This question is not so well-informed. And, I am actually now inclined to think that Lacan was much closer to the mark in terms of engaging with the reality of psychological conditions, compared to anybody nowadays.
What Lacan knew, but which we now don’t want to accept, is that the process of “civilization” itself exerts a psychological cost on everyone. This is why Lacan divided the responses we could have into roughly three categories, “neurotic, psychotic and perverted”. Now, whilst I don’t agree with those categories or the lack of hesitation with which Lacan applied them, I do understand what he was really getting at— which is that “civilization” is a pressure system, and as such it requires individuals to may psychological compromises with it.
Now, if you don’t think you have had to make any psychological compromises, particularly those that are unconscious, i.e. that you were unaware of making, then you probably are not all that self-aware. Either that, or you are totally self-indulgent and oblivious to social norms and to other people. But other than this you probably have, let us way, 15 percent, 30 percent, 45 percent, at least of a “personality disorder”.
Moreover, to the extent that you have a “personality disorder” — which is always relative — you will be much more weaponized for survival than the average sheep. Psychological adjustments of this sort put a premium on physical survival over and above other niceties, like feeling relaxed and safe in your own skin.
So, back to the original question, and what does a person who lacks any features of a personality disorder live like? My bet is that we do not yet know. There are always dangers facing humanity, and indeed, as mentioned, civilization as such is an arbitrary and universal mechanism that has it in for individual humans, whom it seeks to push into conformity, rather than “understanding” them.
It may be possible that there are those whose desires and instincts are so well matched to civilization that they live as harmless sheep. But we absolutely do not know this for sure.
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