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  2. Are All Victims of Narcissists Enablers? - YouTube:

    'via Blog this'

    +Jennifer Armstrong I think what he's saying is that it's really your call. Seeking validation isn't necessary or essential to your reality bc it's your reality. The problem I think most ppl have with narcs is the psychological and emotional harm they do to others. We know know narcs are harmful to others and can't be fixed. Others with types of mental illness there may be hope.
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    Jennifer Armstrong
    +Inga Hicks YI'm of the view that we all have character structures that either lean us toward a philosophy of narcissism or a philosophy of [some-other-personality-structure). I don't really think this has to involve a mental illness, either, just a predisposition, which at its extremes may become a mental illness or seem like one. My view is that whilst modern market culture produces a narcissistic character structure (meaning a tendency that way, not NPD), my own original culture, because it was militaristic, produced a tendency toward a schizoid structure. Remember, if it is dangerous not to have the same views as everybody else (it could almost be construed as a war crime), one will necessarily bury one's emotions very deep. In the end, these buried emotions may remain immature, unless actively sought out and negotiated with. I think it is very fruitful to think about how different social systems produce different character structures. There really is a logic to all this, since people internalize the values that enable survival under very specific circumstances. To this extent, we are not all the same.

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  3. Are All Victims of Narcissists Enablers? - YouTube:

    'via Blog this'

    +Alexander Jurjens becoming a narc is not necessarily dependent on growing up around narcs. It's that nature vs nurture debate thing. But if you don't identify with this 4 yr old, why did you say it's your true self?? Identifying is acknowledgment of some kind, and knowing its your true self then it is what it is. Whether other ppl like it or not is irrelevant bc it's who you are. You just suppress it bc no one around you can deal with that alter ego
    Jennifer Armstrong 

    His true self would be the one that is organic, and would need to grow up for him to have emotional integration with the world. Perhaps it cannot grow as it is too traumatized. I have certain schizoid aspects, although I am not SPD. It is difficult to achieve full emotional integration with the world when certain facets of one's emotional make-up are considered by society to be worthy of stigmatization. I've had to work really hard to integrate these emotions that various people around me had blacklisted, including a sense that having a white African heritage was not totally evil or categorically wrong. I've had to overcome a lot of shame, and it was this feeling of shame that caused me to dissasociate from many of my emotions, and become unable to relate to others in the full emotional sense.

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  5. Self awareness is the first step - YouTubeJennifer Armstrong1 second ago

    The notion of disrespect belongs to old-style style values and cultures. To the extent that this concept still remains today it has been inherited from the past. Of course what made more sense in the past is that both parties who encounter each other would have very similar notions about respect -- that is, the people who encroach on another's space would also have the internalized sensation that what they are really doing is actually disrespectful. It wouldn't just be just the one party who feels this way. Nowadays, people tend to just walk around and "be themselves". These are the modern values. If others happen to feel that their behavior is disrespectful, nobody cares about that. People are free to do as they please. Therefore, some of us have to make very long and troubled journeys toward modernity.
    In the mean time, Western cultures seems to be going through a trial-by-fire, where the extent of entitlement and having the right to do just as one pleases is being tested. People may learn that not reciprocating kind actions, or not investing in some of the old-fashioned values leads to being left high and dry when their luck runs out and nobody gives a damn about them. At that point there might be a shift in cultural norms, when people come to wonder whether having respect and showing respect might be worthwhile cultural values after all.

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  6.  Antistar21131 seconds agoLINKED COMMENT

    In contemporary western society many have heard of Nietzsche but may not have read any of his works. Do people in the West understand his work?
    Jennifer Armstrong 
    Probably not. The core issue, as taken up by Bataille, is the creation of a new sense of ethics out of the womb of Christianity, as it were. If you do not understand that Christianity is not the polar opposite of Nietzsche, but rather a system to be transcended, the existence of which if very necessary for this Nietzschean purpose, then you do not understand Nietzsche's project overall. What has happened with many who interpret Nietzsche as standing in polar opposition to the values of Christianity, rather than in dialectical transcendence of it, is that they merely enshrine the sterile values of narcissism, and make them the norm. But this is not the Nietzschean project. You can't create a system of ethics if nothing is at stake, and for the narcissist, nothing really is at stake except his or her own survival. At core Western narcissism is empty and spiritually abortive.

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  8. Response to Antistar - YouTube 

    Speaking of Jewish personality and Rhodesian personality. Are you familiar with a YouTuber called History Revived Channel? (or something like that) He has made a lot of videos on Jews.
    Jennifer Armstrong 

    I'm familiar with him. He is a Rhodie (another word for die-hard Rhodesian) who makes pro-Hitler videos. History Reviewed Channel. I really don't think it is healthy. It's a caricature of history, and does not account for the complexity of forces involved. He would do well to remember that Israel was one of Rhodesia's stauncher political allies. My view is that what has to be overcome are the caricatures, not the Jews.

    Sorry about retracting my comment. I retracted my comment in part because I thought the question might be to personal and because I thought might have been joking or something like that (dry humor).

    Thanks for the response.
    Jennifer Armstrong 

    Well, humor can sometimes push a point home, although I do think that there is something very sinister about some very "good" people -- as Nietzsche pointed out.

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  10. I am happy to report to you that I am a westerner and I find you a fascinating person, not only because you are brilliant, but because you must care about the world, about people, about the future or you wouldn't be here educating and enlightening people for free in such a thoughtful, openly introspective way. You help people who have suffered understand the universality of suffering. You are building bridges across misunderstandings between cultures. I feel it is fortuitous that I have discovered your videos on YouTube, and I am very, very grateful for it.
    Oh well then I am gratified. Thank you so much. I felt it was important to keep pushing though until I was able to communicate some important things that people seemed not to understand. I have had to fight some powerful people just to say these things, (they didn't want me to say them), so I am extremely pleased to feel that in some ways I have broken through finally.
    That you think youre special bullshit must have been passed on for eons. I dealt with this as people didn't or got involved with things that I didn't like. So if I did a solid days work or became low key around certain groups or friends, I was automatically hit with the you think youre special. I wasn't trying to hurt any of these people but something happened or they learned to use this type of phrase when dealing without someone who is different then them. If you try to turn it on them, they have other built in responses.
    Yes, I found that to be so! Anything and everything I did had the response, "You think you are so special." The main one was I wasn't born in an advanced, Western culture, so I had to try to gain knowledge about it without anybody or anything to rely on. That was when they really amped up the "you think you are so special" thing. It seems that a desire to be a parrot and not a human being had taken hold of a whole culture -- which was really too bad for me, I felt.
    where the hell are the rest of your comments? nearly 500 subs and not many comments. Maybe people are stealing your work or keeping tabs on you.
    They are welcome to steal my work and make my viewpoints fashionable.
    I've just discovered your channel and haven't watched ALL of your videos yet, but a number of them. I just wanted to tell you that you. are. amazing. So thoughtful, so articulate-- it's really refreshing. THANK YOU!!!!!
    oh thank you very much indeed.
    Lovely to be back and bask in the treasures of Jennifer! Hope you are well and congrats with new channel,channeling! <3 div="">
    Yes, indeedy. But you DO know that a lot of my seemingly mystical metaphors are indirect ways of describing politics and history.
    I would never reduce you to a guru, although you do shed som good light. xx
    +Jade Haj You are most welcome in that case. When look at what I am really doing here, I'm introducing history and politics back into the Western mind. When you look at my personal story, a whole country collapsed on me and I was blamed -- yet I survived.

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