1. (1) Jennifer Armstrong's answer to Why does everything having to do with politics seem dramatically different today? It seems that everyday norms of the past don't exist. In your opinion, is this right or wrong? - Quora

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    We are seeing the beginning of an interesting development, which also follows by accident, I think, the script made by Nietzsche for the political and cultural development of a future society.

    What is happening is that society is naturally, and organically dividing itself into two types of human. It is almost going to be like “two types of species”, as Nietzsche suggests.

    The two types will have two entirely different orientations to reality.

    One large part — the lower structure — will view reality as being morally defined and experienced. The smaller part of humanity will view reality as having a fundamental political meaning and reference point.

    In a way, I think we are already evolving two different languages (with different symbolic meanings) as we break away from each other irrevocably.

    Those who view the world in primary moral terms will increasingly become concerned with perfecting their souls, with monitoring and policing others to make them abide by their morality, and also with ideas of an afterlife or at least peace on this Earth.

    By contradistinction, those who view themselves and others in a manner that involves an understanding of power relations will adapt more and more to their role as leaders and masters of this Earth. Their evolving use of language will enable them to speak to others who think in the same way. But the barrier in communication between the two groups in society will become too strong for it to be breached, even with the best of intent.

    Think about it. Without the intensification and spread of social media, the masses could not have achieved this severance from their masters or cultural influencers all by themselves. But the cost will be heavy. They are already reverting to traditional religious values and stamping out higher culture. Those who see this happening should allow the process to continue to take place until it has been fully completed.


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  2. Quora

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    One day I should write a book about how Nietzsche didn’t favor militancy, but rather considered the impact for culture of introducing a military flavor into it. People misunderstand how intensely focused on culture he was. We are going to understand more about this, in due course, as our age roughly approximates what was happening in Nietzsche’s own time, with its mob rule in the sphere of culture and intellectual pietism.


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  3. Jennifer Armstrong's answer to Are some people with BPD (EUPD) able to be very stoic, even around an intense trigger? Are they good at compartmentalizing? - Quora

    Very insightful view on this. Thinking of it as a set of traits within the person's overall personality is really useful. That way, you don't think of it as some sort of separate entity (the “disorder") which can lead you to dehumanising the person, rather than looking at them as someone with those traits.

    I think traits can be changed through intentional action on part of that person.

    There's hope, in my opinion, that developing Stoic qualities within the person with BPD traits is possible.

    There are other issues to consider. I probably should write a book on it, but I won’t. One point is that stoical traits are developed in a hierarchical society, whereas modernity flattens social relations, leading to the disappearance of the capacity to exercise self-limitation and restraint. And due to the lack of proper restraining structure, the personality of modern types of people is likely to lean toward the borderline, or narcissistic style. Too much being stuck with just one’s self, or higher degrees of self-indulgence (with the focus once again on “the self”) leads to this outcome. How will someone who has never learned that the self has proper limitations ever develop the stoicism and reserve that is proper to good social function? To be stoical one has to have learned how it it proper to put others ahead of oneself at times. But this hasn’t been taught usually. The teaching and training that should properly belong to the realm of ethics is denied, and instead everything is focused on psychopathology.


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  4. (1) Jennifer Armstrong's answer to What truth do you believe that society isn’t ready for? - Quora

    : ) The “ jarring painful truth" is an understatement - what we will be afterward will look at the greasy spot on the pavement and know that everything that we were — (are now) was very changeable. :. )

    I do have great hope though — this will not be in vain — the truth which we will learn in this collision with it will be well worth the price. This is not the first time which a civilization has become ripe to rottenness and though it becomes repugnant, there is something new and beautiful which begins to grow from it — so do not dwell on the travail, but on the promise of a newborn child to fill the heart with joy.

    Whilst I agree with you in essence (especially about the ripe to rottenness statement), I don’t think exactly that what is going to occur is a rebirth any general sense. Rather, I think society will go in two directions, as it has begun to do already. What we have now is that the majority of people are unable to process any meaning about reality except by resorting to an extreme literalistic mindset. It seems that reality has become so frightening for the majority that denying metaphor, denying fantasy, and indeed denying the Arts, has begun to seem the only way forward. These people (the majority) have begun to stifle their own growth, but is is for the sake of saving their sanity. They have to deny creativity in order to have their feet firmly sunk into morality.

    As for those few that really are “the strong” (and you have to be strong in order to survive the current Zeitgeist of narrow mindedness and the extreme emotional shallowness), they will be more thoroughly and completely artists, and intellectuals, and indeed renewed and expanded souls.

    But really it is a matter of going one way or another. And it is not even a matter of choice.


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  5. (2) Jennifer Armstrong's answer to Did Nietzsche fail at realizing (his mentor) Schopenhauer's concept of genius (as explicated in 'Genius and virtue')? - Quora

    To understand what I am pointing to requires a slow conversation regarding the two domains which scaffold existence - mentality and physicality. The mental aspect involves private inner experience and so difficult to convey with language. The material aspect however has been revealed but is so unintuitive that the overwhelming majority of people simply ignore it. We are too busy trying to figure out which new flavor of potato chip to try when our favorite show comes on. Top down as matter is reduced it ultimately vanishes and is described as excitations of field energy. So what actually is one’s self? There is certainly a real world, with real people (selves) doing real things but ultimately all material things are temporary. With quiet introspection (and a lot of practice) one can get a sense of an unchanging center at the core of one’s being which is pure intellect.

