1. Vlog 151 Healing - YouTubeJennifer Armstrong1 second ago

    When you are in a jungle and trying to hack your way out with a small blade, nothing makes sense, especially if the jungle was where you had been brought up. It is a very weak position to have no means to explain how one got there in the first place. People who you look to for help will assert that they cannot by any means help you unless you explain what is wrong, but you cannot do so because that is part of the problem -- really the very basic part of it. So you must keep working to try to hack your way out. It feels very weak to have no explanation that one could use effectively to justify oneself or one's own standing in the world. Eventually, when one has just enough strength to know that one small person, such as myself, could hardly have been responsible for all the great malice that occurs around her (here we introduce an element of modesty and reality to the situation), one can start to use the tactic of asking others what THEY mean, when they make groundless accusations. You put the onus back onto them, and amazingly they don't know anything about themselves either.

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  2. Narcissists Push You Then Pull Back so They can Push Harder Later - YouTube:Another level of this which is much more subtle than what I have stated below, is to try to get you to seem in contradiction with yourself. Once you have made a public stand against the narc, any conciliatory mood you harbor can be made to look as if you do not know your own mind. You must be crazy. This is a very sad and bad aspect of the narcissist's self-indulgence in his manner of interpreting the world.

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  4. Liberation fascism? God's judgement isn't pretty - YouTube 

    I remember reading that in Dialectic of Enlightenment, how a major point made by Adorno and Horkheimer was that the Enlightenment (and modernity as well) believes it has transcended mythology and superstition when in fact has only created mythology and superstitions of its own. Linear conceptions of history and progress assume that what follows from the previous generation will inevitably be better, smarter, more aware, and less prone to one-dimensional ways of thinking, when all the evidence we see today should indicate the reverse. Everything coming from my generation (I'm 27) seems to be nothing but solipsism and demands that others accept their "feels" as truth by way of moralistic emotional blackmail or something else with zero basis. There is little attempt to see beyond the surface level. It makes any kind of intellectual understanding impossible because everything is nothing more than a knee-jerk reaction.

    It's funny, because in Jewish theology it's very much the opposite: there's a notion of (and I don't know the Hebrew terminology so I apologize) the "degeneration of the generations" whereby the latter generations are said to be far lacking in wisdom and spirituality than the previous, and that everything becomes progressively worse until the messianic era arrives (this could have very well been what Walter Benjamin was channeling in the critique of progress in his Theses on History, which was apparently an influenced on Adorno and Horkheimer's critique of progress in DoE).

    And honestly, I'm at the point where elitism (as it is today) appeals to me, even as an anarchist. I would not like to "sink to the level of the masses" through some kind of populist endeavor if that entails swimming in their shit.
    Jennifer Armstrong 
    It's because unless you have some authoritarianism in you, you have no backbone. You might one minute find a certain intellectual discourse or idea appealing, but then someone hurts your feeling, so you find it unappealing. Hollow people follow whatever makes them feel good in the moment. After a time, they lack depth to such an extent that they can't even imagine or conceptualize real danger to themselves. They invite in dangerous people and submit to murder or to rape. They don't imagine this could have been prevented or preventable. People without a trace of authoritarianism become a danger to those around them because you can't rely on them for anything, not even your personal safety.

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  5. Liberation fascism? God's judgement isn't pretty - YouTube:

    Authoritarianism, for me, is worrying for 2 main reasons. Firstly, it implies that an individual isn't capable of using their reason and thinking for themselves. Secondly, considering the narcissism of our 'leaders', I think we should be sceptical and indeed critical of those who crave authority, never mind accept it. The individual works best when they move from their own inner wisdom, although most are too conditioned to access it.
    Jennifer Armstrong 
    Western culture seems to have an affinity for authoritarianism. It believes itself purged of it because it does not even begin to understand it, but it also craves the attention of authoritarian groups like ISIL. Your definition above, which is a moral definition and entails a moral critique is unfortunately superficial, because it suggests that we can simply purge ourselves of authoritarianism by becoming resourceful and mature. A moral perspective is much more limited and distorting than a broad historical perspective.

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  8. The moderner's exaggerated confession about authoritarianism - YouTube:Grace Colleen7 minutes ago

    I see your point in the benefit of survival reactions under certain conditions. Mine worked against me in that when an event should have been sufficient evidence to put up a boundary, emotional or physical, the freeze response to the trauma did not allow the appropriate act of self protection to take over. I allowed many abusive situations in my life, and now that I see that pattern, I have changed it by regaining my lost sense of self...lots of work over many years. I believe that this type of defense for me was due to being raised in an authoritarian ethnic family where the men had all the power, and the women had to support that structure or face punishment. I also was sent to private school, Catholic Vatican I rules. Carnal punishment was the norm, and the nuns liked it best if they could beat small children in front of the entire class. The effect was shame for one being punished, and fear for the observers. Horrible people, just plain horrible, and my parents paid for that. I also was deemed as more fortunate than the others as my father was a well to do business owner.
    Jennifer Armstrong 
    Well I have also had the problem of not being attuned to emotional nuance in modernity. For instance, I have tended not to react though sophisticated counteractions of hostile overtures. This skill has taken me a long time to learn. Hostility, to me, was someone having a bad day, with the expectation that the storm would pass. Often it doesn't. I've underreacted, and then people start moving around the goal posts at work or in other situations, to provoke a reaction from me. At that time, I go from peace to war, and the war never ends. I haven't coped well in the middle zones of emotionality at all. I've also experienced a lot of physical punishment, too, in my childhood. I take breaches against my security very seriously.

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  9. The moderner's exaggerated confession about authoritarianism - YouTube:

    'Grace Colleen8 hours ago (edited)

    Watch out for it...it will happen! Perfect. Is the detachment considered part of the trauma response of flight? My own defense was to freeze, to deny that the event/abuse happened. At one point, I heard myself say, 'that didn't happen', that inner voice had gotten loud enough to hear. Once heard, then I could attend to why I used freeze as a response to trauma.
    Jennifer Armstrong 
    We should look at it in this way, that many reflexive reactions can be either very adaptive, or very obstructive to adaptation depending on the context. As I happens I am extremely adapted to survive in an authoritarian situation. The detachment and reflexive hiding of one's emotions (even from oneself if need be) facilitates survival under these conditions. In modernity, I find that I am maladaptive, because this level of survival reaction gets activiated when my emotional survival would already be assured by the tepid, contemporary conditions. Still, I have survival reactions, which would suit me better to a time of extremes or a time of war.

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