NO— because as I have so belatedly and lamely discovered, psychology itself (and psychologizing!) is an expression of slave morality.
Alas, psychology has several features of slave morality.
- covert moralizing about the behavior that is perceived to depart from convention and moral conformity
- the idea that the meek really will inherit the Earth, because they are deemed to be the most “truthful”. Meanwhile the strong are depicted a liars and full of self-deception or delusions.
- Self-congratulation on the part of the meek, for admitting they are weak
- the idea that there is a universal system of meaning that explains ALL, but that only those who come over onto the side of psychology are privy to it.
- The illusion that once one embraces this path of meekness and mildness, one’s future and success as well as “peace on Earth” are assured.
- Concealed aggression as to those who want to live their lives on different terms — and the slurring of their views and experiences, with words connoting moral condemnation. For example, the desire to experience life as an adventure is demeaned as “risk-taking behavior”. The desire to see the funny side of things is slurred as “psychological evasion”. The desire to be generous to others is demeaned as “poor self esteem”. The desire to put oneself in another’s shoes is derided as “projection” or as “envy”. The desire to work in cooperation with others and to boost each other up mutually is deemed “a lack of self-identity”.
—And so, in all these ways and manners, the realm of psychology exercises a malignant force on those who have the capacity to do better, to be more resilient than others, and to see life in an ironic and bitter-sweet light.
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