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    thank you for this video.
    .. to add on to your point about people basically reacting to everything as if they are being judged I find that to be true but also have to wonder why, on the occasions when someone is being judged even slightly, they must react as if they've been delivered a mortal wound!?
    I don't understand that propensity, either. I can admit that it is never pleasurable to have someone make a judgment (especially if it is not accurate) but all in all I believe I am able to deal with it and move forward. I can remain friendly with people why criticize me as long as they are being fair minded. I am finding the culture I live in to be allergic to anything other than solid, unwavering support and praise. It is exhausting and frankly demoralizing for me to try and navigate in such an environment.
    This is a culture where people cannot engage in balanced communication anymore. It used to be quite possible, although there were some forces that kept people a mode of moderation. One of these was sarcasm. If you did something that stood out in any way, you might invite this force of sarcasm. Nowadays it is hard for people to grasp when another person is being ironic or even sarcastic, because there are onto two modes of extreme blandness and extreme hostility. If you speak in a different way, with greater subtlety, people don't understand it, and believe they have caught you out in a stupid error.
    I used to be "judged" all the time, and I learned to know when a judgement was fair or when it wasn't. It was fair so long as the doors of communication were kept open and the other party assumed reciprocal responsibilities. Otherwise it wasn't.
    Criticism and communication really do require a high level of maturity. Nowadays, this maturity is absent, but it may return after a while.

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    "The story of your life" I've been there. I am not only nice. There is an iteration in experiences with narcs. Because I know they are idiots their tour de force does not work on me. I can have a smiley, bright-eyed wittiness when I am attacked. They hate it. It's only then that I start to show myself to be intelligent, as a weaponsystem. Surprise!
    Surprise indeed! Just when they think they have worn you down and you don't have any wherewithal to harm them, suddenly you have homed in on them, determined and analysed their frequency, and now you know just what to do.
    This is how we can know they don't know the terrain. They appeared cunning but never made a decent treat-assessment. I am just a treat because I am fuzzy and difficult to grasp. They don't understand why that is. What the treat is. They just use my functionality until it's done. They don't understand where my "appreciated", harvested, functionality has its roots. This is what shocks me: the narc should have known that I am going to demolish their game like I played it. This depletes energy existentially. There is no communication strategy to counter it. It is always too late in the process with them.
    I think I mostly understand what you mean...
    IN any case it is why I have said that due to the normalization of narcissism in contemporary Western society, people in this society simply DO NOT understand power relations. If they did, they would be able to maximize my investment, instead of shitting in the communal nest and making me bitter at them. As I stated in my video, I had a lot of reverence and esteem for males, due to my cultural upbringing, and this could have been simply and easily harnessed, except for the paranoia of the narcs. And then they attack suddenly, but the source of my reverence was in history. It's roots preceded my interaction with the narc by many years. They simply assume that all of my attitudes have been generated by them, but in fact very little of them have been a product cultivated by the narc. In other words, my real emotional anchor is totally outside the relationship with the narc, and thus this relationship can be swiftly and immediately severed, once it has been revealed that it was never based on any substance.
    In full psychopaths it is measurable that they have different brain activity. I guess healthy and self-aware people with broadband perception can only conclude that we are fundamentally different.

    A narc is constantly thinking about the positions, when you are just passing by. They do think they are the centre or a player in your universe. They assume an attitude by me not caring. They assume influence when truly not noticed by me (I found out later). It's delusional.