    See the reason I don’t trust you on this is that you express strong skepticism toward the reality of “the self”, but inconsistently you come up with an expression like “history shows…” This shows me you are not truly speaking from a skeptical position, or from a pure philosophical position in any case, but from an ideologically indoctrinated one. I don’t deny that some of your points make sense, but when you stop the movement of your thoughts by embracing some kind of certainty (such as the sense of an unchanging core of one’s being which is pure intellect), you are, I am sorry to say, being inconsistent.


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  6. Jennifer Armstrong's answer to What would Hegel likely think about Georges Bataille's philosophy? - Quora

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    He wouldn’t like it too much. Because Hegel was trying to use historical events to show a progressive movement toward reason and rationality in the human universe, but Bataille, like Marx, considers that Hegel has built his paradigm precisely upside down. This has particular ramifications in the psychological sense.

    For Bataille conformity to reason binds us in identities that make us lose subjective emotional life and autonomy. This is because in the process of gaining mastery over something, we are in fact mastered by it. Putting it differently, self-discipline, which should lead to self-mastery, becomes ingrained, to the point that one cannot act differently. Therefore the only route to freedom is not “upwards” toward greater self-mastery, but downwards, toward the immediacy of experience, known as “immanence”.

    I doubt that Hegel would have made much sense of this, not only because of his intellectual Christianity, which is expressed as a philosophical idealism, but because Hegel was also from another century.

    Bataille, like other 20th Century philosophers, for instance the Frankfurt School, noticed that life had become more an more mechanized, in a way that allowed less expression for individual personality or free choices. To conform to the social and economic systems that exist would mean to become impersonal. While Hegel saw that submission to existing systems was rational and necessary, even though it involved sacrifice, Bataille saw that the sacrifice made only produced an impersonal “excess” of value for the system. It did not enoble a person to submit, but rather made them part of something that was inherently profane — the economic system of production.

    For Bataille, the residual sense of what he called the “sacred” was in not having to submit to the economic system, for example on weekends or holidays. During these times, a psychological ritual of destruction is enacted, which involves a symbolic destruction of some of the accumulated “excess” of the production mills. By contrast, for Hegel one did one’s sacred duty by playing one’s role in the system, and not by destroying (“consuming”) what the system produced in its excess.

    Moreover Bataille was a philosophical materialist, although not of the normal sort. He thought that material existence had more to it than something simply mechanical or deterministic. To the contrary, material existence could be volatile and very interesting. (This is where Bataille descends into esoteric doctrines, such as ‘base materialism’.)

    Hegel would not have made very much sense of Bataille’s solution to power relations in the 20th Century world.


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  7. (1) Frederick Dolan's answer to Did Nietzsche think that slavery should be allowed? - Quora

    That is a good point. Given that the notes for Will to Power were unpublished when he died, we do not know this, although I do recall some quote from him that he said he expected a lot of upheavals to take place in the future based on his philosophy. IN Will to Power, he seems to be rotating the image of the human universe in his mind, to see whether there is any particular way through, to bring about a two-tiered society. He asks questions about what sort of intervention might be even possible to enable it, and also how likely it would be to come about, based on the existing historical and current social evidence.

    At times, he seems to go further, to suggest some actual interventions, or even typical dynamics, that could bring about this outcome.

    I think the broad structure of his political theory is based less on some kind of conspiratorial agenda, and more on human psychology as Nietzsche understands it. Put simply, he holds that there are specific dynamics that take humanity in two opposite directions. The one that is related to “freedom and equality” leads to a softening and diminishment of man. This leads to a type of human capable of servitude only. the other direction is the consequence of extreme self-discipline and breeding. This produces a type of human capable of ruling. In the second case, the motif that Nietzsche has recourse to is that of military training (as a metaphor and as reality).

    Nietzsche thinks that the forces of modernity (which lead to the leveling of humanity) may also end up pushing things into opposite extremes. It is a very desirable political agenda should this happen. But how to make it happen? —that is his question.


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  8. Did Nietzsche think that slavery should be allowed? - Quora

    I have just read this post, and I think that Nietzsche does have an idea of how the new system is to be established. It is not merely hypothetical. In fact, in WILL TO POWER he presents the idea of a two layered society. In one, which is occupied by the majority, there will be as you, Dolan, say above, a lack of will to contend, a pacifism, and reconciliation with smallness. This, in itself, is a recipe for slavery, since without sword and shield, one is a slave. On the other side, in distinction from this, are those who want to attack and defend, and who find their meaning in doing so. The idea is that those who think like this — in a more masterly manner — should be themselves attacked as much as possible by others so that they can prove their mettle. If they an outlast all of the attacks, they will know, from bitter personal experience exactly WHERE they fit in the order of rank, and will willingly take their place in their appropriate role.


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