1. Oh yeah, that is scary, when you have to deal with someone who is, well, seriously disordered, especially if you haven't had anyone take your side ever and say, "Well, that was a seriously disordered person." I've had people emulate his behavior because they thought that was clever and a tried and tested means to get under my skin.

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  2. Sacha Slone
    9:36 AM
    +Jennifer Armstrong
    "....And I was constantly told that it was very, very normal for me to be bashed, and that I must learn to expect it, because my "privilege" had to be taken down a few notches. So I developed a very ironic sense of things..."

    Wow, this quote is absolutely one of the best descriptions of this fucked-up way of thinking that we call 'American Culture' ...aka 'the psychopathic control grid.'
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    Jennifer Armstrong
    9:41 AM
    +Sacha Slone That is why I impose my own control grid on my YouTube channel and often dissuade Americans from joining it.  There are a lot of people who just reiterate the control grid without understand that I am critiquing it.  And what I find is that the people who are most mentally damaged can never, ever understand irony.  They tend to read irony as a confessional or naive genre.   It's very hard for them to step back from a situation and to say, "Perhaps this isn't as it is supposed to be?"
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  3. Jennifer Armstrong 

    Well this kind of grinding down of the will is normal wherever there are power dynamics. The more subtle power mongers do get us to think of this as all for our own good, or even acquiescence to what is rational. What narcissists can do is give us the gift to see these power dynamics as they really are, because narcissists are such extremists. Thei lack of subtlelty can eventually lead us to notice what we had been ignoring before.

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  4. Pranksterism=I am guilty of it. But not with any familial psychodynamics involved. I just got more and more into an inquisitive and interrogative mode because I really thought Western society must be crazy and I had to urgently make sense of it. I was told, for instance, that bullying me was the normal and right thing to do, and that I could only feel it as a sensation because I had some degree of sensitivity. And I was told that my previous life in Zimbabwe had been really, really privileged, when the only way I had been privileged was not materially at all, but in terms of my access to the wild and to nature. And I was constantly told that it was very, very normal for me to be bashed, and that I must learn to expect it, because my "privilege" had to be taken down a few notches. So I developed a very ironic sense of things, and every now and then I would let off steam with some pranksterism.

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  5. Bataille's "nothingness" A philosophical meaning that escapes most - YouTube:EcceSignumRex11 minutes ago

    Is abstraction upon experience completely esoteric?
    Jennifer Armstrong 
    +EcceSignumRex There is absolutely nothing wrong with abstracting from experience, if one knows that one is doing that. That is the highest action, actually. But most people receive their abstractions uncritically and have their experiences formed and formulated by them. This can be quite subtle, or the result of intense ideological indoctrination. In either case, it is common enough to be the norm. People receive their ideologies concerning gender or morality or proper human behavior, and then interpret the world on the basis of these. But in doing so, they divide up the world, and make it narrower, so that experiences flow in a restricted and prescribed manner, rather than more organicallly and fluidly.

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  7. Well really they defeat themselves, and they can even move you ahead despite themselves, because of their method. First they magnetize you on the basis of your illusions. Mine was that contemporary Western culture had some wisdom or some nobility to it. After that, they try to drag you down with them, destroying you on the basis of your attachment to the illusion. HOWEVER.the engineering job they do on you is inherently flawed. I am only destroyed to the extent that I continue to attach to the illusion, which is now dragging me down. If I stop feeling attached and believe in "nothing" (for instance), they have no hold over me anymore. In the end, therefore, narcs destroy the very illusions that they need to sustain themselves.

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  8. Vlog 52 - YouTubeStarry Crown2 hours ago

    +Jennifer Armstrong, I read that as part of a course. Now it's a dim memory. Can you explain what youmean if it is not too tedious. I enjoy your point of view. For instance:: Did they ignore her then steal and morph her ideas, or what? I'm fascinated by the rhetorical shifts of power in academe, and you explain them well.
    Jennifer Armstrong 
    +Starry Crown Well academia makes a big fanfare about being leftwing or progressive, but they do not recognize, more often than not, the importance of the dimensions of time and change in creating situations and identities.  The forceful impact of history is most often underplayed or ignored altogether, and identities are essentialized as if they were static and always will be.  ï»¿

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  9. Narcissistic societies corrode & destroy even normative communication - YouTube:

    'via Blog this'

    I openly communicated but either what I said wasn't right, good enough, educated enough that I learnt to shout up, I was brought up to be seen and not heard. I loved to chat to anyone just to express myself but it later got misinterpreted as to emotional to challenging to enquiring basically just to much, then I met narcopath he wanted to know everything about me and listen to every word and then he wanted to systematically distroy me. Every uneducated word that came out of my mouth was a chance to insult me not educate me. Now I am left without my nievity I'm distrusting of all communication including my own.
    +Healing Vibe Well if it is a consolation, I have a PhD, and what I said was also not considered either educated or mature enough. Which tells me something. A society that is terminally immature will blame its failures on other people. It does so compulsively and without any thinking.

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