    After this much assumptions they can only be wrong about what I'm going to conclude.
    Well the narc is necessarily omniscient, in his or her own mind, which makes him or her very intellectually lazy and therefore inclined to fall prey to careless thinking
    Interesting point. The narcissist with a quick mind is fascinating. They appear to get a long way but they jump over the real intellectual challenges with magic thinking.
    Being generally intelligent can be as confrontational. Things go easy. Then you get sloppy. Certainly in a narcissistic culture.
    There is a difference between having a supercharged processing system, like a computer with a lot of RAM, and being able to integrate new information in an effective and coherent way. Many a narcissist may be very smart in the first sense, but alarmingly unable to cope in the second sense.
    In a world of easy jobs, simple conversations and go along to get along, it can take some time to detect that.
    If I can have a conversation of some depth I can figure it out. But normal lifestyle in the west makes it impossible to sniff people out, like an employer. It can take too long before enough data is gathered, through substantial interaction.
    Well I think you can just assume that most people have adopted a narcissistic cognitive style in the contemporary West. This is the logic most suited to a bourgeois political structure, because you only ever superficially get along with others, but deep down you are always looking for your own advantage and ready to exploit any opening, through detecting any weaknesses in others.

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    "The story of your life" I've been there. I am not only nice. There is an iteration in experiences with narcs. Because I know they are idiots their tour de force does not work on me. I can have a smiley, bright-eyed wittiness when I am attacked. They hate it. It's only then that I start to show myself to be intelligent, as a weaponsystem. Surprise!
    Surprise indeed! Just when they think they have worn you down and you don't have any wherewithal to harm them, suddenly you have homed in on them, determined and analysed their frequency, and now you know just what to do.
    This is how we can know they don't know the terrain. They appeared cunning but never made a decent treat-assessment. I am just a treat because I am fuzzy and difficult to grasp. They don't understand why that is. What the treat is. They just use my functionality until it's done. They don't understand where my "appreciated", harvested, functionality has its roots. This is what shocks me: the narc should have known that I am going to demolish their game like I played it. This depletes energy existentially. There is no communication strategy to counter it. It is always too late in the process with them.
    I think I mostly understand what you mean...
    IN any case it is why I have said that due to the normalization of narcissism in contemporary Western society, people in this society simply DO NOT understand power relations. If they did, they would be able to maximize my investment, instead of shitting in the communal nest and making me bitter at them. As I stated in my video, I had a lot of reverence and esteem for males, due to my cultural upbringing, and this could have been simply and easily harnessed, except for the paranoia of the narcs. And then they attack suddenly, but the source of my reverence was in history. It's roots preceded my interaction with the narc by many years. They simply assume that all of my attitudes have been generated by them, but in fact very little of them have been a product cultivated by the narc. In other words, my real emotional anchor is totally outside the relationship with the narc, and thus this relationship can be swiftly and immediately severed, once it has been revealed that it was never based on any substance.

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    "The story of your life" I've been there. I am not only nice. There is an iteration in experiences with narcs. Because I know they are idiots their tour de force does not work on me. I can have a smiley, bright-eyed wittiness when I am attacked. They hate it. It's only then that I start to show myself to be intelligent, as a weaponsystem. Surprise!
    Surprise indeed! Just when they think they have worn you down and you don't have any wherewithal to harm them, suddenly you have homed in on them, determined and analysed their frequency, and now you know just what to do.

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    Gaslighting, pathological lying, theatrical break-up. It's all flexible with narratives. Whatever the "observer" takes for real is valid, to the narc. Changing to much is unreal. It's a balance. I consider "postmodernism" an observation. A conclusion of advanced philosophy. We probably should not confront the unwashed masses, the narcs, with these thoughts. It's abused. The right-wing mind often looks for the criterium of no criteria. Like: flag. Postmodernism is a great label, in this regard.
    Yes, of course postmodernism can be a means of recording a typical emotional state. i wasn't saying anything binary and American though my critique....just that I do not like to be in the same mindspace as a typical contemporary Westerner
    Recognisable. My natural tendency is to stay away from a**holes. But society forces me to interact with low quality people. So I meet the utilitarian narcissist as a boss or manager. Here I see the scenario play. Assigned roles and expectations. The narcs seem to make big mistakes in the evaluation of my functioning. They are absolutely surprised that I cut their throats as they attack. I have damaged and destroyed careers. I am constructive. A condition they don't know: "sucker!" In 2 seconds or 2 years. I'll strike back. I have a lot of anecdotes.

