The fact of the matter is that narcissism is not created by parents; narcissists are members of lower demonic spirits, in human form.
I was raised by my parents to be a narcissist, and I didn’t wind up this way.
The human species is filled with predators; there are sub-spirits within the collective species who operate as intra-species predators, who feed off other people’s energies. They are pieces of demonic carnivorous spirits who allow others to be birthed, raised in youth, to toil in innocence, and then devoured by force or by naivety.
- These demonic spirits live by extracting the life force out of other people’s spirit.
- It is a human choice to choose to serve demonic activity, or to devoutlydevote one’s self every minute to the Holy Spirit, instead of the terrestrial causes (which feed on humans).
- There is no pathological environmental influence that causes a hyena to eat an innocent deer.
At some point you are going to have to hold the government accountable for paying us back money on our therapy sessions, because they are stealing from us by acting as high priests of wisdom & healing (when most are not). At some pointyou are going to have to demand holistic justice, then revolt for the money they have robbed each and every last one of us out of, by purposefully upholding injustice & favoring predation for state of a manufactured & maintained chaos.
- Mediators (like the government) exist solely as long as we want them; they favor & pity a paradigm of covert predators with naive prey, so that we can keep begging them for help.
- The evil international governments are profiting off of chaos; they worship Saturn, the God/Angel of Death.
The courts purposefully cut criminals a break all the time, and they’re extremelyunmerciful toward the innocent. They are massively re-inventing narratives to excuse what they are doing. They must hide the fifth dimension from us, and make us feel like third dimensional simpletons in need of their help, to sustain their widespread control.
- They profit off our ignorance and therefore allegiance; they excuse their evil with a false narrative.
The government prosecutes the righteous:
“You should know better!” — the devil worshippers tell the innocent
And I don’t believe in any of it; I don’t worship the bullshit teaching that “God disciplines those he loves & excuses the wicked”. I do not ignorantly consume the decision to believe that victimizers are victims of a personality disorder, when they are fully capable of adding 2+2=4, and they go to great lengths to both deceive & coverup their lies.
They know what they are doing.
I don’t give evil people a get out of jail free card, while those who put the effort in to be righteous on a daily basis get punished without mercy, because, “theyshould know better while evil people get to rob them because they don’t know any better.”
Evil people always bend the rules to cheat in covert ways, or they abuse power in order to get away with it; they aren’t victims of a personality disorder. They cheat, rob, steal, manipulate, and twist the social narratives of self-worth while obfuscating right & wrong in a highly calculated mannerism.
Whenever, and if ever, you criticize or judge them, they will scream at you, obfuscate what they are doing, or ignore you altogether it; they know what they are doing, because they know damn well how to escape any fucking consequence.
- They know judgment & discipline when they see it, and they rebelagainst it immediately for their own selfish advantage.
- This is not an unconscious action or the result of childhood victimization.
- It is the choice of a cheater who is selfish & greedy at our expense.
I don’t prescribe to it, because I am not fucking stupid; I know damn well that humans cut the throats open of other perfectly most innocent animals on a daily basis for a meal.
I know full well that the reason righteous people are disciplined without mercy, scapegoated, and never given justice—is to empower the predators, and to empower the predators alone. We are being used for our life force.
There is no version of an “All Loving Powerful God” who supposedly sits around punishing those who do good while making any excuse for those who do evil, especially on a daily basis. And if this is who you worship & believe in, then expect to be ostracized & know that both myself and others are coming for you.
These are narratives were written by ancient, evil dictators, and thenenforced over & over by hierarchical governments creating carnivorous organizations for it is own leisure.
These carnivorous societies, corporations, and organizations refuse to speak the truth of their hunger loudly unless they are boasting for applause. They hide like snakes in the grass, because a meal is better conjured when it doesn’t know it is a meal.
You can see this spiritual cannibalism all over the government with upside down stars all over the streets of aerial views of Washington DC, George Washington carved in the tarot deck’s magician wizard pose with a sword, and the Pentagon being the inside cutout of an upside down star; the hexagon is all over their logos & “royal symbols”, which is the same hexagon you see from NASA photos at the pole of the planet Saturn (Satanos/Satan).
The government knows that the species is divided by “goats vs. sheep”, and that the darkness is preying off the light to disgustingly & craftily siphon the energy of the hardworking pedestrian with good intentions. They are working diligently day & night to dump the consequences of their own evil onto the victims, while demanding pity & mercy in the process (two things they will be denied, in this judge’s court).
The victims are purposefully held to a higher standard, punished, denied mercy, cannibalized for the benefits of their love & passions, and then called “over-privileged” & “people of easy living with easy ass lives who need trouble & mischief, who need to work harder and pay their bills then shut up & devote themselves to somebody else’s army.”
Meanwhile criminals walk the streets in broad daylight, fornicating, seducing, raping, and vampirizing anyone’s energy for their own benefit. Rather than being called pieces of shit & burned at the stake, they’re glorified & pitied while the innocent are thrown to them like lambs.
The international shadow governments operating the nations are the headquarters of manufactured chaos; they thrive off of removing spirituality from the equation, and using politically divided methods to divide & conquer.
The truth of the fourth (time) & fifth dimension (relationships) are being purposefully hidden from us in order to make the people easy prey for the fifth dimensional cults by enforcing ignorance.
“There is no threat! No demons! The government is your most trusted advisor! Just go with the protocol, shut up, don’t think, don’t question, work hard for us, pay taxes, and consume! There are no demons, just personality disorders! Spirituality isn’t real. There are no fourth or fifth dimensional predators! Just sick people! Don’t question it or you’re a bigot!”
Don’t you believe any of it, and demand justice—every cent.
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