Different domains. As long as the control of the domain is not interfered with, both can win at their own games.

As an ENTP, I tend to take into consideration external patterns, and the feelings people have about embracing these external patterns.

I love it. But Twain was in a sense too optimistic as travel is not always the answer. Or rather nothing beats being a local yokel and experiencing things from the ground.

So, a major shift that has happened in the past decade or so is that there has been movement away from troubling oneself with complexity. At the forefront of this movement is Jordan Peterson, who sees the problem from a psychological viewpoint, but not from a philosophical one.



Mikael Fant

· 8h

Oh, that’s what really gets you in the end, all that intelligent, or rather cunning, misunderstanding being practised bloody everywhere, at every level. The stupidity is bad enough, but this at least straightforward most of the time.

What part of being a psychologist harmed your personal mind?

Jennifer Armstrong

studied object relations psychology extensively3m

Well I’m not a psychologist.

Jennifer Armstrong - Quora

out of fashion again?

Well postmodernism was an attempt to deal with the irrational nature of existence, particularly the sense that there were now too many moral principles, counter-weaving and contradicting one another.

(6) Jennifer Armstrong's answer to What are your thoughts on Jordan Peterson's chances of winning the Nobel Prize? - Quora

What are your thoughts on Jordan Peterson's chances of winning the Nobel Prize?

Jennifer Armstrong

Painter, Sculpt, PhD African lit, author, performance artistJust now


Jennifer Armstrong's answer to What did Nietzsche think about meta-languages? - Quora

What did Nietzsche think about meta-languages?

Jennifer Armstrong

studied Nietzsche since 1996Just now

Nietzsche was very interested in how language works.

(1) What are some ways people deal with ugly truths? - Quora








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Jennifer Armstrong

Painter, Sculpt, PhD African lit, author, performance artistJust now

This is a wonderful elucidation of the new ideology, "I am just my

How does Nietzsche's idea of the will to power differ from that of Freud?

Jennifer Armstrong

studied Nietzsche since 1996Just now

It’s actually very different indeed.

Jennifer Armstrong's answer to Is the internet having a good or a bad impact on our lives? - Quora

Has the Internet had a net positive or negative effect on society?

Jennifer Armstrong

Studied sociology and philosophy12m

It probably is neither.

(1) Jennifer Armstrong's answer to What is Nietzsche's critique of morality? - Quora

Elvis Kirincic

· 10m

From everything you've stated, it seems that he didn't even have the kind of potential that history gives him, and honestly, his end isn't even surprising.

(1) Jennifer Armstrong's answer to How do you deal with an audience who is not responsive to your performance? - Quora

How do you deal with an audience who is not responsive to your performance?

Jennifer Armstrong

Painter, Sculpt, PhD African lit, author, performance artistJust now

The majority

Do you think Friedrich Nietzsche's idea of the "Übermensch" is a positive or negative vision for humanity?

Jennifer Armstrong

studied Nietzsche since 1996Just now

I think it is intended as a compensatory vision for humanity.

(2) Jennifer Armstrong's answer to Do you believe that Friedrich Nietzsche's writings on nihilism are still relevant today? - Quora








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(3) Jennifer Armstrong's answer to 'To think, it is often better not to understand, for one can gallop along, understanding for miles and miles, without the slightest thought being produced.' What does Lacan means by this? - Quora

"To think, it is often better not to understand, for one can gallop

(3) Jennifer Armstrong's answer to 'To think, it is often better not to understand, for one can gallop along, understanding for miles and miles, without the slightest thought being produced.' What does Lacan means by this? - Quora

"To think, it is often better not to understand, for one can gallop

(4) Jennifer Armstrong's answer to What is the definition of the term 'will to power' as used by philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche? What are some examples of it? - Quora

What is the definition of the term 'will to power' as used by philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche? What are some examples of it?


(4) Jennifer Armstrong's answer to What is the definition of the term 'will to power' as used by philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche? What are some examples of it? - Quora

What is the definition of the term 'will to power' as used by philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche? What are some examples of it?


Jennifer Armstrong's answer to What is the most subtle philosophical concept you know? - Quora

Jennifer Armstrong

· Just now

So you really want to lean into my brain and borrow from my knowledge? Let’s hope you are grateful for it then, because too many things are a waste of time.

Jennifer Armstrong's answer to What is the most subtle philosophical concept you know? - Quora

Jennifer Armstrong

· Just now

So you really want to lean into my brain and borrow from my knowledge? Let’s hope you are grateful for it then, because too many things are a waste of time.

Jennifer Armstrong's answer to What is the definition of 'privilege'? Why do some people say they are not privileged or that they have no privileges, when in reality they may have many? What makes someone truly unprivileged or underprivileged in life? - Quora

What is the definition of "privilege"?

(1) Jennifer Armstrong's answer to Did Jordan Peterson get his ideas from Nietzsche and Jung? - Quora

Harry Quinlan

· 6h

If Nietzsche thought “culture was everything” then unfortunately he is provably wrong.

October 31st, 2022

What is your unedited opinion about Oprah Winfrey?

Jennifer Armstrong

Painter, Sculpt, PhD African lit, author, performance artist0y

So there is a statistical and social middle band of people, that is actually very large indeed, since they occupy the place of the satirical norm in terms of the po

Jennifer Armstrong's answer to What is the DSM V and why is it important to know about it? What will happen if we do not follow it? - Quora

What is the DSM V and why is it important to know about it? What will happen if we do not follow it?

Jennifer Armstrong

Painter, Sculpt, PhD African lit, aut

(1) Jennifer Armstrong's answer to What does the will direct itself towards? Is it just power as Nietzsche says? How is power understood in this context? - Quora

What does the will direct itself towards? Is it just power as Nietzsche says? How is power understood in this context?

Jennifer Armstron

Jennifer Armstrong's answer to Can one go to therapy to learn more about themselves, even if they are not concerned about their behavior? - Quora

Can one go to therapy to learn more about themselves, even if they are not concerned about their behavior?

Jennifer Armstrong

studied object relations

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· 9m

An interesting post, Jennifer.

Why did Nietzsche hate Socrates? What did Socrates do to deserve this treatment by Nietzsche (if anything)?

Jennifer Armstrong

studied Nietzsche since 19960y

Nietzsche was, above all things, a psychologist.

(1) Jennifer Armstrong's answer to “A real piece of art is a window into the transcendent, and unless you can make a connection to the transcendent, then you don't have the strength to prevail” - Jordan Peterson.

Jennifer Armstrong's answer to With the words 'objective' & 'subjective', what’s a fool-proof way, or trick, to remember which is which, without having to look it up every time? Try as I might, I confuse the two.

(1) Jennifer Armstrong's answer to What is the difference between the 'overman' and the 'Last Man' in Nietzsche's thought? - Quora

Musa Muhammed

· 23m

The overman would be better off creating his own society or cult than trying to influence an existing one same with the last man.

(1) Jennifer Armstrong's answer to If you do not like Jordan Peterson, who do you recommend we listen to instead? - Quora

Sean O'Donovan

· 6h

Why should one listen to anyone? That would be to imply that one is unable to cope with modern life and that some self-appointed “expert” can.

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