1. Vlog 97 Healing - YouTubeJennifer Armstrong1 second ago

    I was one of those who did find the video on your mother dying wrought with emotion -- so much so that I could not comment on it myself. I don't go so close to such intense emotions. On the point of context, THIS is why I keep insisting on historical context. People these days are taught lazy methods, for instance to rely on hunches, rather than check historical context and see what is different between their own circumstances and experiences and those of another. Onto my third point, I have become too healthy to abide here in the so-called "narcissist support community". I have you, NF, very much to thank for deepening my understanding and maturity, but I still do not want to stay here too long, even on the extreme periphery, because I absolutely do not belong here at all, above all culturally. My thinking does not go along the same lines of those who divide the world into narcissists and co-dependents, or perpetrators and passive victims of abuse. Therefore, it is only a matter of time before I am once again taken out of context, and attacked by people who have not taken the time to learn how to do basic research or to think for themselves (for instance not even taking a few seconds, as I noticed recently from a commentator, to find out whether I have my own YouTube channel before accusing me of nefarious misdeeds such as overcommenting.) Anyway, you (NF) are very graceful under fire, and we can all learn a lot from you. As for myself (and perhaps this doesn't bear repeating), I can't abide American anti-intellectualism -- what I see as the cultural wilfulness to take things out of context. I believe I am completely in my rights to defend myself against nothing short of a global threat. This cultural wilfulness is a significant threat to global thinking, and I am the eternal enemy of those who visit my site and expect me to pander to their own cultural needs whilst not even showing me the courtesy of taking several minutes of their time to do very basic research on my historical background and my own cultural identity. By the way, I have stated my position here in detail because I do believe there may be people here who are mature enough, intellectually as well as psychologically and emotionally, to understand precisely what I am saying. If not, no harm done, and am already on my own way.

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  3. When I briefly explained Western psychological dualism as per Descartes, an AMERICAN said this to me:

    You're missing the point. She's talking about not taking the bait, the incessant barrage of instigating attacks that only gets worse once we engage in it. Certainly, we all have to put our foot down and stand up for ourselves (or someone else) from time to time. But doing it 24/7 with the same person is obviously an exercise in futility and gives them exactly what they want, which is an argument. Narcs are very competitive, tricky people, always practicing one-upmanship to prove they're better than anyone else. Side-stepping their constant barbs is a way of self-preservation until we can be free of them, and that is not a weakness--it's being smart! Accepting every challenge they throw our way will surely erase our personhood and make us ill much sooner than handling the matter wisely will. Are you sure you're here as an npd abuse victim? Because all I've seen from your comments on her various videos is an argumentative npd perpetrator, always playing devil's advocate and seeking to prove her wrong at every turn. Why not just start your own channel here on youtube so you can spew your own b.s. for those who want to hear it, instead of using someone else's videos to make your point? Frankly, you've grown very tedious and I wish you would leave. An opposing comment on one video is okay, but doing it on every video is a habit, and a bad one. You claim victimization of being called evil by your family. From where I'm standing, I'm beginning to think they're right, or at the very least, that you're some kind of royal pain in the ass!
    Jennifer Frances Armstrong This was the comment the AMERICAN was responding to: 

    Western psychology (and philosophy, therefore) has a problem with "the person" or "the subject". Therefore it offers a coin with two flipsides. On the one side "the person" can explain themselves, and they will be dismissed as engaging in too much navel gazing. Alternatively, "the person" can erase any trace of themselves as individual persons and adopt a mantle of objectivity, talking about "things as such" that are deemed to be impersonal and universally true. In either case, if you will notice carefully, personhood is erased. In my view, flipping from one side to the other side of the coin does not resolve the problem that is really a construct of Western metaphysics. In simpler terms, we are still poorer off if people think or feel that they absolutely must not explain themselves for fear of seeming weak.

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  6. Vlog 95 Healing - YouTubeWestern psychology (and philosophy, therefore) has a problem with "the person" or "the subject". Therefore it offers a coin with two flipsides. On the one side "the person" can explain themselves, and they will be dismissed as engaging in too much navel gazing. Alternatively, "the person" can erase any trace of themselves as individual persons and adopt a mantle of objectivity, talking about "things as such" that are deemed to be impersonal and universally true. In either case, if you will notice carefully, personhood is erased. In my view, flipping from one side to the other side of the coin does not resolve the problem that is really a construct of Western metaphysics. In simpler terms, we are still poorer off if people think or feel that they absolutely must not explain themselves for fear of seeming weak.

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  8. Vlog 93 Healing - YouTube: "I don't think there are people who want to destroy goodness. I think that is a very dangerous idea -- although I am sure my family believe that I want to destroy goodness. Actually that was the justification that has allowed the scapegoating I experienced to take place. I think people do have a reaction against others' inviolability, though. I think that is a real thing. If they've had hardships, they can't stand it that others seem to be protected from such experiences. Like a dam bursting out of its walls, they want to spread the harm. They attack those who just seem to stand apart from it all, as if they cannot be harmed.
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    'via Blog this'

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  9. A serious propaganda misdeed that seriously misfired - YouTube:

    'via Blog this'

    +Jennifer Armstrong Yes like telling someone they are strong and tough in order to appease the ego of that person so they will not fight to prove anything.
    The Modernized West has a really complex attitude to the Old Colonial West, but it seems to come across mnostly in focusing on the issue of a neglected mental toughness.

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  10. A serious propaganda misdeed that seriously misfired - YouTubeWomen Of The Night27 seconds agoLINKED COMMENT

    Anytime I hear or see a group saying or acting like they are tough, I know it is just a front and they are weak. Unfortunately whole segments of society and even towns can act and think they are tough. They are overcompensating. Many of them join together or push certain group norms and mores in order to fit in. Some can do this playfully and get away with it, while most embody what they feel is tough and broadcast this bravado. This also goes for people or groups that are perceived to be hard workers and promote themselves as such, when actually they are not working any harder than anyone else, and of course, there are the people who manipulate others and rip down the hard work and happiness of others.
    Jennifer Armstrong 
    Back in the say, when I was extremely impressionable, my father had to visit an army barracks and there was a kind of wooden fence and an arena. I would have been about eight or ten and I went and leant against the fence, nearby to some massive biceps of some real soldiers. My father cautioned me away. They may have been making threatening sexual references or something I was not aware of. This was genuinely a rough and tough culture.

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