1. Comments - YouTube

    \Jennifer Armstrong 2 seconds ago

    I doubt my father would find you interesting in you or woul dapprove of you. His values and ideals were totally different. As for you, you are a modern type who has the fortitude to listen to one video, display your complete incomprehension and belittlement of the information you did receive, and make make fatuous pseudo-moral comments. You are the one who has a great deal to learn from Rhodesia, but unfortunately you are a modern type who has already been broken from within. All you have is your massive ego, which crowds out your perspective and makes you completely incapable of understanding anything else. And then you have the gaul to appeal to the name of Rhodesia as if it had anything to do with you. Your type disgusts me, and disgusts my father and everything that is decent. Go away.

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  2. Melanie Phillips - Anti-Semitism, the Left, and a World Turned Upside Down - YouTube

    The thing is, though, with a right wing attack and the left, using the rhetoric of "reason", even though there is some truth to it, it is very one sided, and perpetuates the whole Western dynamic of deep subjectivism. In other words, it is not so reasonable (meaning independently logical and susceptible to rational scrutiniization, at all. People are still taking sides, rather, and cheering for their own team. "Reason" still has not made its appearance here.
    Working my way through the video, I do very much like what she says at 17 minutes about "crossing a line". That is exactly what has happened to me, time and again. "I didn't know why, but I KNEW."
    AT 30 MINUTES--Character assassination and professional and social exclusion--that it precisely what I have experienced. and as, she said, it is impossible to have an argument due to labeling

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  3. Comments - YouTube

    Frances Armstrong Indeed. Thank you. I will check the other video you mentioned. Thank you for your thoughts ... I certainly did not make a connection between empathy (perhaps ... as you were mentioning “seeing” — so to speak — from an other’s perspective) and sacrifice. And modernity. Yes. Even empathy seems a challenge ... but sometimes I ponder the notion that if I could just sustain a state of “not-understanding” I would appreciate more ... as coming to know something has a kind of deaden-ing effect ... sacrifice? Hmmm ...
    You have to remember that Bataille was Hegelian, so both his "understanding" and his "not understanding" are in dialectical relationship with each other. The deadening effect of "understanding" at his particular juncture in history -- high modernity -- had to be overcome by its dialectical opposite. But nowadays it is all to easy to rest in a mode of incomprehension, which means that the other side of the equation -- understanding -- is now called for, and is actually transgressive.

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  4. Comments - YouTube

    Frances Armstrong — I have been reading a new book — about Kutiyattam — a performance form I have been practicing in Kerala ... I have latched on to this notion of “sacrifice” because I am nursing this concept that to perform on stage is to sacrifice yourself ... and hence ... a part of me always “dies” when I perform. This book referred to performance as “visual sacrifice” ... I thought this was an interesting slant on “sacrifice” ... do you have any thoughts on “practice’” of “sacrifice” and/as “performance”? I am also beginning a study/practice of Theyyam — I witnessed many animals sacrificed — including a goat! — within performance/worship/possession ... these facets all seem to chime with Bataille ... in a way ... I don’t know what to make of it all ... but perhaps you might have some thoughts? Thanks for considering!
    That is interesting about your performance art.
    Well, I think the concept of sacrifice makes sense of a lot of things that happen in life. I wonder how anyone can make sense of life's fabric without invoking the concept. Perhaps modernity is a style of living that tries to bypass as well as circumvent (and narrow to the point of denial) this element of sacrifice. It is very strange. For instance in another video I speak about how it is that I naturally try to see the elements of truth (or possibility of truth) in another person's hypothesis about me. This attempt to see the other's perspective, to put oneself on the same wavelength and to try to feel what they are saying is a form of agreeableness that somehow extends into a modality of self-sacrifice (which is especially sharp when the other person does not reciprocate). This is what I tried to describe in the video. But let me tell you how it is reduced and re-framed in modernity. It is viewed as "a tendency to imitate others", which is also depicted as generally human for all that.
    With this in mind, I consider that traditional societies had a place and some wisdom regarding the role of sacrifice, but the modern person simply cannot even begin to understand it.

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