I do believe it is actually very damaging for the people who are not heroes to take on a mantle of the heroic, because they deplete their own resources in a very terrible way whilst attacking other people. Real heroes exercise an enormous amount of self-discipline, and forbearance, which enables them to control the outcome of things in the very long term.
'Tis so interesting, peoples' life experiences and thought-histories. As a young woman, I got a tattoo which depicts the African continent, with an Olmec symbol for humanity coming up out of it. This was my way of depicting what I felt to be a "scientific' and "universal" truth-- which was that human life and human consciousness came out of Africa, and then expanded outward from that locus. As a North American in the desert southwest of the United States, much of my consciousness was intertwined with the lives and thoughts of peoples from South America, Central America, and Mexico. Thus, for me, the tattoo reflected back to me, my understanding my own existece in context of the sources of my material being and my consciousness. I did not identify with the power-culture around me, perhaps because I understood that I was "Other" and "Rejected" by that culture, and furthermore, the culture itself repulsed me. Not many people besides me ever see the tattoo, but when they do, they generally ask what it means. When I explain to them my belief that all human life began at the location we now call "Africa", I am met with shock, disbelief, anger, revulsion, and very rarely, a knowing nod or a surprised smile. Eventually I just started saying the tattoo reflects my belief that "Africa is the birthplace of civilization", and that seems to go over better with North Americans-- it looks like they're thinking "Phew, she must be talking about those pyramids and stuff, because we know OUR history didn't begin in Africa, it began in Israel" or Rome, or wherever it is the dominant white etc. etc. culture in North American believes it came from.
Yes, it is very strange indeed how much contemporary Westerners have a complete lack of anything that falls remotely outside of their own universe. I think it is down to a lack of intellectual discipline in the correct collection and storage of information. Without deep knowledge like this to draw from, nobody is capable of any intellectual rigor. To the contrary, every deviation from what was expected (as, for, for instance, your tattoo) becomes just another excuse to focus all attention back onto the self-absorbed Westerner.
On North American education: https://youtu.be/93NqlyT0Ag8
My fear about the knowledge and notion that life did begin on the African continent, is that at some point, North Americans would embrace the idea, and then, as they usually do, conclude that IF Africa holds any importance to them whatsoever, it's because Africa existed solely for the purpose of creating THEM, thus rendering THEM the "TRUE AFRICANS". As bizarre as it may sound, that's pretty much how things go around here.
I'll have a look a the video...
A big problem with Western conventions of thinking in general is the embrace of philosophical idealism, which is the notion, that there are fixed essences, which necessarily have to exist, and which material reality is merely a backdrop for. It's very bizarre because it gets reality exactly back-to-front, because all beings really come into existence through material and historical forces working in strange ways to create them. If we do not understand that we do not exist by necessity, but by force of accident and chance, and the constant movement of historical forces, we will have all sorts of absurd notions about reality. The tendency of people who think or feel in this wrong way is to punish those who happen not to fit into the pattern of their expectations. They really don't perceive anything outside of what their ideology tells them to expect to see, but they sure get angry if reality in fact does not conform to their ideas. Silly people.
Blaming the right party is very important for healing, although psychologists do not understand this and will discourage any sort of blaming. Nonetheless, to have done the intellectual work and have it firmly sorted out in your mind as to who did what has the reward that one no longer blames oneself, but looks at things very clearly. Of course if one is human one will also inevitably aportion blame -- a right that was not traditionally conceded to women, by the way. You and I are forerunners in these new modes of rational weighing up.
As for the Narc., he ought to be able to tell that your character comes across to everyone in a very different way from how he is portraying it.
I suppose my view of psychoanalysis is that it puts the cart before the horse. It insists very strongly on morality. That is its strong suit and the meaning and source of its powerful rhetoric. However, it squashes vitality. Everything has to be for and about morality.
Of course we should have morality and grow to gain moral dispositions. That is extremely important. But absolutely we cannot do that if we are devitalized, if our natural energies and desires have been all but completely squashed out of us. Current Western society produces an abundance of narcissists who are not at at moral pillars by any means, because they do not even know what it means to be human. They can fake their humanity, just as the fake their identities as those who are higher and better than thou. Current Western society keeps paying an enormous price for having put the cart before the horse in such an extreme manner.
Sorry, I didn't read what you wrote properly earlier, as I must have read "id" as identity, rather than as Freud's "id". In any case, I do not think Freud's id really exists, except as a concept. It is also a concept that is more closely aligned with circumstances of extreme moral repression, which lead to an unhealthy internal reaction and bottling up of primal energies. In other words, "id" is European.
Thank you for your insights into our Punch & Judy Show going on up here. I made it through maybe 10 or 15 mins of it, and that was enough for me.
