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  5. I Can’t Teach Literature | Clarissa's Blog

    Here is how deep Christian patriarchy is in Western culture.  People see the male as the rational principle and assume that whatever he is doing it must be for the best.   Let me explain:  When you are being strongly psychologically assaulted on an ongoing basis by an ex-soldier who is used to a high degree of psychological sadism and has normalised it, and when this has been occurring since you were fifteen, you are not considered a credible witness in your own case.   Why?  Because you don't know where the line SHOULD be drawn between normal behavior and craziness and because you are a bit emotionally wrecked.

    This was my situation in relation to my father and ABSOLUTELY NOBODY took my side.  Instead they took his.  And he was playing fast and loose, trying to pass off all the blame for his obnoxoius behavior onto me.   To criticise him was to be "too sensitive" and "emotional".

    And Christians lap this sort of stuff up.  Even those professing atheism or secular sensibilities can't seem to get enough of it.   The only way I've been able to escape my trauma is to cross cultural barriers and speak exclusively to Japanese.   They don't have this same way of codifying "emotion" as a negative trait, (like a hot potato -- whomever is left holding it is the loser).

    Really, I IS good to know that there are normal people in the world -- and I will speak to some of them today!  :)

    But here is who things were, when I was trying to figure it all out intellectually and more generally.


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  6. I Can’t Teach Literature | Clarissa's Blog

    Christian society is very backward. Christianity forms the historical and ideological bedrock underneath any form of secularism in Western cultures. So you can always expect some breathtaking idiocy to make its appearance. By contrast, Japanese culture is like breathing clean air. Everything is just remarkably charming and psychologically normal. But the Westerners usually get around to accusing me of manipulating them in some way, just because they cannot understand all the ins and outs of something I may have done. They start attacking me as an evil, “feminine” principle and I have to duck for cover. I’m really tired of this, but that is their fallback position when they cannot immediately understand everything about everything. They resort to Christian metaphysics as an explanatory mechanism. The more different you are from them, it seems, the more they resort to it. They’re such turkeys.

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  7. Russia’s Big Win at the UN | Clarissa's Blog

    Sorry, my reactions are all bad and these kinds of things make them wronger than ever because I get into a mindset that everything is an outrageous farce.  Therefore I do not take anything seriously and behave like the donkey's but-tocks.  But I have been increasingly disappointed for many years by the prevailing quality of ignorance just about everywhere.  As Marechera says, rewriting (I think it is) Voltaire, the savage that went abroad would be faced with the most extreme cerebral shocks that he would likely return to his homeland with an altogether shocking notion of "civilisation" and what it entailed.

    So, please excuse me and my lack of appropriate seriousness and generally bad attitude all 'round.


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  9. www.amsa.gov.au/media/documents/28032014MH370Update23.pdf

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  10. Jennifer Frances Armstrong on Vimeo

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