Frances Armstrong19 hours ago
I was never invested in femininity. I had an experience similar to yours, when I was trying to tidy up my hair, albeit in the drinks cabinet mirror, and my father came by and stated, "Jenny, trying to make herself look beautiful." But whereas he had a concept of femininity, I did not. My ideal was to make my hair really lacquered and controlled, like the Gooch sisters, who played the clarinet on stage. I thought their hair styles looked like very effective helmets, shields against the world, which I wanted to have. These were rather ugly sisters to be frank, but their hair styles were incredibly precise. I wanted to possess this degree of control and precision. That became my goal.

Did you achieve it? I went completely the other way and became a hardcore punk rocker with spiked up hair and wild make-up. Mind you, I guess the spiky hair and the helmet hair are not that dissimilar - both send out a message of invulnerability.