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  2. It is obvious that your dog is not an aggressive breed. Still, people are stupid enough to not understand animal nature. They don't even understand human nature, so animal nature might be a stretch. The best many people can do now is anthropomorphism.

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  3. Inborn experts on "colonialism" - YouTube 

    I get twitchy at the end.  Not an easy topic for me to address as I have succumbed to so much directly related trauma.
    Jennifer Armstrong 
    Don't underestimate for a minute how hard this topic has been for me to address and how much trauma I have had to overcome to address this important issue.  I do not do so lightly.   From a gender point of view, I have been very much a victim of my colonial society.  I was smashed down before I could walk (figuratively). A huge problem with people not understanding the difference between colonialism and modernity is that if you want to free yourself from the controls you don't like about the former you need to fight fire with fire, with a lot of aggressive energy and stealth and that kind of thing.  I have had so many moderners block me from trying to burn down the house.   They claim that they are against oppression -- but certainly they are for mine. If I even try to speak of my experiences in a genteel way, I get downvoted. The conceited moderner always stands above everything I have to do.
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  8. Vlog 89 - YouTube:

    'via Blog this'

    They're attention/narrative/emotion controlling. It's what causes the depression - - you can't have a conversation about anything - without them attempting to get control. The outcomes are then, they know nothing and can offer nothing - - leaving you the option of telling them they know nothing: they'll bleat.
    They know something, but can't admit to the bounds or nature of what they know: leading to 'weird' outcomes where they'll take credit, in conversation, for things you say - - or attempt to project their 'opinion' onto you as you're talking to them..
    The very idea that something exists outside of them that they can't dominate.. bothers them. That's why they need to act the way they act - and hope the 'powerful' things kill themselves, or just go away..
    Jennifer Armstrong 
    +EcceSignumRex It's very, very anti-intellectual. Intellectuals ought to be able to deal with all sorts of materials in a nuanced way, not seek to deny, marginalize and exclude material that isn't about them.

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  9. It is useful to look at the way that cultures both create and reinforce the perception of certain behaviors as pathological, thus replicating themselves as they already are. For instance, it may well be true that many "co-dependents" have a false self, however, the definition of "co-dependent" ought to be pinned to the having of a false self in the first instance (if we insist on having this category and making it pathological). All too often, people make reverse assumptions. If they notice that somebody is more than conventionally considerate and caring, they may label that person as "co-dependent" and then proceed to pathologize and abuse them. This reinforces the American cultural norm of rugged individualism and emotional coldness. Thus the culture replicates itself on the basis of what it pathologizes.

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