1. The Last Psychiatrist: No Self-Respecting Woman Would Go Out Without Make Up

    I'm not sure how denying the fact that there are really systems all over the place can enable anyone to overcome narcissism. Certainly, there are systems and certainly humans create them.

    What if someone walked around and said, "There is only me. There are no systems, no mechanisms of coordination or integration or control or hierarchies. Even if there SEEM to be systems, that is just the action of my mind, creating the illusion," would the person who proposed this be sane, or normal, or rational?

    It seems to me that original, childhood narcissism starts from the position that what exists is only me and my mind, and that nothing really exists outside of me.

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  3. Bataille gets his lessons from language and the danger of too much consciousness from Nietzsche.
    The shaman sees both sides of the psychological coin — the advantages pertaining to the early world of paranoid-schizoid consciousness, and those that pertain to the adult state of rationality.
    Bataille’s approach, like all shamanistic approaches, seeks to draw dialectic of communication between the two.
     In the paranoid-schizoid state, there are only singularities, with nothing else sufficiently resembling each event enough to acquire the label of being “the same”. It is with this awareness in mind that Bataille rails against the limitations of the “I” that is adopted when we take up language.
    The logic of language, which is the inductive method of knowing, makes him seem (to himself) to be one out of all too many human entities who have been linguistically reduced to conceptually simplified forms, rather than the singularity that he knows he is. He finds this “I” to be servile and lacking in the sovereignty that comes from being a singularity — a thoroughly individual self.
    Bataille, however, is also keen to use language (the other way of formulating reality) effectively, to convey, if possible, this sense of lack he feels in having to imply that his identity is general and universalisable.
    He also expects to fail in his attempt to bridge the two worlds that divide our self-identity, to the degree that we, as readers, lack the capacity to take in a point of view that does not depend on language.
    Marechera’s Black Sunlight maintains knowledge of the two different modes of being, building a bridge between the paranoid-schizoid position and language.
    Thus  Black Sunlight   expresses a shamanistic position that sees reality as having two very different sides to it.


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  5. Sorry, the pollen is still attacking my eyes, but you can see my marvelous back muscles!

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  6. This was in response to someone giving me a dictionary definition of metaphysics,
    perhaps on the assumption that I didn't understand the term.

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  7. 20th WCP: What Heidegger Wishes To Transcend: Metaphysics Or Nietzsche

    According to Heidegger, Being (das Sein) should not be investigated through an inquiry into entities (das Seiende) as is done in the history of Western philosophy until now, but through an inquiry into Nothing (das Nichts) which Heidegger assumes to be identical with Being. (6) Investigation of Being through Nothing presupposes the question of "what is metaphysics?". This latter question is very important, because it plays a double role: on the one hand it secures the possibility of investigating Being through Nothing, and on the other hand it makes possible to transcend metaphysics . [Emphasis mine]
    Bataille, of course, makes a very similar move, in demanding that we should face the meaning of our lives through encountering "nothing"; that is, through confronting the actuality of death, both in the concrete form and in our abstract conception of it.

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  10. Why I became a feminist.

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