1. Incompatible Qualities | Clarissa's Blog

    People have a lot of bull* formulations. My biggest encounter with one was quite personal. I have a really good mind for pattern recognition, both in social and systemic contexts. That is my fundamental skill. But I am very poor on detail. I just don't find a lot of things interesting enough to capture my attention.

    As a result, in the past, I had masses of people accusing me of being possessed by huge intellectual pretensions and to be placing myself way above my league, because quite clearly, in their views, I was a dunce who couldn't even focus on what was in front of me.

    The metaphysical demand that some people have, that one must plod up a ladder of accomplishments gradually, but not to flower as an intellectual until one has deposited one's foot on every rung of the aspirational ladder, is crazy-making. "You have to be social and detail-oriented before you become a thinker, otherwise you are a narcissist and a pretender!"

    I am, to this day, traumatized by this demand, but more so by the fact that I tried to accommodate it. I developed extreme doubts about my abilities to attend to detail and to socialize effectively that I didn't have before these sorts of people got on my case.

    Ultimately, I had to erase all that weird programming and my attempts to integrate it. I wiped the slate clean and went back to how I was thinking before I became a migrant.  Nowadays, so long as I don't try to adjust to other people's demands and weird ideological expectations, things seem to go swimmingly.

    It is noteworthy that the majority of the guys who attacked me in this way were leftists of the Stalinist sort, who thought that everybody should be the same, sunken in the mire of an antagonistic “equality”. Later, I was attacked by those who considered themselves “Nietzscheans” but were actually advocates of any extreme form of mob mentality and sought to jump on the bandwagon. I came to realize how very little people are able to use any critical thinking skills.

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  3. Who Makes Them This Way? | Clarissa's Blog

    Of course Bataille's concept of "non-knowledge" was precisely a critique of instrumental rationality. But what most people don't see is that they can't simply adopt a non-rational perspective out of the blue. Instrumental rationality is already in them; it's already a part of who they are. It's also what divides the world up into supposedly rational men and non-rational women. It's part of the symbolic structure of late industrial cultures. It makes no sense, then, to proclaim that one intends not to be rational, in order to escape male control.

     That assumes that one has a choice in the matter, whereas in reality one has been relegated, if female, to the non-rational side of the equation prior to any awareness one might have. If one wants to escape male control, therefore, one has to effectively not know about it; one has to become ignorant of it in some way, so that one does not categorize oneself in any way. One way to escape the categorization that has already taken place within one's subjectivity is to take on what has been denied to you. Women should embrace logic. After that, they should forget that they had ever been denied entrance in the realm of logic. It doesn't help to embrace exactly what you have been made to be by forces outside of your control.

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  6. Dear sugar pie My chiken bone, i love yu. Wen i think u i heppy. I writting this massive leta to telling u that i am a love yu my sugar refinery. Wen yu tok to me i laugh becoz yu speaking chocolet voice. Hahahaaa i am a loving yu sterek. Dont hear John becoz he is a jealous baranz. He is a boring with a love of us. Me and yu are dead together , who is John on a meat of chicken? Sha i now working of securit gard Focet. I starting wek next wik. So cash of a lot of money just worry, yu are a maried of me next years my dilly daling. Thank yu once again fo spagorising my letology. I love yu fo eva and eva amen. I am a waiting to look yu Satadey afta chech, i off satadey so i am a look yu. Yours rosted chiken and chips Penentration.

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  7. Who Makes Them This Way? | Clarissa's Blog

    I think it's not logical THOUGHT that keeps women oppressed but rather gender-related *rhetoric* concerning "logic", which is not the same thing at all. For instance, if I say something that others don't want to acknowledge, for political, social or personal reasons, it can be the case that the one who is happier not to know will condemn my words as being "illogical".

    I think the problem is that people don't really know what logic is. Again and again I've seen people express the idea that my normal, everyday speech is in some way a particular "logical fallacy". But, unless I am advancing a logical argument, there is no way I am in an position to make any sort of fallacy. Furthermore, it is oppressive to suggest that everyday speech is somehow in the mode of particular "logical fallacies".

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  8. Who Makes Them This Way? | Clarissa's Blog

    I can't speak for other people, but in the past I had to try to adapt to a society that made no sense to me, but was very demanding. The society was highly parental. People felt the need to reprimand me or to morally scold me in a number of ways, whilst demanding that I change. So, I got into a mode of, "Well if you're going to play the scolding parents, you're going to play the nurturing ones too. So, here is what I need....."

    I really think, and I have said so before, that Western culture, especially industrialized Anglo-Saxon culture has a huge *moral* hangup about "colonialism". It's not even a particularly historical hangup, which would be useful. Instead, it's history denied and dissolved into morality. So, berating me was a way for a lot of people to feel better about their 'identities'.

    It's been an ongoing problem, but it's not to do with me. I can move from Occidental to Oriental contexts, and the issue disappears without a trace. Go back to the Occident and there it is again.

    Anyway, I decided to charge people for the liberties they took in morally scolding me. I would return to them and say, "So what are you going to give me now that I'm your 'child' and you have decided to take on the role of moral scold?"

    I think I have been quite an unpleasant person -- but people have to learn how to let others simply be.


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