1. (1) Comments - YouTube

    Are you aware of Jordan Peterson? His talks often meet at the confluence of power and responsibility. His 'Maps of Meaning' lectures are excellent https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL22J3VaeABQAT-0aSPq-OKOpQlHyR4k5h๏ปฟ
    I'm aware of him, and I think he superficially addresses those topics, or perhaps does so unsuccessfully. His followers are petulant and bullies and really do not understand this concept in the way I am representing it. They are on the side of the cultural right and really go where they are not wanted and address people in very vulgar and presupposing way.๏ปฟ

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  6. Blogger: INNER SANCTUM - Published comments

    Thanks for all of your kind words. They are really deeply appreciated. Yes, I think that something another youtuber, ewell, said recently, in her video, makes sense of this really poor and troubling reaction from other people. She stated that within the dynamics of narcissism, the child is COMPLICIT with the narcissistic parent. This self-knowledge on the part of the narcissistic victim produces shame, since it is the complicity that allows the narcissistic abuse to take root. I think in contemporary Western society we have a lot of people who are COMPLICIT in their narcissistic abuse, which is why they cannot face stories like ours. I will say absolutely and with great certainty that I was NEVER complicit in any of the abuse that happened to me. I always fought back and did my best to get out of an abusive situation. I also expected others to naturally align with my cause, and fight against the injustice I was experiencing. The fact that most people seem to weakened to fight on Truth often seems not to win out
    in response to I think that ignorance and projection play a huge role regarding how others receive our stories. Others p[roject not only their thought processes but also the full weight of their conscious and unconscious emotional selves , all their suppressed nage as well as all their guilt and their deepest fears and insecurities . By speaking our story , just the neutral recounting of events ,without any emotional reactivity on our part to speak of , we can unlease a tsunami of emotional projection by others , and become accused of blaming , of strong emotional negativity , of chronic self pity , of chronic anger , of desire for revenge , of emotional weakness and a lack of autonomy . Those doing the projecting also engage the stigma against those who have endured unusually abusive life situations ( though this stigma is not active with regard to casualties of war ) . They fear that if sympathy is extended , they may be saddled with a co dependent , a non autonomous hanger on , a wet , by Nina Mirj.

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  9. Truth often seems not to win out



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