1. narcissistic envy - in the mirror - YouTube

    I was never invested in femininity. I had an experience similar to yours, when I was trying to tidy up my hair, albeit in the drinks cabinet mirror, and my father came by and stated, "Jenny, trying to make herself look beautiful." But whereas he had a concept of femininity, I did not. My ideal was to make my hair really lacquered and controlled, like the Gooch sisters, who played the clarinet on stage. I thought their hair styles looked like very effective helmets, shields against the world, which I wanted to have. These were rather ugly sisters to be frank, but their hair styles were incredibly precise. I wanted to possess this degree of control and precision. That became my goal.
    e well 
    e well5 hours agoHighlighted reply
    Did you achieve it? I went completely the other way and became a hardcore punk rocker with spiked up hair and wild make-up. Mind you, I guess the spiky hair and the helmet hair are not that dissimilar - both send out a message of invulnerability.
    Frances Armstrong 
    No, I never achieved the perfection of the Goosh sisters with their laquered hair. I don't think it was about invulnerability, either, but just about a certain metallic perfection, an unchangeability.

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  2. narcissistic envy - in the mirror - YouTube

    I was never invested in femininity. I had an experience similar to yours, when I was trying to tidy up my hair, albeit in the drinks cabinet mirror, and my father came by and stated, "Jenny, trying to make herself look beautiful." But whereas he had a concept of femininity, I did not. My ideal was to make my hair really lacquered and controlled, like the Gooch sisters, who played the clarinet on stage. I thought their hair styles looked like very effective helmets, shields against the world, which I wanted to have. These were rather ugly sisters to be frank, but their hair styles were incredibly precise. I wanted to possess this degree of control and precision. That became my goal.

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  3. Comments - YouTube

    I bow to you with deepest respect,
    and gratitude for all you have shared here.
    It has changed my life profoundly.
    With sincerety, I wish you the very best
    in the rest of your life. Onward! Upward!!!
    Oh, then I am also glad. Who would have known I would have had this sort of impact? I am more than pleased. Thank you.

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  4. Cluster B: the weaponizing of human nature - YouTube

    Frances Armstrong 
    The weaponizing of the extreme mental states as an adaptation to gain a feeling of stability and an experience of control is something therapists don't look into because their model of "human nature" is that we are all the same, fundamentally, with a bit of corruption here or there (a bit of pathology). I think this is a problem that stems from the fact that a religious model is being used tacitly. If an organic, natural, evolutionary, biological model were to be used, it might be easier for the therapists and the like to observe very different functioning, just as you would observe differences between various species of plant. But the "soul" model does not allow them (or us) to think in those terms of natural, organic adaptation, to facilitate survival.
    e well 
    e well2 hours agoHighlighted reply
    Interesting, perhaps it's the assumption of the innate goodness of human beings - and for the therapists, the belief in their own innate goodness. I wonder what they're afraid of?
    Frances Armstrong 
    Well if they do believe in that innate goodness stuff that is another expression of the religious model. But I tend to think the problem is more subtle, okay, maybe not every wholly religious but informed by a religious notion of standardized distribution of souls. It may even be more of a factory production line model, but also based on religious suppositions about the knowability of souls. (A subtle imposition of a traditional, historically founded epistemology). For whatever reason, the response is to go, "But we are all innately the same...made of the same stuff...the same!"

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  5. Cluster B: the weaponizing of human nature - YouTube

    The weaponizing of the extreme mental states as an adaptation to gain a feeling of stability and an experience of control is something therapists don't look into because their model of "human nature" is that we are all the same, fundamentally, with a bit of corruption here or there (a bit of pathology). I think this is a problem that stems from the fact that a religious model is being used tacitly. If an organic, natural, evolutionary, biological model were to be used, it might be easier for the therapists and the like to observe very different functioning, just as you would observe differences between various species of plant. But the "soul" model does not allow them (or us) to think in those terms of natural, organic adaptation, to facilitate survival.
    Frances Armstrong 
    I suppose the difference would be the intensity and speed of the oscillations between different personas and mood states. The problem would be if the mental health professionals lack common sense themselves and start pathologizing human nature.

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  6. Comments - YouTube

    You mean more than you know madame butterfly. Love
    I appreciate that, thank you
    The first video of yours I saw was the video on Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra. It was in my recommended section. I did not know it then but I would end up subscribing to a channel very distinct from many others. You have helped me look at the world in a differnt way.

