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    How do you think this will influence Zimbabwe? Do you believe that Zanu is likely to change at all?

    Are the problems facing Zimbabwe something that can be resolved at all? What do you believe that change is likely to entail?

    I ask as I'm no expert, but I'd love to know more about the present situation facing the country.

    I share your feelings regarding identity politics. They often get in the way of real problems that face people in their daily lives. I'm under the impression that identity politics is a form of bread and circuses used to make it look like politicians are achieving something, by tackling the easier to solve problems first. It takes the focus away from economics which is what I'd usually consider to be the most important issue, and generally the root cause of a significant number of problems.

    To me it's common sense to simply ignore what someone is in such arbitrary terms and to focus on the experiences that have made a person. I think it's silly to do otherwise. Doing so would lead to ridiculous generalisations that don't really hold up to any scrutiny and fail to account for any exceptions.
    Ah yes. I think Zimbabwe has undergone a kind of maturation process. At first there was the intoxication of identity politics, with the idea that continuing to blame the whites would automatically reap rewards and make things better. NOW, there is a more mature attitude, "We have met the enemy and he is us." Whereas the political situation itself is still a morass, the more mature attitude of Zimbabweans is promising.

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    Wow, Frances, I just watched Mugabe's speech live on BBC here in the UK. It seemed to me to be a masterclass in grandiose gaslighting and other techniques - here they are saying that there is great disappointment and anti-climax, and they are wishing he had gone in a dignified manner; why would they expect him to behave sanely?! Hope you are well :)
    It's a fact that America and the UK put him into power. This was largely due to anti-colonial guilt and other issues of indulging identity politicians. Then he used their identity politics against them, reinforcing their guilt, and acting however he wanted to. Have you seen his opulent palace? He is a master player and he outplayed the real colonial masters (America and Britain). He has no fear. I believe he was trained by Jesuits.
    It's really annoying how people keep doing this. I can sense it too when i say or do something that goes out of bounds from the category they already put me in.
    The eyes of the robots turn red and they begin scanning for defects.
    Yes, that is what happens...exactly. Robots scanning for defects. Especially when they are confronted with irrefutable evidence that they have done wrong.

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    I tend to find the radfem critique very useful in understanding sex and gender , both of which are in my estimation, erroneously taken to mean the same thing by society at large. This conflation is historically conservative but oddly is further bolstered by postmodern theory. I find all of it problematic. I tend to think that sex is overwhelmingly binary in that it merely describes physiological/biological observable distinctions whereas gender is really personality and behavioral traits that vary from individual to individual such that it's not particularly useful to try and construct a binary ( yet society loves to do that so they can have ready made categories in which to stick people ). I'd like to see the construct of gender replaced by a spectrum perspective for human behavior that is understood not to be concretely divisible, that is to say, no behavior or personality traits are seen as exclusive to one sex but rather belong to humanity as a whole and vary by individual, culture, age, etc. regardless of averages. Averages might just be imposed gender roles rather than anything one can prove as inevitable. I'm always suspicious of people who try to impose gender roles or those who cannot see beyond that construct. Even though your experience and character are unique, I can understand the frustration with the pressure to fit a certain role or expectation. Anyone who finds themselves somehow outside the averages people are accustomed to seeing in a particular culture, usually has to deal with a lot of BS.
    Well postmodernism says we find ourselves in a matrix or map structure of things, where we are forced to defend our corner even if we don't identify with it, because we are nonetheless identified with it.
    In my case, the situation is somewhat different and more extreme, because I have been marked as a LEGITIMATE element to attack, by many on the cultural left. (Their maps are wrong indeed!)
    Also, due to the back-to-front reasoning that is the norm in contemporary Western culture, victims are vilified to the extent that others have victimized them. To the superficial eye, it looks like they cannot manage their own lives or have "made bad choices".
    My circumstances have been so extreme that I have only once choice, which is to withdraw from the whole mess of Western culture and its horrible mistaken attitudes.
    "...the males of the american basements..."
    laughing so hard I'm crying
    Thank you so much.
    I've missed your videos. =)
    welcome back

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