1. In modernity, guilt is viewed as a sign of culpability, but to assume a natural correlation at all times (or even at most times) is false.
    I talk about how taking on the guilt and the responsibility for something you haven't done might be the only way to cancel a "blood debt". I also explain this concept, which most people in a liberal society will not have had personal experience with.
    *Sorry, this video cuts out at 13.20

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  3. GOP and the Rise of Anti-Knowledge | Consortiumnews: "Why the Ignorance?

    Journalist Michael Tomasky has attempted to answer the question as to what Ben Carson’s popularity tells us about the American people after making a detour into asking a question about the man himself: why is an accomplished neurosurgeon such a nincompoop in another field? “Because usually, if a man (or woman) is a good and knowledgeable and sure-footed doctor, or lawyer or department chair or any other position that could have been attained only through repeated displays of excellence and probity, then that person will also be a pretty solid human being across the board.”

    Well, not necessarily. English unfortunately doesn’t have a precise word for the German “Fachidiot,” a narrowly specialized person accomplished in his own field but a blithering idiot outside it. In any case, a surgeon is basically a skilled auto mechanic who is not bothered by the sight of blood and palpitating organs (and an owner of a high-dollar ride like a Porsche knows that a specialized mechanic commands labor rates roughly comparable to a doctor)."

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  4. Vlog CCCXLII - YouTube:

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    Have you ever noticed that narcissists, for instance Sam Vaknin, don't really have a clear idea of what a healthy human being should look like, apart from in terms of conforming to social norms? They actually view the opposite of narcissism as "conforming", which is actually a negative structure of behavior. In a way, then, they are still aggrandizing their own non-conformity and thinking in black and white about this issue. (If you don't see what I mean, have a look at some of Sam's political videos, and how he scolds the European leftists for their failure to conform to dominant power structures and the current (non-progressive) interpretation of economics.

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  5. An underperformer is a covert narcissist? I have often underperformed because I feel like I am burning up when I am addressing certain issues. At least this has been the case in the past. I've felt like my head was on fire. Basically I was trying to undo the spell of fascism that had been cast over me. I had a blood debt....I had to submit to autocratic authority...I was trying to undo all of these spells. But every time I tried to, my head caught fire and I could hardly think. "Thou Shalt Not..." Rhodesia had cast its undeniable spell --- but it had also been a source of great and natural organic delight, and a genuine source of innocence, in another aspect.

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