    In high-school we were doing a big theatre production (4 evenings). It was a pretentious institute. A year before I had a conflict with the teacher who was the executive producer of the thing. I had already concluded that the guy was confused and toxic arrogant. The second day he created a conflict with one of my hippie friends, backstage. 800 people in the theatre. He wanted to kick him out of the production. I said: no. I threatened to quit and so did other musicians. That ended the discussion pretty fast. This was one of my first concise and direct pay-backs. Because if I can turn the table I certainly will. Show them the burning match that will scorch their earth, lighting my insane smile. But: there are still options. You have to leave room for your opponent to escape under conditions. I love it when things come together like this. I'm not vengeful. Karma makes some great jokes, now and then. Very pointy.
    Yes, I much prefer the karmic jokes as well, to any direct action I may take. But simply by existing I exert a force which is often karmic
    But we have to be careful with karma. You can find in every jail an obnoxious narcissist that explains that situation as: "God is trying to teach me something." I am even weary of the use of "what does not kill you makes you stronger." I read it as critique on this habit and a demystification. Like: of course you're going to look twice today if you stepped in dogshit yesterday, at your front door.
    Why do I care what the narcissist makes of anything? His or her view is surely not important. It is my own that has any meaning

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    Jennifer Armstrong , here is a definition that's based on a literature review of how the term is used:
    "Spirituality is a personal search for meaning and purpose in life, which may or may not be related to religion. It entails connection to self-chosen and or religious beliefs, values, and practices that give meaning to life, thereby inspiring and motivating individuals to achieve their optimal being. This connection brings faith, hope, peace, and empowerment. The results are joy, forgiveness of oneself and others, awareness and acceptance of hardship and mortality, a heightened sense of physical and emotional well-being, and the ability to transcend beyond the infirmities of existence."
    Ok, so it is asserted that "spirituality" is a certain kind of meaningfulness. I prefer to view it simply as a mood, rather than as meaning. I think this casts a wholly different light.
    "I think this casts a wholly different light." It sure does if only because it seems to dispense with Beliefs that presumably are central to an understanding of spirituality.
    Can there be spirituality without Belief? Even the interpretation of a feeling, mood or emotion is likely to entail a belief of some kind as the individual tries to make sense of experience.
    I don't think so at all...I think it leaves the question of beliefs very much open. To state it differently, spirituality is correlated with a mood. If you find "is" to be too definitive, I have just corrected my assertion for you.
    I think if you were to read Marechera in the way I do, you would get a better idea of what I am talking about. It is quite possible to have a transformative experience through reading the literature without coming out and making a laundry list of one's beliefs

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    I haven't been able to find the Mircea Eliade describing the archetype of transcendence - passing through a chimney. Where was that?
    Gosh, I am not sure he did. But, I, myself, drew a conclusion from my own theoretical extrapolations from the triune brain model
    See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triune_brain
    I noticed that the "Neomammalian complex" was not grounded in physical sensations, for instance in the here and now.  So I derived conclusions about that, regarding transcendence of the body, and flight into the heights
    Maybe this was it . . .
    In other cultures these cosmological meanings and ritual functions are transferred to the chimney (= smoke hole) and to the part of the roof that lies above the "sacred area" and that is removed or even broken in cases of prolonged death-agony. When we come to the homologation cosmos-house-human body, we shall have occasion to show the deeper meaning of breaking the roof. For the moment, we will mention that most ancient sanctuaries were hypaethral or built with an aperture in the roof — the "eye of the dome" symbolizing break-through from plane to plane, communication with the transcendent. P. 58 The Sacred and the Profane
    Yes, perhaps so
    Hi Jennifer, Research has linked spiritual transcendence to decreased right parietal lobe functioning. The causal pathway is unclear. Decreased RPL functioning could be an artifact of other changes in the brain.
    Ah, but this begs the question, because as it stands it is already the Judeo-Christian notion of spirituality, which means to be without ego. I do not think this state of things accords directly with an African view of spirituality, and certainly the type of shamanic spirituality I am describing is, in fact, also egoistic, among other things.

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