Inheritance of generational trauma (my Rhodesian story) - YouTube:
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It is always easier to side with the perpetrator. Join the winning team! Although I would say there is deeper neurological patterning attraction going on, not to say there is/is not institutionalization. What I mean by that is that people who have been trauma bonded somehow magnetically attract future NPDs/abusers. I am starting to think ideologies are an externality and that what is really going on is that reinforcement of one set of neural firings of one type of brain attracts a different set of reinforcements in a different brain.
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Jennifer Armstrong
+permaculturedesigner I wasn't trauma bonded. That is a mocern thing, where individualism holds sway. I was deeplyk, deeply repressed and somewhat schizoid from all of the abuse.
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Jennifer Armstrong
+permaculturedesigner My difficulty was that I didn't know the language of emotion, especially as it pertained to Western culture. In my former culture, if you needed some help for something you would speak to someone senior in authority, with a stiff upper lip )on both parts) and they would help you out. But the level of emotion I bought to my situation to try to get others' assistance was never right. I couldn't judge what was a convincint emotional level to indicate urgency and at the same time self-control. In any case, my project may have been defeated from the start, because of the ideology that I was already "privileged", set up for life by my supposedly lucky origins, and that it was everybody else, not me, who was struggling. It was very hard for me to get out of the schizoid state.
+Jennifer Armstrong
What kind of training? Self defense is intrinsic human nature that many have been conditioned to ignore. As long as you can identify yourself and the threat posed to yourself, you have all you need to fight, in whatever form that means for each person.
What kind of training? Self defense is intrinsic human nature that many have been conditioned to ignore. As long as you can identify yourself and the threat posed to yourself, you have all you need to fight, in whatever form that means for each person.
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