Once again, the psychological structure of narcissism seems to accord with what I now understand about psychoanalysis, especially Lacanian theory. I think there are people who really do fit this mindset, described as normal and conventional by Lacan's theory. He held the view that the true self, along with its deepest desires, truths and proclivities could not be accessed by the higher level of the mind, which is deemed to be socially conformist and limited by conventional notions of proper behavior. Maybe you should read Lacan? I really don't think his descriptions fit any of my own attitudes or behavior, because I really do know what I want, most of the time, and what I am fighting for or against. But perhaps there are certain types of people who really do not know this at all, perhaps because of their very rigid moral training, which makes them ashamed of their underlying desires, and also fearful and suspicious of them.0Add a comment
When narcissists get a lot of people on their side, the problem this can lead to for the victim can be reality adjustment. Ever since I was young, when I tried to bring people's attention to my father's behaviour, I was told, "Oh that is just trivial stuff. You are overreacting." But then later, people expected me to have a very finely-tuned sensitivity to their own "trivial stuff". If I didn't have this, I was seen to be ham-fisted. But it was really difficult to develop a level of finely-tuned sensitivity to other people's problems, whilst disregarding my own. I never seemed to be able to manage this contradiction. Surely if my own stuff was trivial, then somebody else's complaint about this or that being not quite perfect or refined was also trivial?0Add a comment
This is very speculative, but you asked in one of your previous videos why your psychiatrist boyfriend would have suggested you stay in a welfare housing lot. If he was a cerebral narcissist, this could be a feature of his displacement of a sexual impulse. Certain types of cerebral narcissists may feel that sexual activity is degrading to the female partner. They may feel this sense of guilt over sexual impulses if they have embraced an ideology that gives undue emphasis to the symbolic value of male over female, for instance as the three Abrahamic religions do. The displacement of sexual gratification may be expressed in sending you to the lower reaches of society to live on welfare.0Add a comment
Ah, there is something else I picked up on, too, from the video, which is that narcs simply cannot understand that people change. Therefore who you were as a teenager is who you are now. I think this is the fundamental narc pathology, that they have not been able to change, themselves, and therefore they do not grasp that other people do mature and overcome their problems, get beyond them and become different in various ways. A narc may act excessively delighted if they hear you ever used to have a problem ever, because to their mind that is still how you are, and a weakness that can be exploited.
It can be funny, actually, if you are onto their game, and you notice that they start to attack you for all the things you USED TO BE. The target has already moved, but they are still attacking that OLD SPOT where it used to be.
You have to step back from this to see them try and fail to perform their magic.0Add a comment
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