1. CF.
    Gut microbes may also communicate with the brain in other ways, scientists say, by modulating the immune system or by producing their own versions of neurotransmitters.
    "I'm actually seeing new neurochemicals that have not been described before being produced by certain bacteria," says Mark Lyte of the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in Abilene, who studies how microbes affect the endocrine system. "These bacteria are, in effect, mind-altering microorganisms."

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  2. Sorry - the camera doesn't know whether to focus on me or on the background. Bad camera. It may be to do with the way I set it up initially so that the bookcase came into sharp focus.
    I may set for manual focus next time.

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  3. Get a better working knowledge of your own mechanism of self-condemnation, which would bring you into utter servitude and utter fearful conformity. Down with the Islamic State! Up with freedom of individual expression.

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  4. Whether they are sometimes postmodernists, sometimes free-thinkers or sometimes Stalinists, there are those who consider it their moral duty to upbraid you on you alleged unconscious racism. They get their feelings hurt when you tell them not to do that or that you have already developed a political and intellectual conscience of your own.

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  5. To understand the potential of intellectual shamanism for feminism, one has to be able to take a perspective from the outside-in with regard to an understanding of emotional expressiveness.  Those brought up under extreme authoritarianism will not always find it easy to emote, or indeed to access effectively their own personal thoughts.DOWN WITH THE ISLAMIC STATE! UP WITH FREEDOM OF INDIVIDUAL EXPRESSION! http://unsanesafe.blogspot.com.au/2009/12/patriarchal-versions-of-shamanism.html  gentle folk, if you want to downvote this, I suggest you go the whole hog and joing the Islamic State.  If you like domination and repression you will like being burned alive.  I, for one, will not intervene.

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  6. A very important video, that ought to clear up some misunderstandings.
    I believe that many people can feel threatened when they sense that others map the psyche differently from how they do. I'm trying to show why we don't need to see superego shamanism as a threat, but as a way of defeating an internal threat. I'm sure that sometimes one may wish to defeat external threats by seeming dangerous to others, but in my case the real point is to defend one's existing psychological range, in relation to oneself only. Those who have a different structure to their mind, because of their different historical positioning, will tend not to implicitly understand this process, so will try to impose guilt and shame. This leads to a dropping off of performance, because if the voice of internal condemnation gets too loud, one is unable to access one's own emotions and feelings, which means one is unable to gain access to the feelings of others and determine if they are reasonable. Superego shamanism is a practice and an ongoing cure for those brought up in very harsh circumstances, who may feel their voice of reason being drowned out by criticism.

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