1. Jennifer Armstrong's answer to Is sexism causing poverty in women even with education? - Quora

    Oh, yes, definitely. But it has to do with being treated with sexist stereotypes rather than being believed. If your experiences deviate too far from the standard and the norm, you will be outside the range of normal experience, and people will take advantage of this to apply very facile and negative stereotypes.

    Consequently, even if you have communication skills as highly developed as mine are (in fact it would be hard to imagine more highly honed or better communication skills, with a PhD in English and communication studies, and a job as a “communicator” in English as a Second Language) — you still CAN and indeed absolutely WILL be treated like a silly and vapid air head if you report experiences that others cannot easily understand.



    LOL. You really have to treat patriarchy as a mental sickness and softening of the brain. Dumb it down for them.


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  3. (1) Jennifer Armstrong's answer to How does one become a Nietzschean Ubermensch? What are the characteristics of an Ubermensh? - Quora


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  4. (1) Jennifer Armstrong's answer to Is overreacting over little things is a symptom of being sensitive? - Quora

    First, define what is a “little thing”.

    Next, you need to take on the much bigger philosophical task of defining what it means to “be sensitive”.

    Consider beasts in the wild. A springbok looks up suddenly with a startle response. The grass ahead seems to be moving. Is there something lurking in it, or is it just the wind blowing from another direction suddenly? The animal freezes and waits for confirmation of the need to run for its life. Alertness to a little change in the environment can be the difference between life and death.

    Of consider a bunch of galumphing soldiers, marching as it were to war. They stop by a small stream and they smell something. There is faint hint of toothpaste in the air and another faint hint of detergent. It is a sign that the enemy has recently been camping here. The soldiers congress to decide what next steps should be taken.

    Adaptation to different realities requires different levels of fine-tuning awareness to the environment. In other words, a higher level of what we might call “sensitivity” is required to assure survival of the fittest.

    Under-reaction or over-reaction are features of a much more abstract analysis that can only take place AFTER events in reality have played themselves out.


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  5. From a modern perspective, a serious defect of Nietzsche’s philosophy is its rejection of universal morality. Moderns tend to think of moral obligations as binding on all human beings, simply in virtue of their being human. The moral equality of individuals is a non-negotiable demand, for most moderns. Nietzsche emphatically rejects this idea. For Nietzsche there’s no such thing as morality as commonly understood, and human beings are unequal by nature.

    A related flaw, from a modern perspective, is Nietzsche’s rejection of modernity’s self-image and its belief in its own value. Moderns see themselves as having broken with the pre-modern world to establish a culture dedicated to the freedom, independence, autonomy, and self-determination of rational individuals. In Nietzsche’s view they did nothing of the sort. The modern world produces individuals who are weak, timid, dependent, conformist, and lacking in depth or aspiration. Their deepest desires are for security and comfort. Moreover, there’s nothing genuinely new about modernity: it’s merely the latest phase of the “ascetic ideal” put in place by Christianity.

    Finally, even if moderns were to acknowledge that there’s something to Nietzsche’s criticisms of modernity, they’d be unlikely to welcome his proposed remedy. For moderns, a problem such as conformity, for example, should be treated by finding ways to enable individuals to become more self-confident and independent. For Nietzsche, the problem with the modern world is not that it fails to live up to its ideals, it’s that the ideals themselves are corrosive of human greatness.

    There are a great many other aspects of Nietzsche’s thought that are wrong from a modern perspective, but these, I think, would be on almost anyone’s list of the most important.

    Below, Jay Samit, The Triumph of Conformity, 2020.


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