Thursday Link Encyclopedia and Self-Promotion | Clarissa's Blog
Affirming and normalizing your broken state would be easy. But it is extremely hard to get beyond oneself to see things from the outside. So modern feminists say, “Why do anything hard? Doing something hard is ‘patriarchy’.”
In a sense they are right in that they do need to be able to reclaim the repressed masculine dimensions of themselves, which is hard work. But mushy modern minds can’t seem to fathom how much this is necessary.
I notice these days if you mention that anything is hard, immediately people show they disapprove of the method. It’s considered old-fashioned and “patriarchy”. But reclaiming your robust side is reclaiming yourself FROM patriarchy. Sometimes this requires an actual war against the patriarchy inside your head. If you are too feminine tfor this kind of fighting all you will end up with is an ideological system that affirms dysfunction as all that can be achieved -- even perhaps as a kind of good. By remaining as your parents made you, as a product of their strange psycho-sexual dynamics, you never do anything more than replicate their biological processes.
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