• Paul Parker's profile photo
      We all experienced violence at some time.

      Violence is part of human nature.

      Those who believe did not experience violence failed to recognize, identify or acknowledge, the violence around themselves.

      Violence is part of human nature, this does not make violence good, rather it explains how it can happen, also how much effort we all need take to reduce it occurring.

      There are times when violence is regarded as an appropriate response.

      Even then the violence is not encouraged for the violence harms both the victim and the offender.

    • Jennifer Armstrong (Philosophy)'s profile photo
      +Paul Parker Yes, I agree that there is violence in the process of people's upbringing. That is NOT at all the same as the constant, ambient violence of war, which requires self-restraint and suppression of negative emotions on an almost constant basis. This is the writing (from a Facebook comment) that my own comment was related to. (I was reluctant to reproduce the comment, as it is not mine, but copied from another location, but it seems necessary now to post it to elucidate my point:

      Rhodesian war from the farming part of our wonderful community.
      We remember the difficulties we faced, lack of spares and tractors and fuel. Having to have horrendous high Cages round the farm houses, Locking the gates every evening, waking at night by our faithful dogs barking, awakening and grabbing for our guns. Calling Control with your number. Remembering to keep away from the windows. Waiting for the help to arrive, the sound of gun fire, fires burning our crops and the homes of our workers.
      Giving out the rations daily so that the ters could not steal them. Our workers caught in the cross fire their sons stolen and taken away to be trained against us – what hell was that. They needed work and we needed them but what a struggle they had. On top of that the weather, waiting for the rains, would the ever come? Then the years of nonstop rain and the low-level bridges under water. The railway bus could not get through and we would have to carry stuff over the suspension bridge.
      Reduced sales of tobacco and given a percentage of your old crop only to grow. No place to move forward. The callups and sharing the load with your neighbors, the wives carried a heavy burden. Couldn’t go out in the evening, all our get togethers had to be midday watching out always that the roads had not been tampered with, the land mines that took out so many, workers and farmers both.
      Hard enough to be a farmer in the old days just coping with overdrafts and low yields and increasing expenses without the war on top of it. Encouraging one another, giving your time, your skills and humor. Keeping up the morale.
      Still dream of the sound of the choppers coming in, the gunfire the chaos. Hearing yet another neighbor and friend had bought it. The telephones ringing two shorts and a long – the prayer chains that were underway as soon as another attack began, one would phone two each would phone two and soon at least fifty were in prayer.
      So many miracles, so much joy, so many friends, so much courage, so many tears. So long ago now – many already gone forever but we remember, this was our war against the whole world.

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  1. I think the big difference was the normalization of violence
    so, you didn't need to tell anyone explicitly "I am experiencing violence", because you just assumed they knew this was the case
    That has been my biggest difficult talking to contemporary Westerners
    because for them, violence, psychological, physical, or emotional, is not the norm
    I had a lot of trouble communicating this matter, because I would either not say anything about my problems, because I was too bashful and self controlled, or I would suddenly try to get into it in detail, but it would sound as if I had suddenly pulled a rabbit from a hat. Why hadn't I mentioned [the problems] before, it they had been such an issue for me?

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  8. I find that Americans, generally, are completely... - Jennifer Frances Armstrong

    2 hrs
    Jennifer Frances Armstrong I think I finally understand what is wrong with the culture overall -- an extreme pressure to conform and abide by rules leads to the NONdevelopment of any emotional life or deep sense of reality. I think this is what is wrong.
    16 minsEdited
    Meggam MacIsaac Rylie I'd say your correct for about 30% of our population; they've drank the kool aid and conformed; distracted by bright, shiny things like crows. Then you have the people who are apathetic as long as they aren't impacted.

    Then, you have people like me who feel like Don Quixote tilting at windmills trying to change things.
    11 mins
    Jennifer Frances Armstrong even australians have comparatively little emotional development compared to africans, or more precisely what I was able to experience growing up. I think there is something about modernity that flattens people. But the way, I wondered why you were suggesting americans were attracted to crows, but now I got it
    ReplyJust now

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  9. I find that Americans, generally, are completely... - Jennifer Frances Armstrong

    I find that Americans, generally, are completely disgusting people. I just got a troll saying that I look more and more crazy by the day. This is a typical AMERICAN statement, since it fits in with their very ugly manner of retorting and their bizarre world view, which disallows self expression or creativity. I find them a people most vile.
    Jennifer Frances Armstrong They cannot understand dry humor, for instance, and take is as a form of craziness or personal attack on them. They have NO historical grasp, as a rule. They are crazed, infantile people, interfering in other lives and situations that they are not intelligent enough to grasp. And somehow this leads them to always throw around the epithet, "crazy":.

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