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  2. Oddity of the contemporary Western character structure - YouTube

    Published on Jan 29, 2017
    I attempt to answer Jade Haj, who asked if there are cultural layers to my being. However, I don't have a contemporary Western character structure, so I cannot apply layers to my identity. Rather, my original identity was forged by a system that made identity *objective*, and not an issue for *subjective* reflection. I also wasn't conditioned by guilt and shame concerning my inner tendencies -- which were, in this case, the desire to be close to nature). My self-defensive mechanisms are a trained reflex to play dead, rather than to deflect and bemuse by means of a buffering layer.

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  7. The panacea of "cognitive empathy"? - YouTube

    I don't know about CE being a panacea, but I'd say empathy is essential to art forms. A composer writes music from the point of view of the listener, a novelist strings words together from the POV of the reader, etc.
    Frances Armstrong 
    Well this is true, but once again, let us be cautious against equating an ability to appeal to the masses with the capacity to express oneself in artistic form. There is too much pandering to the masses and insistence (by the masses) on the right to ta very passive mode of receptivity. There is a better model in Nietzsche, who had his Zarathustra say, "I draw smaller and smaller circles around myself." That is to say, there can be outer circle listeners and inner circle listeners, but none but the best will follow the artistic practitioner closely enough, in terms of understanding the meaning that is being conveyed at the core.

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  8. I am only a decoy, not an "empath" - YouTube

    P. Schouten7 hours agoHighlighted reply
    "Just because you can sense something doesn't mean you feel strongly compelled to fulfill the will of its source. " Yes, agreed, an Empath is not necessarily a co-dependent, nor is an Empath necessarily willing to be compliant, tolerant and forgiving toward a Narc at the Empath's own expense.

    Haven't seen a generally-agreed upon definition, but I think an affective empath is basically someone who gets a read on what is going on with the other emotionally. With regard to a Narc, an Empath might pick up on insecurity, shame, hate, envy, greed, possessiveness, false outward emotional expression, and so on. An empath would not necessarily feel a need to attend to a Narc's welfare. In other words, being affectively empathic does not signify a prosocial orientation toward an enemy. I think the analysis is pretty much the same for Cognitive Empathy and the Affective variety. For all of these reasons, I have a problem with Tudor's language.
    Frances Armstrong 
    Those kinds of skills would be very useful in Africa, but you would also need to develop tremendous self discipline as well
    Frances Armstrong 
    Tudor writes and speaks regarding romance, and I think he conveys accurately what he has encountered. The "empath" may be a female or a female type in love. An intellectual approach to this matter of narcissism would be different. However, there are a number of reasons why it may take a long time to get a fix on where the narcissist is really coming from, which is for reasons that Tudor also accurately outlines. One of these is the narcissist's very effective facade, which is his generation of an appearance of social sensitivity. This could not be further from the truth. It is made up up borrowed cloth. Also there are many ways of thinking that are totally counterintuitive to emotional cognition. The most fundamental of these is that narcissists reverse the direction of cause and effect. Specifically, if someone has been affected by something horrible -- let us say that there loved one was in a car accident -- the narcissist will suppose that the horrible thing was something that the car accident victim bought on themselves. The narcissist also has the counterintuitive reasoning that if one expresses empathy for the pain suffered by one's relative in the car crash, that one is revealing confusion about one's identity -- or, worse still, trying to steal the identity of the car crash victim.
    It takes an enormously long time to examine the narcissists behavior and reasoning, based on their "tells". One has to be really dedicated to the task to figure any of it out.

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  9. Comments - YouTube

    I don't know about CE being a panacea, but I'd say empathy is essential to art forms. A composer writes music from the point of view of the listener, a novelist strings words together from the POV of the reader, etc.
    Well this is true, but once again, let us be cautious against equating an ability to appeal to the masses with the capacity to express oneself in artistic form. There is too much pandering to the masses and insistence (by the masses) on the right to ta very passive mode of receptivity. There is a better model in Nietzsche, who had his Zarathustra say, "I draw smaller and smaller circles around myself." That is to say, there can be outer circle listeners and inner circle listeners, but none but the best will follow the artistic practitioner closely enough, in terms of understanding the meaning that is being conveyed at the core.

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  10. Comments - YouTube

    I am cognitively, emotionally and compassionately empathic that it's so hot in WA you feel like it's already Sunday. I'm sorry but you still have 3 more hours of Saturday than we in the East.😉
    Enough facetiousness, eh!

    Seriously, I agree with you that as humans with a mammalian brain we are more complex than having one type of empathy at a time.
    A human with a 'cold' reptilian brain most likely less complex. However, I feel that's for Neuroscientists to explore.

    I haven't kept up with even listening to your prolific uploads... let alone commenting even though I find these vlogs easier (not harder) to
    understand than your 1st channel.
    ATB :)
    oh, hi, nice to see you here.
    Yes, but neuroscientists are able to tell us scientific information only in abstract and scientific terms. When it comes to translating their information into social terms, it can become distorted, because it has to find another language, and by crossing the language barrier it is definitively no longer objective and scientific, but relational and subjective. What the humanities does is to try to interpret reality by means of ascertaining it experimentally. There is no particular claim of scientific objectivity, but in a paradoxical way, this may make a more direct, and cautious humanities approach more meaningful and consistent with ascertaining the outside world.
    It's good that you find this channel which is rather more unleashed and direct to be easier to understand than the one where i was trying to get my topics under control.

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