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And the need of the victim to maintain their own cognitive links in relation to their experiences in the past is the biggest battle that has to be waged against a narcissist and narcissistic types. This is why I found therapy so inimical and devastating, because the therapist who does not see life as a narrative, but rather as a series of emotional states, is breaking down the structure of resistance to the narcissist just as surely as if the narcissist were doing it himself. Life is only meaningful if it is in the form of a narrative. By contrast, there is no meaning in breaking down somebody's narrative. That is to wage war against them and enforce an absence of meaning and destruction of defensive shell.
As for narcissists not having any relationship to a "higher power", I think it is more like this.... They assess all reactions and actions as merely emotional and nothing more. That's is what they seem to do, precisely. For instance, if I were to express to a narcissist that I have a dislike for narcissists, based on previous experience with them, the narcissist would discount my previous experience and make it out to be without basis in meaning. For instance, if I said, I dislike jam tarts, or a I prefer sunnier weather, those would be emotional statements of preference. The narc. thinks that my reaction to narcissists is on the same level as a preference for one kind of food over another.
What they lack is not so precisely access to a higher power, but rather the ability to put other people's experiences into context, so as to understand why their experiences are meaningful to them in the particular ways that they are. They don't see that when I say, "no", to one thing and "yes" to another, that there is a whole wealth of learning experience behind my judgement. They don't understand that the cognitive processing of experience is a core part of maturity.0Add a comment
Yeah, I experienced a physical break-down but not a mental one. I think my body threw itself on the grenade to save my mind. I still had the residual problem, though, that I could not closely observe and follow the pattern of emotional relationships in a workplace situation where attention to detail and attention to the finer machinations of workplace politics was necessary. Hypervigilance led to a state of emotional detachment, which increased the more I sensed the possibility of danger. So I fundamentally could not re-enter the Western workplace. Too bad for me. I'm also aware that there was a slur campaign regarding me that made it seem as if I could not remain in any Western workplace because I was, myself, the narcissist, and perpetuator of crimes. I find such a narrative really absurd, but the level of confusion it adds makes things impossible.0Add a comment
New for 2015 and saving the Gnicuf Rhino: "bullying as warfare
The tactic they use against me (and I have experienced this a few times) is to hire me for a job and not give me enough knowledge or resources to do it. Then the real or manufactured "complaints" start coming in, usually from anonymous sources, and they are reported back to me. "Look!" screams the boss, hysterically, "There is a fire over there! Put it out!" So I rush to attend to the matter. Meanwhile he or she has nurtured another crisis somewhere else. "Look!" he screams again. "Another crisis! Put it out!" And this goes on until I am exhausted. "
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