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  2. A cultural schizoid's view of narcissists and 'empaths' - YouTube

    Jim Bo11 hours agoHighlighted reply
    From listening to your videos I understand there were specific factors in your situation that made your struggle different. Each individual is sui generis and no two circumstances are ever identical which is why listening to different perspectives and experiences is so enriching. Thank you for sharing yours. Your candor and courage in doing so is inspiring.
    I too have noticed that extremely narcissistic people tend to get paranoid when they can't read someone. I've had a few in my life that actually expressed frustration with not being able to read me. They're always looking for a vulnerability they can exploit and when they can't find one their mind resorts to magical thinking or to ascribing their own ill-natured intentions to someone else. The paranoia is what emerges when their delusions slam against reality.
    Personally I question the empathic capacity of people who can't imagine other ways of being and are rigid and narrow-minded in their concepts of gender or identity in general. The ability to imagine is essential to the formation and maintenance of empathy. I just don't trust people who are unimaginative any more than I trust those whose imagination isn't tempered by reality testing.
    Frances Armstrong 
    Yes, I agree with you totally and you speak very eloquently here. That paranoid reaction that people give me when they cannot read me is very familiar to me. And then the recourse to magical thinking, plus the persecution. All of which tells me that modernity is ill-equipped to deal with anyone who isn't an empath (emotional processor) or a narcissist.

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  3. Comments - YouTube

    Do empaths find it difficult to compromise?
    Because they have a very small circle of reflection, they do not realize there is a need to compromise. Instead of connecting their reactions with principles and facts outside of them, they simply react immediately. They don't see any point of expanding their circle of reflection to include things that do not immediately come to mind. Of course there are empaths and then there are other empaths. The very good empathic writers do expand much further beyond their own reflexes, but in the end morality and feeling are the same for them as well. That is not the case with the cultural schizoid, for whom they are always held at a distance, and with a mood of science.
    I'm not convinced that the empaths are concerned with morality per se. They can be very self-regarding, primarily concerned with how everything and everyone is making them feel, but I take your point about the language of empathy and how words and the moral aspect of words (eg. 'violence' or 'care') become conflated for the empath (if I've understood you correctly). For both empaths and narcissists, the thing in itself and how the thing makes them feel are synonymous. For both, feelings are facts.
    I think the language of honor is pretty limited. One does not have to say much (or indeed anything at all) in order to behave honorably. Most people never even notice when honor has been enacted. To the highly honorable, that ignorance is irrelevant.
    I'm critiquing the way they do morality. If the circle of reflection on moral issues is too tiny, they are not reflecting at all. They are too quick on the draw.
    As for the language of honor, it is a conundrum. Modernity excludes its possibility. That is the problem. Many of my actions have been in terms of honor, to reciprocate something good with something good, for instance by sharing what I have. But because this is not understood as the language of honor, the narcissist and the empath both enact violence against my gesture.

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  6. Comments - YouTube

    Absolutely the narcissist and the empath are similar. Both are unable to productively ascertain where they end and the other begins. The narcissist, with no core self and therefore no boundaries, treats others as their property and possession, as objects, to do with as they wish and to discard when the other no longer serves. The empath, with some core self and porous boundaries, treats others as being synonymous, perhaps even identical, with/to themselves, feeling and thinking what the other feels and thinks and experiencing those thoughts and feelings as their own. Both are unable to inhabit the self in a way that leads to happiness in relation to others.
    Sam Vaknin talks about the 'cold empathy' of the narcissist; perfectly able to ascertain the emotions of others with the aim of manipulating them.
    From my own perspective given by the personality structure I have, I would say the narcissist ALWAYS is in error with regard to me, because all of their calculations are based on the presupposition that I am an "empath" and therefore would follow the internal programming of one, for instance in being blindsided by emotion, in following patterns of love, romance and ambition, etc.
    I am none of those things. My core values are to do with duty.
    Thank you very much for your insightful comments!

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  10. Elaboration on terminology: cultural schizoid, narcissist & empath - YouTube

    I really liked Star Trek: The Next Generation, and have watched the series all the way through several times. Deanna Troi, the half-Betazoid, empathic counselor character of the show, was sort of the laughing stock to Star Trek fans. This is because she was meant to contribute meaningful and important council to the captain of a starship whose primary mission was to carry out diplomatic assignments between the Federation and many different alien races, but her abilities notoriously fell woefully short. Many times that the captain sought her ability to sense the emotions of a race, group, or entity, they just happened to be of a race that was immune to the prying of Betazoids. (Full Betazoids were able to hear the thoughts of others in a telepathic sense, whereas she was only half comprised of that race, meaning she could only read emotions, not minds.) The result was that she was constantly stating the obvious. The captain might have been interacting with a hostile race, and when the representative they encountered might be yelling, angry, or making threats, she would say something along the lines of, "I sense a great deal of anger." Her observations usually didn't require her unique abilities at all. I think that's a pretty good point of reference for comparison with your own experiences, because it illustrates that while being able to sense the emotions of others might have its benefits, if you don't have the ability to use intellect in order to solve a problem or navigate through a difficult situation, you can't successfully complete your mission.
    Frances Armstrong 
    Yes, yes, yes! So often I have tried to get people to understand me, and instead I get the response, "Oh, I sense your emotions!, which is really to miss any point I had been trying to make.
    What I do not like about Star Trek is that it is a metaphor for a certain benign style of American cultural imperalism. The members of the star ship are all specialists, who calmly work together as you would have to do in a well-oiled corporation. But there is no evidence of real diversity, just a flattened mood of people being part of a team, with very vague shared values.

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