missing in your life and restore it.

    STAY SANE AND SAVAGE Gender activism, intellectual shamanism

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  10. In many quarters of society, it's considered quite urbane and natural to refer to human nature in terms of the conditions of domesticated and wild animals.

    Workplace harassment is dismissed as a natural expression of "the pecking order".   We often hear reference made to "alpha males" and humans willingly acquiesce to the idea that what works best to keep others in line is both "the carrot" and "the stick".

    Given the near universal acceptance of barnyard metaphors and appeals to certain idealized versions of "the wild", I find it astonishing that whenever I choose to casually refer to people in these terms, umbrage is taken.

    For instance, someone might greet me casually, according to the dictates of the wild and the pecking order with "hey gal!"

    To this, I respond, "hey ape!"

    My response is always reasonable and wholly consistent in accepting the predominant world view that humans haven't quite made it to human status yet.   In other words, we only recognize each other hazily and in accordance with sado-masochistic notions of gender and racial hierarchy.

    We might try harder, but we cannot seem to budge:  perhaps more carrot and more stick is necessary?



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