1. Narcissists are Rude! - YouTubeJennifer Armstrong1 second ago

    They don't understand another person's verbal irony, and view it as an expression, or confession of silliness, and they don't understand change over time, so at the most basic level they are unsophisticated. When they snatch at what they think are your errors -- which are often expressions emitted in ironic form, or simple acknowledgements of change over time (a sentence that may have the form, "I used to be..."), they are at their worst, because they also betray their own assumption that they are the more sophisticated party and that they are right in noticing something deplorable about you and putting you in your place.
    I find their suble but completely false assumption of their own intellectual superiority to be the vilest aspect of their behavior.

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  2. Remaining childish, demanding nurturing rather than accepting the occasional criticism, will not remove the reality of power relationships.  But, this hope and supersition remains the American delusion, and the illusion of much of the contemporary West.

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  5. You did make a lot of sense. Of course people are amazingly not alert about allowing V to be an expert on mental health. I have analyzed his system as a whole, and it leads back to a reinforcement of narcissism, not an escape from it at all. A typical narcissist, he derides all avenues of escape as signs of immaturity. To comply, to conform to authoritarianism is deemed the only mature response. This shuts the door to independence (real maturity) and to thinking for oneself.

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  7. Nietzsche's role as a philosopher is that he reintroduces the importance of subjectivity back into the intellectual realm, where it had, historically and culturally, lost much of its status. Yet he does not want to overturn the intellect with his approach. That is a common misunderstanding. Rather, he is seeking to give expression to the inner self, a self that is constructed along lines of will to power. *    Zarathustra's "bridge" is a metaphor for crossing from everyday normality to transcendence of one's fearful or cowardly states.

    To attempt to solve the problem of the lack of magnificence in humanity by immersing oneself in either subjectivity or objectivity alone is wrong. In Nietzsche's terms, this would imply a form of cowardice and moral failing in not living up to one's human potential. Both of these would-be solutions are in error. The abyss between normative being and Overman has to be crossed by individuals representing humanity.

    The metaphor of the "bridge" in Nietzsche's Zarathustra is quintessentially shamanistic, although it actually alludes to the evolutionary development of humankind beyond the apelike state: a process that is ungoing and far from finished.  Within a work of art, there are many levels of resonance, however, and given the way that Nietzsche focuses so much on the untapped resources of instinct, emotion, a feeling for the past, and bhuried treasures within the psyche, I think  that the bridge can also be understood to access the resource of one's subjective states from the standpoint of intellectual objectivity – moving across and downwards into the structures of the unconscious. To cross the bridge "as spirit" is a term for becoming shamanised according to an expert in the field, Mircea Eliade. Nietzsche picks up the shamanistic theme and introduces into it the notion of the Superman. From Zarathustra:

    I love him who reserveth no share of spirit for himself, but wanteth to be wholly the spirit of his virtue: thus walketh he as spirit over the bridge. [note the shamanistic trope]
    I love him whose soul is deep even in the wounding, and may succumb through a small matter: thus goeth he willingly over the bridge. [note the reference to shamanistic wounding, leading to shamanistic actualisation]
    I go not your way, ye despisers of the body! Ye are no bridges for me to the Superman!—[note the shamanistic link to the body as the means by which a bridge is forged to the 'spirit' realm.]

    It is quintessentially shamanistic to build a bridge over an abyss of consciousness, thus uniting aspects of the mind that were before separated. I suggest that this abyss may be most clearly understood as existing between two parts of the mind – the neo-cortex and R-complex – although an experientially founded and existential rendering of the shamanistic pattern can open it up to some idiosyncratic depictions.

    Due to the estranged nature of current human consciousness from itself, it is imperative, as part of the project of developing human consciousness, to make an inwards, and experiential bridge leading back from the realm of factual knowledge (the realm instrumental reason and consciousness) to the subjective realm of knowledge (the unconscious and its will to power). On the most significant level, the two levels of knowledge represent a structural divide between consciousness and the Nietzschean unconscious (unexpressed potential,  oriented to the world as will to power.)


    * Kleinian "object relations" literature would revise the element of emotion that Nietzsche sees as the individual's abundance within a framework of scarcity, neediness and survival, which she alleges to be a key element of the early, most subjective levels of consciousness. But Nietzsche's concept is that the unconscious has something more life enhancing and actively aggressive.

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  8. Vlog 130 Healing - YouTubeJennifer Armstrong4 minutes ago (edited)

    Also true that they don't understand gratitude. They could gain so much if their ego boundaries were only porous enough to enjoy a sense of gratitude. I was thinking about this just this morning, that if the narc realized the that they were being appreciated for their talents and capabilities, they would not attack those around them in a paranoid way. Instead, they experience appreciation, reverence and respect as an attack on their identity, as if you were trying to steal it from them -- which is what they are trying to do to you. Narcs often have very real and recognizable skills and capacities, but they undermine their value in the minds of others when they attack them for no reason, other than feeling paranoid.
    Jennifer Armstrong 
    I'm up to 16 minutes, but most of what I see here is the gullible narcissist setting himself up for a fall by underestimating his victims whom he falsely labels as "co-dependent". They're overconfident for sure. That isn't a good recipe for success in the long run.
    Jennifer Armstrong 
    For instance I have allergies, but they used to be very severe and exacerbated by stress. I once commented to a fine fellow that at that time I "couldn't see three feet ahead" metaphorically. This was because the allergy was so clouding my mind. Narcs are simple, though, and he went in for the kill, even though emotionally I was extremely stable and not that confused at all. This narc set himself up for the kill, then. Never be overconfident.

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  10. If Western society is the narcissist, was I the codependent who wanted to relate to it? I must have been very, very attracted to it, for my parents to bring me here, without liaising with me first, and then for me to try to please it all of those years. Who knew that it must have been my residual narcissism that drew my family to geographically relocate? Such mysteries reside in the universe!

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