    Look forward to your next reincarnation.
    Thank you. Nice to have had you along. I am in the process of overcoming my c-ptsd
    I still vividly remember my relief at finding your video on cultural gaslighting and feeling incredible relief from my loneliness (CPTSD). I have no doubt you will be able to reprogram yourself to suffer less and truly thrive peacefully, however you'd like. Your videos and ideas have helped to push me along in unlocking my own shackles, and I cherish those gifts. They inspired me to move forward, having seen reason to have more hope. Looking forward to your next project! Do you have access to your desired resources for this crisis?
    I'm gratified that you found my ideas and reflections useful. I am trying to access resources now, for my own current state of being, but this is not easy. I must draw mostly from myself.
    Take care
    No freezing visible here.
    I have so enjoyed your films, and interacting with you, I've learned a lot from you.
    More power to you!
    Thank you very much!
    Taking the viewpoints of others as measuring stick is often seen in authoritarian types. They refer to authority. To throw at you. It's relative. It's just another stick. It's their selection of applicable authoritarian statements.
    Authority is were the money is. So they look up to it. They admire, but drop their hero's like a stone.
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and insights.
    Yes, it seems you are right. It's the name of the success game, but it leaves people very empty in the end.
    Jennifer what are your thoughts on becoming slightly narcasisst after narc abuse, I am suffering with ptsd from the loss 17 years ago of my children's father then later being involed in a relationship with a malignant narc the second being the worst experience, I feel so different to how I used to and fear I am taking on narc traits.
    You may well take on the traits, as did I. When the body has sustained injury, for example from the burning of the skin, it creates blisters wherever the injury has happened, so that there will not be further damage to it. Similarly our psyche creates psychological blisters where we have been hurt. We may exaggerate our self-importance to compensate for the unjust diminishment we have felt. This is the psyche's defence mechanism against further damage to the point of injury. Just go along with it for now, but be prepared to heal.

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  7. Comments - YouTube

    The first video of yours I saw was the video on Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra. It was in my recommended section. I did not know it then but I would end up subscribing to a channel very distinct from many others. You have helped me look at the world in a differnt way.

    Look forward to your next reincarnation.
    Thank you. Nice to have had you along. I am in the process of overcoming my c-ptsd
    I still vividly remember my relief at finding your video on cultural gaslighting and feeling incredible relief from my loneliness (CPTSD). I have no doubt you will be able to reprogram yourself to suffer less and truly thrive peacefully, however you'd like. Your videos and ideas have helped to push me along in unlocking my own shackles, and I cherish those gifts. They inspired me to move forward, having seen reason to have more hope. Looking forward to your next project! Do you have access to your desired resources for this crisis?
    I'm gratified that you found my ideas and reflections useful. I am trying to access resources now, for my own current state of being, but this is not easy. I must draw mostly from myself.
    Take care
    No freezing visible here.
    I have so enjoyed your films, and interacting with you, I've learned a lot from you.
    More power to you!
    Thank you very much!
    Taking the viewpoints of others as measuring stick is often seen in authoritarian types. They refer to authority. To throw at you. It's relative. It's just another stick. It's their selection of applicable authoritarian statements.
    Authority is were the money is. So they look up to it. They admire, but drop their hero's like a stone.
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and insights.
    Yes, it seems you are right. It's the name of the success game, but it leaves people very empty in the end.
    Jennifer what are your thoughts on becoming slightly narcasisst after narc abuse, I am suffering with ptsd from the loss 17 years ago of my children's father then later being involed in a relationship with a malignant narc the second being the worst experience, I feel so different to how I used to and fear I am taking on narc traits.
    You may well take on the traits, as did I. When the body has sustained injury, for example from the burning of the skin, it creates blisters wherever the injury has happened, so that there will not be further damage to it. Similarly our psyche creates psychological blisters where we have been hurt. We may exaggerate our self-importance to compensate for the unjust diminishment we have felt. This is the psyche's defence mechanism against further damage to the point of injury. Just go along with it for now, but be prepared to heal.
    Yes, but I've merely borrowed and exploited the terminology. I really do mean all these things in a cultural sense, and that is worth looking into. Just as most "empaths" in Western culture are really cultural narcissists, there is a whole lot going on at a cultural level that I am interested in.
    i like the horse armour!
    where do you live now? you sound very australian (im aus)
    Crisis, metamorphosis, finally a free butterfly. Looking forward to your next adventure and teachings, good luck and take care.
    I'm not even made of butter
    ha, ha, but you can now fly
    Hope you are well, Love.

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  9. Comments - YouTube

    Yes, maybe that was the fundamental error I made all along the way. Although I'd been under the impression that academics and their like could take it. Thank you for the Marley video. I will listen to it.

    No, many academics can't take it at all. Intelligent people do some really stupid things.

    There are different sorts of intelligence. I think the successful academic has a high degree of processing power. Now, I do not have such a high degree of such raw mental processing power to be an academic with a high output, or even a medium output. But I am wise, and they are not. I think that some that study anthropology or sociology are also wise in the manner of understanding different viewpoints. But my mistake was to suppose that all academics would be able to be so mentally dexterous. My desire is to develop wisdom, however, not generate an output, or to be famous, or even to exhibit dexterity.

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  10. Comments - YouTube

    Regarding your axe, you might like this:


    "No weak-heart shall prosper"

    In my experience, if you point out to a narcissist that there is more than one view (ie, that their perception is not necessarily 'true'), there is a worse punishment than being labelled silly; to point out to a narcissist that they do not have primacy is deeply wounding to them and they will retaliate with all the weapons in their arsenal.

    Your eye-brow diversion made me laugh, thank you!
    Yes, maybe that was the fundamental error I made all along the way. Although I'd been under the impression that academics and their like could take it. Thank you for the Marley video. I will listen to it.

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