Different domains. As long as the control of the domain is not interfered with, both can win at their own games.

As an ENTP, I tend to take into consideration external patterns, and the feelings people have about embracing these external patterns. Then I think about them and form connections between different conceptual structures, or what we might call “paradigms”. This really isn't a form of magic, although it might be taken to be as much by those who can't see how I got there. What I'm really doing is making a mental map of outlying terrain. This helps me to understand systems, how they function, and where their functional flaws are.

I love it. But Twain was in a sense too optimistic as travel is not always the answer. Or rather nothing beats being a local yokel and experiencing things from the ground. For instance a traveling diplomat may well be insulated from experiencing the worst a country has to offer, not just in terms of his own mind —his bubble of expectations — but what others design to show him.

So, a major shift that has happened in the past decade or so is that there has been movement away from troubling oneself with complexity. At the forefront of this movement is Jordan Peterson, who sees the problem from a psychological viewpoint, but not from a philosophical one.

The situation itself is very interesting to me. Complexity, as a philosophical facet of meaning, has been foisted on the public, some might argue.


Mikael Fant

· 8h

Oh, that’s what really gets you in the end, all that intelligent, or rather cunning, misunderstanding being practised bloody everywhere, at every level. The stupidity is bad enough, but this at least straightforward most of the time.

What part of being a psychologist harmed your personal mind?

Jennifer Armstrong

studied object relations psychology extensively3m

Well I’m not a psychologist. But what confused and bewitched me for the longest time, and harmed my IMpersonal mind was not realizing that psychology, in this day and age, is a language of sensitivity.

Jennifer Armstrong - Quora

out of fashion again?

Well postmodernism was an attempt to deal with the irrational nature of existence, particularly the sense that there were now too many moral principles, counter-weaving and contradicting one another. Postmodernism was, in a sense, glib, but in the face of a real seriousness and sense of being overwhelmed as to how to make sense of power structures, and their conflicting demands, in a manner that embraced a transcendental morality.

(6) Jennifer Armstrong's answer to What are your thoughts on Jordan Peterson's chances of winning the Nobel Prize? - Quora

What are your thoughts on Jordan Peterson's chances of winning the Nobel Prize?

Jennifer Armstrong

Painter, Sculpt, PhD African lit, author, performance artistJust now

Well he has striven to come up with a middle-class ideology to save the intellectual middle classes — those who are not too bright to be real intellectuals, but who are better off having a firm moral syste

Jennifer Armstrong's answer to What did Nietzsche think about meta-languages? - Quora

What did Nietzsche think about meta-languages?

Jennifer Armstrong

studied Nietzsche since 1996Just now

Nietzsche was very interested in how language works. One of his critiques is that language gives us an unexamined metaphysics.
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