We are seeing the beginning of an interesting development, which also follows by accident, I think, the script made by Nietzsche for the political and cultural development of a future society.
What is happening is that society is naturally, and organically dividing itself into two types of human. It is almost going to be like “two types of species”, as Nietzsche suggests.
The two types will have two entirely different orientations to reality.
One large part — the lower structure — will view reality as being morally defined and experienced. The smaller part of humanity will view reality as having a fundamental political meaning and reference point.
In a way, I think we are already evolving two different languages (with different symbolic meanings) as we break away from each other irrevocably.
Those who view the world in primary moral terms will increasingly become concerned with perfecting their souls, with monitoring and policing others to make them abide by their morality, and also with ideas of an afterlife or at least peace on this Earth.
By contradistinction, those who view themselves and others in a manner that involves an understanding of power relations will adapt more and more to their role as leaders and masters of this Earth. Their evolving use of language will enable them to speak to others who think in the same way. But the barrier in communication between the two groups in society will become too strong for it to be breached, even with the best of intent.
Think about it. Without the intensification and spread of social media, the masses could not have achieved this severance from their masters or cultural influencers all by themselves. But the cost will be heavy. They are already reverting to traditional religious values and stamping out higher culture. Those who see this happening should allow the process to continue to take place until it has been fully completed.
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