In thinking about science and religion, I suppose it can be said that the Scientific Method is a wondeful tool for exploring "who/what/where we are" "with what we've got", or something along those lines. I love where you "draw the line" about what one does with the information gleaned using the Scientfic Method. In the United States, there is confusion of course, because "a scientist" now is: "A person trained to manipulate 'science' to advance and preserve US corporate hegemony and exponentially increasing profit." Which is not science at all, but is instead a total perversion of what makes the Scientific
Method beautiful to most people in the first place.
Your understanding of science as a vehicle for exploration that never stops
long enough in any one place to colonize in "absolutes", is exceptionally
wonderful, and rarely heard in the glistening halls of the corporate-sponsored
and/or corporate-religion-based North American universities. It's actually redundant
to say it both ways, but some corporate-sponsored unis are real big on promoting the
idea that they are somehow purely "secular" in their corporate-ness. And yet,
since money is now god in this particular context, are not the corporate-sponsored
laboratories, simply a group of people in long white "robes", deciding which
people will be "cured" and which people will be neglected as they walk down the
line of beggars kneeling for healthcare, depositing pills on the outstretched
tongues of the mendicants, mumbling, "Corpus Denari, Corpus Denari..."
It matters not whether the people are cured, or live or die, in this system.
It matters not whether other peoples, nations, creatures, planets or
galaxies are destroyed in the process. The endeavor is not one of
mere exploration. It is one of exploitation. As long as money is made by
the "right people", then the endeavor is "science". If money is NOT made
by the "right people" it is "pseudo-science".
I was reflecting today that it feels at times very sad to have been born
into this North American society and see it for what it is. It's as if a cancer cell
could become conscious and agonize, "How do I stop doing what I have been pro-
grammed to do? How do I go on with the biological process of my life, yet
not particpate in the objective of the cells around me, who are unwaveringly
dedicated to this insane, endless replication of ourselves?" Worse still, as
more cells become aware of the effects of our national pathology upon the
entire planet and its myriad inhabitants, we realize with horror that the society
into which we were born, has an "immune system" designed to destroy
any cell which is not part of the cancer.
Yes, ideologies seem to function as biological forms of life with their own program for force of reproduction. In some ways we can refer to this as their rhetorical power. To the extent that we do not see this for what it is, but mistake rhetorical power for truth itself -- universal and everlasting -- we become part of the raw material by which this force reproduces itself. It is very, very hard to break the programming and the susceptibility to similar levels of programming. Often one finds that when one thinks one has escaped it, one has only escaped a certain level of ideological containment, and one has entered another container, of a slightly different sort.
My view is that individual health consists in breaking through as many containers as possible, so that in the end one sees more of reality for what it is. There is also a danger, however, in not being contained, which is possibly the biggest danger of all, since humans up until this present point in history have always been contained by one ideology or another, and ideologies (especially if they happen to be shared by those close by) are highly protective of one's survival. (The fact that they are distortive mechanisms does not detract from their facility for survival.)
You have to be prepared for their oppositional defiance disorder, because whatever you share with them, they will eventually oppose on principle. If you are able to perceive very clearly indeed that they never even begun to understand the content of what you shared, you will also understand how mechanical and empty their stance will be, when they end up opposing you. It is particularly dangerous to open up with them if you have had to face some real uphill battles in life, because they will envy your authentic struggle and try to find a way to make you pity them, to draw all the focus back on them. They want to make it seem as if they were the ones who battled, and struggled and overcame. The situational evidence will not point to them having had to struggle in precisely the same way you did, but they are not fazed by that and will try to make it seem the same. That is why they have to strip your own struggle of its context and make it seem as if everything happens in a vacuum, which is as good as implying or saying, "You made it up!" These issues are what you do need to be careful about when sharing anything with them.
From their own side, and to the extent that authentic suffering may have occurred, I have also looked into this horror and I have been paralyzed with terror. Yes, I do feel pity -- very deep pity -- for what might have been had that person's psyche not become compacted with evil deeds and weighed down to the point that now they are a black hole, emitting no light of their own. I now understand much better than ever before why Nietzsche thought that "pity" was a destructive force. It's what pulls you in to be consumed by the black hole. I have been terrified by the damage that is done by extending my own empathy. It is as if one sees an infant or a child stuck in the middle of a desert, but one can't be drawn to aid them, because the knowledge of the destruction they have done to themselves is too powerful.
