1. Update on Ukraine | Clarissa's Blog

    “In the meanwhile, Obama still can’t even bring himself to refer to what Russia is doing as war and invasion. That’s all anybody is asking of him at this point, but even this small relief is not to be granted to Ukrainians.”
    Do you ever notice that the spirit dominating Western sensibilities (apart from consumerism) is a distortion of the Eastern wisdom for bringing up a child, “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.” But my Japanese acquaintances tell me that this is advice for child-rearing, to allow children a period of grace when they can mature in an environment that doesn’t disturb their growing minds with the question of evil doing.
    In any case, you really can’t expect people from Western culture to actually do anything. There is something perverse about the way they are brought up. Sometimes even doing something small can make all the difference to somebody in a jam, but the Westerner is driven by a cultural motivation to not see evil.

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  2. Also to clarify something, there are two levels of violence.  One is the shamanic process itself and the other is the fact of how my identity was malformed by trying too hard to be good and perfect.  Always, there has been an attitude that I am someone on trial who can only be accepted conditionally, but needs to be constantly policed by others acting as moralists.  And also the same moralist in my head, but even more extremely so.  So to encounter in myself all the things that others fear and to make peace with them – and I do mean specifically my white, African identity – is to encounter myself in my most creative mode.  

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  3.  I come from is a highly authoritarian and Christian culture.  Because of the damage that this culture did to my ability to connect to the sensual aspects of myself WITHIN A SOCIAL CONTEXT, I developed a very high level of sensitivity to anything in the environment that would inhibit or deny my ability to make that necessary sensual connection within a social context.  That is how I came up with the discoveries I did.  Had I not been afflicted with the disease of a Rhodesian right wing character structure, I would not have been able to use myself as a sensitive measuring instrument to come up with the realizations I did.
    But, having done so, I do know, without a doubt that Judeo-Christian culture is my visceral enemy.  I don’t mean I have to fight it.  I have learned to ignore it. 
    But there is no point doubting what I know, which was that I had to rebuild my root system because of it, and then rebuild it after every attack.
    Has this made me stronger?  Yes – in many instances.  For instance, if I still was imbued with a right wing culture, I would not have met the compatible personality I have found in Mike.  And there are all sorts of other benefits too.  But that was because I was forced to focus on my ROOT SYSTEM and develop and strengthen my connection to the sensual aspects of my being.  The attacks only made me aware of this need.  That is all.  They served no further purpose apart from that.

    And of course the attacks will be continuous because I am thought to be from a criminal culture, so the moralists (Judeo-Christian types) will forever be down on my case for not being one of them.  And if I were to try to accommodate their demands, I could never satisfy those, because their demands are simply that I cease to exist.

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  4. I may welcome being labeled as abject, because I think it is something Bataille encouraged.  He thought that if we embraced everything that humanity typically considered “excrement”, we would actually strengthen our characters to the point that we were indifferent to social opprobrium .  That would give us strength to do almost anything at all – to be superhuman.  So there is a certain self-sacrifice (a sacrifice of a portion of our being that wants to be socially well-regarded) in the process of gaining more strength.  Of course this was exactly the same principle adopted by the Mau Mau in their efforts to overthrow colonial rule.  They engaged in self-debasing rituals to give them a feeling of indifference about killing other people.  So we can see clearly the advantages – and perhaps disadvantages – that accrue from gaining a sense of indifference to disgust.

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  5. Women who read Fifty Shades of Grey are more likely to have abusive partners and eating disorders, study finds - News - Books - The Independent:

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  6. I think it ought to be clear that I am not inclined, now more than ever, to be a philosophical activist.

    Preaching to people about wholeness seems absurd when there are whole societies or even continents where people grow up naturally whole.

    I have mentioned the Japanese as one example, but much of Africa also seems to embrace the continuity between the sensual self and the higher aspects of the self (which is all that wholeness means).

    Therefore wholeness is not as rare as I had once suspected.

    To preach to those who do not have this wholeness from childhood that there is a wholeness to be had seems folly.  After all, in fact, this wholeness may not be available to be had  BY THEM.

    I think if the early childhood roots are not allowed to grow too deep and if one has already succumbed to very harsh pruning very early on, it may be difficult to be anything other than a very pruned and not particularly sensually engaged person (I refer again here to the motif of castration, which seems to imply enforced sensual disengagement).

    Like dogs may have their tails docked and ears clipped – or indeed, undergo castration – some people have had the upbringing that makes them necessarily civilized and domesticated, but unable to access any sense of the primeval. 

    I cannot stress enough that what we are talking about here has nothing to do with abstract formulations of strength and weakness.  The primeval is not “strength”.  What it is, is connectedness.  One may have very strong seeming characters that are castrated and very weak seeming ones that are entirely connected to the primeval.  In fact it can be a torture, in some instances, to be connected to the primeval, but not in others.  To have that connection is shamanic.  Not to have it is Mutilated.

    Therefore there are two social and historical trends – the shamanic and the Mutilated.

    One need not oppose the Mutilated trend, although one can warn against it.  It will attract those who are less connected to the primeval and it will tend to subvert the shamanic development of those who need to draw strength from roots.

    This much I have found to be empirically true.

    I have also found it to be true that one does not serve two masters, Mutilated and Shamanic, otherwise thy path does get corrupted.  The Mutilated path is via the embrace of non-wholeness.  Just in the same way as having sickle cell anemia protected the black slaves from succumbing to various diseases that a normal, healthy person would have succumbed to, so being Mutilated can protect one from all sorts of emotional contaminating diseases.    At the same time, it is a state of being that is already fundamentally mutilated and (to that extent) unhealthy.  By contrast, the shaman type is defined fundamentally by wholeness (but not strength!).  The whole human being may be sick in all sorts of ways, even often contracting various social diseases and being afflicted with contaminants of varying sorts.  But despite being frail, or insane, or endangered, the shamanic type is whole.

    Perhaps extreme weakness is the price that a shamanic type is prepared to pay for being whole.  The Mutilated type desires not wholeness and doesn’t necessarily need it to attain his sense of self-satisfaction.  But for the shamanic type, things work exactly in reverse (he may be prepared to sacrifice riches, well-being and social esteem, just to be his complete self).

    And because things work in reverse for the shamanic type, one has to be quite intellectual superficial (like a postmodernist) to attempt to serve two masters.


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