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  2. Yeah, I had one academic say to me, "I'm just a fun intellectual, who doesn't take it seriously", and then when I didn't offer a similar comment about myself, she broke off communication. So I surmised that the covert narc. had spread that idea. I also know how it came about. I was attacking the common Western Don Quixote complex of charging at me and proclaiming they were charging at "fascism". My self-proclamation, within this context, "I must be a fascist", was not serious. And I'd said so, for clarification purposes.


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  4. As for 27:30, sure I will make it very "funny" for the narc to see how I react, because I can react very effectively to trouble. What people do not realize is that I was brought up by a feral father who had been brutalized by a real war and I have learned to survive. Therefore, people who mess with me learn a little bit about the extent of my survival skills

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  5. You know. one of the things you and I have in common is that "joking around with the boys". Ok, there was this one guy (but this has likely happened to me more than once, and perhaps it has been the most common way I've inadvertently provoked covert narcs)....this one guy began to show contempt for the details of my life. So I thought, "Ok, That's fine to take our collective toughness up another level, because that's where I spend most of my waking hours in any case, in stoicism land." But I think I was supposed to feel the contempt in isolation and not make it into a socially shared motif of toughness, as I did. I think this is where things began to look as though they were going wrong in a lot of my relationships with covert narcs.
    Also the humor aspect, which is in the same vein as the toughness motif -- they tend to think you are publicly shaming them, rather than engaging in some give-and-take. I think this may have produced a turning point whereby a lot of narcs went to war against me.

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  6. True story, though, it was Nietzsche that weaned me off being a perfect victim. I began reading his stuff right when I was in the midst of workplace mobbing and extreme gaslighting, and I read some very good phrases, that stood out to me at the time. One was the expression, "too fearful to tell a lie." Another was "“Objection, evasion, joyous distrust, and love of irony are signs of health; everything absolute belongs to pathology.”
    By taking these to heart in the spirit of "I have to try something", I immediately began turning the situation around (and very quickly....however it was too late for my health.)

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  7. Question in regard to Modernity. In your expierence where and how far does modernity expand? For example modernity is present in Australia and Britain but is significantly less present in Eastern Europe. Does that make sense? Or am I talking jibberish?

    Good video by the way.
    +Antistar211 I think we really can understand Western modernity, at least in my sense of it, as the mentality of the bourgeois revolutionaries. Having said that, I am not sure how far it has spread, only what it looks like and what it feels like to be on the inside of it (or more aptly on the outside, trying to get onto the inside of it, to make sense of it).
    Modernity expands wherever there is the modern attitude that "we" have won BECAUSE we are not strong, but BECAUSE "we" hold a system of values that is self-policing and involves the policing of others whenever they seem to put on airs or appear to be strong. That is the attitude of modernity, because it revolves around an absence of aristocratic values, rather than inscribing positive values of its own. And its facade of strength is maintained through self-policing.
    In a context where strength (belief in oneself) is not seen as the definitive enemy, we have not yet entered modernity. There is, though, the phony belief in oneself and put-on mannerism of the American type, who is really a salesperson, even if by outward appearance a movie star or politician.
    And there is Eastern Europe, which also seems very modern in many regards, although I haven't been there and am not sure about it.

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