My thoughts are a little bit ajumble, but I'll see if they make sense if I just blurt them out here, as they are. I believe the reason we have not made the cockroach king, is because the whole concept of survival of the fittest, as you so wisely surmise and explain, is an outgrowth of religion. I used to wonder why no one in my classes asked the teachers how it is that science is suppsed to be seen as something that exists in a vacuum, when over and over, we were told that our maths, sciences, art, and music... ("our" = western culture,) grew from the work of monks and clerics, and by craftsmen being hired through "The Church*" to create depictions of religious concepts, and musical expressions of the liturgies. Furthermore, it was also stated that plenty of concepts in science, came out of other cultures and religions, especially Chinese culture and Islam. I was like a little mouse sitting at the back of class, listening, but too afraid to ask these questions, because I had learned quickly, that a truly curious mind is a liability in those formative years in western culture, where one is expected ingest the propaganda without complaint.
*(I also find it odd and perplexint that Protestant culture has been entirely stripped
of its Catholic foundations; Catholicism (at least as it exists in the USA,) stripped
of its Judaic foundations, and Judaism deemed "Other" in ways that would be
amost humorous, if it weren't so damned heartbreakingly deadly.)
Anyhow, I came to realize the concept of "science" I was being taught, was rather bizarre. It was as if, this science started at the image of the "white anglo-saxon Protestant male" and conctructed history backwards, from that abstraction. Yet, this same freakish and almost comical process, was being applied to the present and perceived future, as well!
Why do we assume the Universe is knowable by the human mind? I was told this is a precept of Christian religion. Is it also a basic precept of other religions? This I do not know. But I think it could be argued that this very foundational concept of western science, is based on a religious belief which is so completely assumed as true, we
never even see it, or question it. Christianity assumes that "The Creator" created
the Universe and then created human minds, the most excellent minds being those of
the white Christian (Protestant) male. Since this created entity is the most beloved
by the "The Creator", then we must all listen to him (the "Chosen Beloved) and follow
his directions, because HIS mind was made above all others by his loving "Creator" so he could discover his "Creator" and therefore also, all the answers to the Universe. All existence basically is understood to be for this one particular mind and body type.
Additionally, the "sovereignty by way of Created dominion" of this allegedly most
exellent creature, is most accurately articulated and expressed in the existence of the nations of North America. It is actually as if the entire Universe was created so the (white/Christian/male) North American nations could come into being. It is also there-
fore expected that all future time, will exist to perpetuate and preserve these selfsame societies. In is an idea of an "eternal perfecton" through which it is perceived that all minds, all flesh, and all that exists, will be made "good" either by existing in service to
the conceived abstraction of "perfection" or else made useful by being consumed by
that abstraction. If not useful for service or commodity, then unmercifully destroyed.
This is the basis of "the sciences" and of "progress"; yet we are taught they
somehow exist "in a vacuum" and through "secular processes", respectively.
It's a quizzical sleight of hand, for sure. I must express gratitude to Mr. Charles
Fort, whose writings delighted and inspired me as a young woman, and opened
my eyes to the massive amounts of perception and information that are simply
discarded because they do not serve the narrative. How curious a sensation,
when I began to realize that my own life, thoughts, body and perceptions were
being summarily tossed onto that old scrap-heap named "Other", and that my
decidedly loathesome existence must become in some way profitable to the
"Chosen Ones", or face extermination, be it by force or neglect.
And so, it is my experience that the term "survival of the fittest" is mostly
ever used ironically; but, because the source of the useage is so steeped in
irony at the very foundations of its own existece, the dissonance is never
noticed, nor heard. Put another way, "Which 'moral characteristics' related to
"survival" are being expressed when a biological process is placed into a closed
system, designed specifically to edify and perpetuate that process?" When we
put a fish in an aquarium designed specifically for the perpetuation of the life
of that fish, do we then look at that fish seperate from all fish, and say it is
the most excellent fish ever, because, look how "fit" it is, and how
_well_ it survives, there in the tank, made just for that fish?) For the sake
of clarity, the fishtank in this argument is the North American white nations, not the Universe. However, these particular fish have been gazing at their
own reflection for so long, they really believe if there's anything outside that tank,
it only exists for the perpetuation of their loving gaze, anyway.
Now, I will go watch "Part 2", and see where your thoughts went as you
were ruminating on these things! As always, thank you.
Yes, I thoroughly agree with your second last paragraph. Although as for the first sentence, the reason we do not make the cockroach king is because the religion of survival of the fittest only pertains to a certain kind of human being. Please go back to your second last paragraph as to what sort of human being that is.
And yes, sadly, very sadly, identities and their experiences that do not fit this North American (as you rightly determined, male) mold are thrown onto the junk heap, but often persecuted in all sorts of direct and indirect ways first, and if possible turned mad.
I love your fish tank analogy. I have also often seen Western culture as a fish tank, mostly for its artificiality, and the way that people seem unable to observe the extent to which their environments (intellectual, and social) are managed for them. They start to complain if the temperature goes up or down a fraction, as if the moral order was being overturned, when in fact usually what is happening is a bit of reality may be seeping in.