This is a culture where people cannot engage in balanced communication anymore. It used to be quite possible, although there were some forces that kept people a mode of moderation. One of these was sarcasm. If you did something that stood out in any way, you might invite this force of sarcasm. Nowadays it is hard for people to grasp when another person is being ironic or even sarcastic, because there are onto two modes of extreme blandness and extreme hostility. If you speak in a different way, with greater subtlety, people don't understand it, and believe they have caught you out in a stupid error.
I used to be "judged" all the time, and I learned to know when a judgement was fair or when it wasn't. It was fair so long as the doors of communication were kept open and the other party assumed reciprocal responsibilities. Otherwise it wasn't.
Criticism and communication really do require a high level of maturity. Nowadays, this maturity is absent, but it may return after a while.
I used to be "judged" all the time, and I learned to know when a judgement was fair or when it wasn't. It was fair so long as the doors of communication were kept open and the other party assumed reciprocal responsibilities. Otherwise it wasn't.
Criticism and communication really do require a high level of maturity. Nowadays, this maturity is absent, but it may return after a while.
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.. to add on to your point about people basically reacting to everything as if they are being judged I find that to be true but also have to wonder why, on the occasions when someone is being judged even slightly, they must react as if they've been delivered a mortal wound!?
I don't understand that propensity, either. I can admit that it is never pleasurable to have someone make a judgment (especially if it is not accurate) but all in all I believe I am able to deal with it and move forward. I can remain friendly with people why criticize me as long as they are being fair minded. I am finding the culture I live in to be allergic to anything other than solid, unwavering support and praise. It is exhausting and frankly demoralizing for me to try and navigate in such an environment.