1. This stupidity does not occur in isolation. This is where it helps to understand the nucleus of ideology that allows the attack. The anti-feminist ideology that is currently gaining strength resides in the notion that women somehow retain their coy, ultra-feminine (read: helpless) natures, whilst demanding to have the privileges and entitlements traditionally due to men. The people, mostly men, who buy into this ideology believe that women don’t change their traditional stripes when they become feminists. They are only using feminism as a vehicle to get what women traditionally have wanted — that is, male sacrifice, material goods, praise for doing nothing, and children.  Unfortunately, I see that this may be true of many contemporary American women, who are not well educated as to their reciprocal responsibilities in any relationship and do not understand that feminism is a political movement with a historical context.

    The current push is to get feminists to renounce the term, “feminist”, and accept in its place the term, “humanist”. This push also requires them to protest in the streets for men’s rights, in order to prove to disinterested bystanders {/sarcasm} that they are truly egalitarian.

    I don’t know why so many have come to believe that feminism is a vehicle for advancing the interests of traditional femininity (helplessness and taking without earning something). That, however, is the substance of the current anti-feminist ideology.


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  2. Please turn up the sound.  I had my finger a little over the microphone for the first half....

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  3. The wattle tree (allergy) bifs me.

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  4. The wattle trees are in full bloom -- hence my eyes are red.

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  8. It's very important to find the central points from which ideas are being disseminated, if one wants to have a chance to change the direction of their flow.

    I admit to having found a very key one, but I also admit to being entirely flummoxed at to how to come up with any effective answer or solution.

    YouTube is currently more important, I think, than blogs, because it gives people information in a form they find easily digestible. It is easier for illiterate people to listen and view something than it is for them to read something.

    It is very important to have a look at the current anti-feminist gibberish put out on YouTube, because otherwise one has not idea whence the strange ideas and false 'truisms' emerge.

    To update those who may not know, currently there is strong consensus in the minds of the illiterate that "feminism is an ideology of hate".   The echo chambers resonates this notion quite strongly.  If one believes that anything is "an ideology of hate", one feels justified in condemning anything that so much mentions the word, "feminism".

    There are other "truisms" floating around that have a psychological ring of truth, but are actually at best half-truths or ideologies that manifest in the mainstream because of religious indoctrination.


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  9. Anyway, this was the start of my shamanic initiation - being torn apart, as it were, by spirits.
    Sorry I look tired today.  I am.

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  10. Identity politics can be a means to prevent, undermine and destroy communication.

    I know its adherents mean well, but they do not always do well.

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