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    With the benefit of hindsight, we can all agree that the ousting of white people from power was an unmitigated disaster for everyone in Zimbabwe and especially for black citizens. A gradual and phased approach to inclusion and an introduction of a system that would allow ALL of Zim´s citizen, regardless of colour to have equal rights but not making the white citizens a dis-empowered minority overnight should have been enacted.

    The problem with majority rule in a country like Rhodesia was that the countries success was owed to the white minority. I realise to some this may seem controversial but it is a simple fact. Rhodesia had the best education, healthcare, police and military in all of Africa and was a 1st world nation. The people that built it were white.

    It was a ridiculous fantasy to think that dismissing the white people that built the country from government overnight and putting a bunch of communists in power would go well.

    I believe that if Rhodesia had not been forced to hand over power to majority rule then the natural course would have been to follow a methodology similar to what I just described and by now, black and white would be sharing equal rights in a nice, prosperous country and by the envy of Africa instead of the dreadful, nasty hell hole that Mugabe transformed it into.

    It´s a very sad story and the US and UK are as much to blame for this as the afore mentioned dictator himself.

    I hope that now he is gone that the new leadership can at least stablise the economy

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